Wednesday, May 31, 2006

but its a dry heat

i just saw the forecast for this week and am looking forward to a week of 100+ degree weather. probably last until the monsoons start in july. yippee

random thoughts

those who have been once intoxicated with power, and have derived any kind of emolument from it, even though but for one year, never can willingly abandon it. they may be distressed in the midst of all their power; but they will never look to anything but power for their relief.
-Edmund Burke, a letter to a member of the national assembly

under the bridge, red hot chile peppers

the ugly american

When I think of the ugly American I dont think of too much on the positive side of life, but then again, I dont think too much on the positive side of life anyways. I think the ugly American is in all of us and it is just that; ugly. I think it is being selfish but still being able to love at the same time. I think tough love is a very big part of the ugly American.

I partake in being the ugly American often and at times, I love it.

I think being the ugly American means you eat red meat. It means you arent ashamed of the flag. It means you dont care about the enviornment as much as you know you should. It means getting what you want and getting it now. It means loving your fellow Country men and women in a very special and unique way.

It means abusing power, taking advantage of those weaker and loving yourself for it.

It means busting your ass and being lazy as hell all at once.

It means owning a car and never driving it. Why? Just because you can....

It means being ugly, but being a God damn American.

It means not understanding (nor giving a shit) as to why we have been taken over by a hip hop generation.

You have to love it.

It also means having children and loving them to no end in a very protective way. It means being proud of the stars and stripes because we have them and they dont. It means sucking down cold beer and hot dogs while the 3rd world starves.

It means allowing the negative to at times over power the positive. It means questioning authority even when you shoudlnt.

It means cutting someone off in traffic.

It means watching too much TV and not reading enough.

It means mowing your lawn with a reel mower and opposed to the traditional gas powered monster.

It means being ugly, but being a God damn American.
I am the ugly American
I hate what I am
I am the ugly American
I hate what I am
I take a picture of your founding father
I hate a picture of your local color
I take a picture of your founding father
I take a picture of your local color
We're so ugly, we're so ugly
We're so ugly
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I hate what you are
Take a picture of your declasse
Take a picture and you only say
Take a picture of your ugly country
Take a picture and you only say
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I am the ugly American
I hate what you are
Take a picture of your declasse
Take a picture of your declasse
Take a picture and you only say
Take a picture and you only say
We're so ugly, we're so ugly
We're so ugly
I am the ugly American
I know what I am
I am the ugly American
I am what I am
Say you're cultured 'cause you had a king?
Your little boys sleep with their sisters
I am the ugly American
I know what I am
I am the ugly American
I love what I am

For Those of You That Cant Spell.....

WASHINGTON May 31, 2006 (AP)— After three rounds of spelling such words as "nullipara," "oculogyric" and "obstreperous," 86 elementary and middle school students remained standing Wednesday as the first day of tense competition in the annual national spelling bee drew to a close.

The winner will be crowned Thursday night on national TV.

Scores from a 25-word written test and a round of spelling into the microphone were used to narrow the field of 274 fourth-through-eighth-graders to the top 97 spellers.

From there, 11 spellers stumbled on such words as "putative," "boswellize," "colluctation" and "flannelette," and knew it was over at the telltale sound of the bell that signifies a mistake
WASHINGTON – For the second time since the war in Iraq began, the United States is awaiting a military investigation into sensational allegations of its troops' misconduct.

Two years ago it was Abu Ghraib. American alarm at the pictures of depravity was accompanied by questions about whether the military would be able to honestly investigate itself. Now, as the military looks into allegations that marines murdered as many as two dozen innocent civilians in Haditha last year, its justice system is again under the public microscope.

For Americans weaned on the openness of the O.J. Simpson trial, military justice can seem remote and impenetrable. For their part, experts dismiss the notion that the military system is any more corrupt or ineffective than its civilian counterpart.

But they acknowledge that it faces its own unique challenges - from the culture of silence that can pervade the most tight-knit military units to the lack of any department "district attorney" to follow up on leads. The concerns are longstanding, but with citizens getting a fuller picture of the mechanics of warfare - both on the battlefield and off - there is pressure to ensure that Americans have confidence in their military's means of justice.

In The News.....

May 31, 2006 — An 8-year-old Colorado boy found safely after disappearing from a camping trip for four days has his Spider-Man sneakers to thank for his rescue.

