Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More on that OFFMEN sound track mentioned earlier

Music was one of those things that unified the OFFMEN however it was rarely used as a selling point. In retrospect I recall that when discussing the different aspects of our group philosophy to others much of the conversation usually centered on topics such as friendship, brother hood, and occasionally that socially capricious one called male bonding. Ironically music, even though not on our sales menu; was quite possibly the single most unifying force amongst us. Again it might be my own clouded memory but as I recall none of us were in to the usual male pastimes such as; Cars, Sports, Cruising for fights, Heavy Metal Music, or just acting Macho and Stupid. We were simply very much into music, and for us that meant bands like then ones mentioned in Eric’s post earlier this week. Many of us found friendship in the teen dance clubs that sprinkled the Chicago land area, and thus was the basis of our musical interest. As luck would have it we lived in the Mecca for industrial dance. Chicago area bands like Ministry and the Thrill Kill Cult were cranking out a very edgy alternative to the usual disco fare, and we just ate it up. We were by some standards Music snobs…. It was great!

1 comment:

Scott said...

You know, thats a great point: we were music snobs in a way and I still am. I am very picky about my music. If it doesnt speak to me on some level, I wont have it. I dont care if it sounds good or feels ok, if it doesnt talk to me, Im out the door, so to speak.

The more I see people the more saddened I am by so many of them just going through life having music fucking spoon fed to them through the shit known as FM radio. I HATE radio. The only radio station here worth listening to is the Classic Rock station, otherwise the b.s. "cutting edge" station here will just shove the same shit down your throat like Q101 in Chicagoi used to and its force fed trash with NO talent.

The bands I truly appreciate dont get airplay and if they do it isnt very long or it is on college radio or something.

Lemme put it this way. Ive heard Social D. on the radio twice in my life...once here(only one time) and once in L.A.

Good bands dont get airplay.

FM radio sucks!!!!