Evan Thompson went missing during a camping trip on Saturday. For four days, nearly 100 rescuers, dog teams and three aircraft, including heat-seeking helicopters, combed rugged terrain in search of Evan.

The boy, who reportedly suffers from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, was found in good condition on Tuesday five miles away from his campsite.

The distinctive footprints from his Spider-Man sneakers helped rescuers track his movements and eventually find him.

"Since they are unique, it made us 100 percent sure or really close to 100 percent sure that's who we were tracking at the time," said Chris Larson, a member of the Fremont County, Colo., Search and Rescue Team. "For the next several days, that's how we knew where Evan was, through his prints."

So, the moral of the story is to think twice before telling your kid no when it comes to the expensive junk they want to buy....I guess anyways...the spider man shoes saved his ass....
Thought for the day :

" To criticize the incompetent is easy; it is more difficult, to criticize the competent. "

The lawn mowing rant!

On Saturday I borrowed my neighbors gas mower to mow my back yard, because it had not been mowed since the first week in April and my reel mower was not up to the over whelming task of mowing down grass that stood over 18” tall. It was a pathetic day in my life, for it bothers me to no end the very idea of burning any gasoline just to cut grass. But there I was, feeling a little foolish and deflated in the pride department all the while going def with my neighbors grass cutting machine which blasting away at my lawn and ear drums. My ears rang and the mower nearly died 6 or 7 times do to some very thick grass. Oh lousy crappy gas mower why was I submitting to you. If I am going to do harm to my ear drums then I would much prefer it will be at the mercy of a Naked Ray Gun show or something just as worthy. I know I was weak, it was hot and I only had an hour before I was back on baby duty. But do the ends justify the means in this situation? Have any of you ever tried not to be the Ugly American and failed… it sucks! To make matters worse this noisy stinky adventure was hurting my wallet and my sons collage fund, and for what? This so nuts I thought to my self people really do this every week? Does having a nice looking lawn at the expanse of ones ear drums, pocket book, and breathable air some how improve humanity in some useable way? So yesterday I was back in my front yard using my reel mower and it was great, I didn’t have to worry about damage to my eardrums. And I didn’t have to blow any of my savings on gas or oil. And I gained real satisfaction in the notion that I did not have to pollute the atmosphere, in the name of any fresh cut grass. So sure my reel mower is a little quirky and the sight of it frightens others, but I am thankful to occasionally not be such an ugly American.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In The News.....

Editor's note: Robert Redford is an award-winning actor, director, producer and founder of the Sundance Institute and Film Festival. Redford also is a businessman and philanthropist and has long supported various environmental causes.

Robert Redford: "America is ready to kick the oil habit."

SUNDANCE, Utah (CNN) -- Today the American people are way out in front of our leaders. We're ready to face our toughest national challenges, and we deserve new and forward-looking solutions and leadership.

The recent surge in gas prices has touched a raw nerve for many around the country, reminding us of an economy that is increasingly uncertain for the middle-class, a growing addiction to oil that draws us ever closer to dictators and despots, and a fragile global position with a climate that is increasingly out of balance. I believe America is ready to kick the oil habit and launch a new movement for real solutions and a better future.

Something is happening all across the country. People are coming together and demanding new answers. A grassroots movement is gathering today to promote solutions, like renewable fuels, clean electricity, more efficient cars, and green buildings that use less energy -- all of which are exciting alternatives that rebuild our communities even as they cut pollution and create good jobs. And, when people come together to invest themselves in building a better future, we are not only helping to solve our energy crisis, but we are taking back our democracy itself.

random thoughts

i reject the cynical view that politics is inevitably, or even usually, a dirty business.
-president richard nixon, august, 1973

(richard nixon was cited as one of president bush's political idols during his first presidential campaign)

dance magic dance, david bowie

BAGHDAD, Iraq May 30, 2006 (AP)— Saddam Hussein and his defense team complained about unfairness Tuesday in his trial on crimes against humanity, demanding equal time to present their case and saying one of their witnesses had been killed and others wouldn't testify because they were wanted by authorities.

The defense did not identify the slain witness or give any other details. But it said his death illustrated the difficulty of defending Saddam and seven former members of his regime against charges including killing and torture in a crackdown on Shiites prompted by an assassination attempt against Saddam in the town of Dujail in 1982.

Thats ironic, Hussein claiming unfairness....
Thought for the day :

" To save one life is better than to build a seven story pagoda. "

Monday, May 29, 2006

Ill send you a dollar....

If you can figure out what this says......

Терор и жертви в Афганистан
Ескалира напрежението в Афганистан, съобщават световните медии.

50 талибани бяха убити при US-въздушен удар по джамия в южноафганистанска провинция.
Сред загиналите са много от лидерите на талибанските групировки, съобщиха от управата на провинция Хелманд.

В същото време в столицата Кабул обстановката е изключително тревожна, а градусът на напрежение, откакто през 2001 г. падна режимът на талибаните, не е бил толкова висок, коментира Die Welt.

При сблъсъка на два самолета - американски военен с цивилен загинаха най-малко 20 души, а 15 са тежко ранени.

Репортери предават от столицата на Афганистан, че улиците са обезлюдени, хората се замерват с камъни, а броят на жертвите се увеличава с всеки изминал ден, предава Die Welt.

And just when we thought our loser neighbors to the north were worth something....


TORONTO May 29, 2006 (AP)— Canada's spy agency said Monday that some Canadian citizens or residents received terror training in al-Qaida-run camps in Afghanistan, providing official reinforcement to what security analysts have warned for years.

The deputy director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Jack Hooper, told a Senate committee studying Canada's role in Afghanistan that there are people living in Canada who fought with al-Qaida during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

In The News....Republican attacking.

By RON FOURNIER AP Political Writer

WASHINGTON May 29, 2006 (AP)— Republicans are three steps from a November shellacking each a grim possibility if habitually divided Democrats get their acts together.

First step: Voters must focus on the national landscape on Nov. 7 rather than local issues and personalities that usually dominate midterm elections.

That would sting Republicans, who trail badly in national polls.

Second step: Voters must be so angry at Washington and politics in general that an anti-incumbent, throw-the-bums-out mentality sweeps the nation.

That would wound Republicans, the majority party.

Third step: Americans must view the elections as a referendum on President Bush and the GOP-led Congress, siding with Democrats in a symbolic vote against the Iraq war, rising gas prices, economic insecurity and the nagging sense that the nation is on the wrong track.

That would destroy Republicans, sweeping them from power in one or both chambers and making Bush a lame duck.

random thoughts

in every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. a prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
-u.s. declaration of independence

give me liberty or give me death
-new hampshire state slogan (last observed by me passing though a border patrol check point on my journey from my house to my workplace)

minimum wage they might be giants

In The News.....


WASHINGTON May 29, 2006 (AP)— President Bush, marking Memorial Day with a speech paying tribute to fighting men and women lost in war, signed into law Monday a bill that keeps demonstrators from disrupting military funerals.

In advance of his speech and a wreath-laying at America's most hallowed burial ground for military heroes, Bush signed the "Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act." This was largely in response to the activities of a Kansas church group that has staged protests at military funerals around the country, claiming the deaths symbolized God's anger at U.S. tolerance of homosexuals.

The new law bars protests within 300 feet of the entrance of a national cemetery and within 150 feet of a road into the cemetery. This restriction applies an hour before until an hour after a funeral. Those violating the act would face up to a $100,000 fine and up to a year in prison.

What do you guys think about this? I am very curious to know...
Thought for the day :

" To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools. "

Sunday, May 28, 2006

This is very me.

The deadliest war in the world
Congo's simmering conflict has killed 4 million

Sunday, May 28, 2006; Posted: 1:01 p.m. EDT (17:01 GMT)

( -- Some wars go on killing long after they end.

In Congo, a nation of 63 million people in the heart of Africa, a peace deal signed more than three years ago was supposed to halt a war that drew in belligerents from at least eight different countries, producing a record of human devastation unmatched in recent history.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) estimates that 3.9 million people have died from war-related causes since the conflict in Congo began in 1998, making it the world's most lethal conflict since World War II.

By conventional measures, that conflict is over. Congo is no longer the playground of foreign armies; the country's first real election in 40 years is scheduled to take place this summer, and international troops have arrived to keep peace.

I had no damn idea, not a clue. To think a war of this magnitude was raging out of control and we never hear about it. Goes to show you whats important in the world. If Beverly Hills burned down tomorrow it would make world headlines. You get my point.

WASHINGTON May 28, 2006 (AP)— We'll make this quick. We know you're busy.

An Associated Press poll has found an impatient nation. To get to the point without further ado, it's a nation that gets antsy after five minutes on hold on the phone and 15 minutes max in a line. So say people in the survey.

The Department of Motor Vehicles, the U.S. version of the old Soviet bread line, is among the top spots where Americans hate to wait. But grocery stores are the worst.

Almost one in four in the AP-Ipsos poll picked the grocery checkout as the line where their patience is most likely to melt like the ice cream turning to goo in their cart.

And it seems people don't mellow with age. The survey found older people to be more impatient than younger people.

Nor does getting away from the urban pressure cooker make much difference. People in the country and the suburbs can bear a few more minutes in a line before losing it than city inhabitants can, but that's it.

In short, Americans want it all NOW. Or awfully close to now.

I bet PJ can really relate to this being in the food service business. Id write more but I have a lot to do and no time to do it.
Thought for the day :

" Every human being comes equipped with a brain at no extra cost. "

Saturday, May 27, 2006


BAGHDAD, Iraq May 27, 2006 (AP)— An Iraqi tennis coach and two of his players were shot to death this week in Baghdad because they were wearing shorts, authorities said Saturday, reporting the latest in a series of recent attacks attributed to Islamic extremists.

A U.S. Marine AH-1 Cobra helicopter, meanwhile, crashed Saturday and its two crew members were missing in Anbar province, a volatile area west of the capital where insurgents are active. Hostile fire was not suspected as the cause of the crash, the U.S. military said.

In the Baghdad incident, gunmen stopped a car carrying the Sunni Arab coach and two Shiite players, asked them to step out and then shot them, said Manham Kubba secretary-general of the Iraqi Tennis Union.

Now I guess Islamic extremists (fundamentalists) dont like it if you wear shorts. What the fuck is wrong with these people? I dont understand them and to be 100% honest I dont wanna understand them. Call me ignorant or whatever, but at least I have the guts to say what half of you are thinking anyways....I think sometimes it is okay to be teh ugly American and not care about other parts of the world because I can honestly admit, I dont at times. They dont wanna know us, why should we even try to know them? Really.....Im not saying we should hate all of th ose out there wearing the flag of Islam, there has to be some decent, loving Muslims out there, but Im talking about extremists...I guess it is a cultural thing. I am the ugly American and I have no problem with that. And dont gimmie this We Are The World b.s. either. We dont have to love everyone. Im just sick and friggin tired of seeing this kind of shit happen and where we have to act like we give a damn.
Thought for the day :

" When forced to choose between two evils, try the new one. "

Friday, May 26, 2006

Planes, Trains and Automobiles.....

So, an estimated 37 million folks will travel this weekend with the official kick off to summer being here.

Do any of you boys have 3 day weekend plans?

I dont. I suck.
By ROBERT BURNS AP Military Writer

WASHINGTON May 26, 2006 (AP)— Investigators believe that their criminal investigation into the deaths of about two dozen Iraqi civilians points toward a conclusion that Marines committed unprovoked murders, a senior defense official said Friday.

The Marine Corps initially reported 15 deaths and said they were caused by a roadside bomb and an ensuing firefight with insurgents. A separate investigation is seeking to determine if Marines lied to cover up the killings.

The official, who discussed the matter on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the yet-to-be-completed investigation, said the evidence developed by investigators strongly indicates the killings last November in the insurgent-plagued city of Haditha in the western province of Anbar were unjustified.

I just wanted to post this story to say that you rarely, if ever, hear anything positive about our boys over there. It kind of makes me sad to think of the shit they go through on a daily basis yet we never get to hear the good.

I dunno, I just think our men and women over there dont get enough credit. They deserve it and we should be the ones giving it to them. I couldnt imagine being over there right now and how scared I would be. My hats off to you, troops.

check it out. Pretty freaky, can anyone figure out how it works?

In The News.....

By Richard Cowan and David Morgan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed Gen. Michael Hayden on Friday as the next CIA director, with the Bush administration hoping he will help reinvigorate an agency battered by a string of intelligence failures.

Hayden, 61, takes over America's most storied spy agency with a pledge to boost morale and make it more aggressive after it was caught flat-footed on the September 11, 2001 attacks and provided flawed intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Hayden was confirmed on a 78-15 vote, providing a broad bipartisan endorsement to the architect of President George W. Bush's domestic spying program. Hayden has been principal deputy to U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte up to now.

Now they can go back to collecting our phone records as planned. Bastards.

The Weekly Random Photo 05/26

Frank seen here in a classic traffic cop pose. Um it seems there are many photos of Frank in the old Offmen archive... its a good thing he is so sexy!

New Job Stress

I started my new job this week, and I seem to have forgotten how stressful changing jobs can be. My new job title is “Director of all Colin’s day time needs”. Yep I bit the bullet and have dedicated my life to my little boy. Although I have not abandoned my old career all together, working part time I have had to accept that professional growth will be all but nil for some years to come. Amongst other things I am still paying off one of my student loans which leaves me to question my sanity and logic. But then why have children if you don’t intend on spending lots of time with them, more over I really believe I have something to offer my son (time, not brains). The day care Colin has spend the last 9 month with has truly set the bar quite high for me, (the ladies at the local Tutor Time they really know their stuff). In fact the only reason we pulled him out is so that we might selfishly spend more time with him, we feel developmentally his old day care was outstanding.

So what have I learned in my new job so far? Well fist of all Colin, is worth every second, but in turn he demands every second. Second some how I now have even less time than I had before (my wife does not seem to understand this). Third my new job is all about constant and merciless repetition. Fourth, I visit the Offmen blog only during naps. Fourth and finally once the napping sequence has started, DO NOT ABORT, even if your lovely wife is home early and says she will “take over”.

No music while the boy naps

Thought for the day :

" If reality wants to get in touch with me, it knows where I am. "

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bush, Blair Say They Aren't Ready to Set Iraq Troop Timetable
May 25 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose political fortunes are tied to Iraq, said any decision about western troop levels won't be made until the Iraqi defense ministry is fully operational.

Bush said he will consult with U.S. military commanders after they are able to meet with whoever is selected as minister of defense, one of the posts still open in the new Iraqi government, and assess the readiness of Iraqi forces.

``We'll keep the force level there necessary to win,'' Bush said in a news conference with Blair tonight at the White House.

SO dumb and dumber agree that they arent setting a timetable as to when we get outta there. I dont think we can just up and leave mind you, but Christ, enough is enough. I like his "we'll keep the forces there.....until we win".....quote best. This is unwinnable in most cases. I am not saying anyone out there in the political relam would be doing better right now but I didnt see it turning out this way. I s upported this war when it first began now it just really makes me sad.

More In The News.....


WASHINGTON May 25, 2006 (AP)— Citing the public outcry over $3-a-gallon gasoline and America's heavy reliance on foreign oil, the House on Thursday voted to open an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling, knowing the prospects for Senate approval were slim.

Drilling proponents argued that the refuge on Alaska's North Slope would provide 1 million barrels a day of additional domestic oil at peak production and reduce the need for imports.

But opponents to developing what environmentalists argue is a pristine area where drilling will harm caribou, polar bears and migratory birds, said Congress should pursue conservation and alternative energy sources that would save more oil than would be tapped from the refuge.

The House voted 225-201 to direct the Interior Department to open oil leases on the coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge an area of 1.5 million acres that is thought likely to hold about 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

So, how do we feel about this one kiddies? Do we say screw the enviornment for some oil that would be US based or do we hold off and save some polar bears? I Wanna know....
Lay and Skilling's day of reckoning
Enron ex-CEO and founder convicted on fraud and conspiracy charges; sentencing slated for September.
By Shaheen Pasha and Jessica Seid HOUSTON ( - Enron former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling and founder Kenneth Lay were both found guilty Thursday of conspiracy and fraud in the granddaddy of all corporate fraud cases.

On the sixth day of deliberations, a jury of eight women and four men convicted the former executives of misleading the public about the true financial health of Enron, whose collapse in late 2001 symbolized the wave of corporate fraud that swept the United States early this decade.

Skilling was found guilty on 19 counts of conspiracy, fraud, false statements and insider trading. He was found not guilty on nine counts of insider trading.

Lay was found guilty on all six counts of conspiracy and fraud. In a separate bench trial, Judge Sim Lake ruled Lay was guilty of four counts of fraud and false statements. (Click here for the defendants' reactions)

Both Lay and Skilling could face 20 to 30 years in prison, legal experts say. And Lay will also face an additional hefty term in prison for his conviction in the bank fraud case.

The interesting thing here is what kind of time will they serve? The aritcle states they COULD face 20-30 behind bars and if they do, will it be in a country club prison for white collar criminals? I remember talking about the kind of things white collar crminals face in college, its a joke.
Hastert, ABC spar over investigation report
Feds deny network's claim that speaker is probe target

Thursday, May 25, 2006; Posted: 10:06 a.m. EDT (14:06 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- House Speaker Dennis Hastert is demanding a "full retraction" of an ABC News report that he is being investigated in connection with the Jack Abramoff corruption probe.

The report Wednesday night prompted the Justice Department to take the highly unusual step of denying on the record that the Illinois Republican is the subject of a probe.

"With regard to reports suggesting that the speaker of the House is under investigation or 'in the mix,' as stated by ABC News, I reconfirm, as stated by the Department earlier this evening, that these reports are untrue," Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said.

Usually, when queried by reporters, the Justice Department neither confirms nor denies the existence of an investigation.

Citing the department's denial, Hastert's spokesman, Ron Bonjean, released a statement saying the ABC report was "absolutely untrue."

yet again here we have another politician demanding shit of people when he feels his toes have been stepped on. How often have you or I been in situations where we wish we could have stood up and demanded that things be recanted and yet we didnt have a chance. This guy stands up and everyoien is supposed to drop what they are doing and retract what was said or done.

so sad.

Check your dam Email box!

How do I say this politely? I sent all of you an F’n Email and only two of you dead beats responded! It’s not like I am sending you floor plan drawings of a Department store or any thing painful like that. I just want to know if you received my mail, is your address correct, am I talking to nobody, do you care, are you alive, or should I just release the Hounds on your ass? Sure Monty will likely just lick your face when he finds you, it’s the other one, the dark lord named Rose who might make you poop your pants if your not careful. So that’s all I’m done with ranting and raving now, just had to get it out of my system. Hope the day finds all of you well. And please take a moment to review the changes I am proposing to our blog site and let me know what you think.

Grey Matter, Oingo Boingo

Thought for the day :

" If your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. "

The more things change.....

So the more things change, the more they stay the same....
changing the subject, who has a story about their first pair of Chuck Taylors.

These are actually Jake's (my 9 year olds) he left them in the den and when I saw them I imediatly pictured this post in my head. So I snapped a quick pic. (before I yelled at him to put them is the G.D. closet where they belong)

Personally, I never owned a pair, my feet are to long and these make big feet loog gargantuan.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In The News......

Pelosi asks Democrat to quit key committee
Louisiana lawmaker says he will not step down from panel

Wednesday, May 24, 2006; Posted: 5:46 p.m. EDT (21:46 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sent a letter Wednesday to U.S. Rep. William Jefferson asking him to resign from the House Ways and Means Committee days after FBI agents raided his Capitol Hill office.

But after her request was quickly shot down -- and Jefferson alluded to discrimination -- Pelosi, D-California, crossed the aisle to join the Republican Speaker of the House in condemning the Justice Department for how it handled a search of Jefferson's congressional office.

"In the interest of upholding the high ethical standard of the House Democratic Caucus, I am writing to request your immediate resignation from the Ways and Means Committee," Pelosi wrote to the Jefferson early Wednesday afternoon.

theres a shock, a politician refusing to do what he is asked and of course he claims "discrimination"...

A Quote For You Kiddies.....

You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.
- Dave Barry

I definitley thought that this applied to some of the Offmen antics of the past.
Thought for the day :

" When all else fails, read the directions. "

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

US Denies Torture of Detainees at Guantanamo
By David Gollust
23 May 2006
The United States Tuesday rejected charges by Amnesty International of torture at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It also chided the London-based rights group for failing to assist in the war crimes prosecution of Saddam Hussein.

The Bush administration is again denying charges of mistreatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, while reiterating its desire to close the controversial facility as soon as it is practical.

The comments came in response to Amnesty International's annual report released Tuesday which faulted world powers, particularly the United States, for allegedly setting aside human rights concerns in pursuing the war against terrorism.

At a news briefing, State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack rejected Amnesty charges that the indefinite detention of terrorism suspects at Guantanamo amounted to cruel and inhuman treatment, or that torture was practiced there.

Interesting but again what the hell else are we going to do? Admit it?

another thought for the day

you can have peace. or you can have freedom. don't ever count on having both at once. l. long

"strip" adam ant
Thought for the day :

" Real love stories have no endings. "

I bet Romeo and Juliet would beg to differ.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Smoking Sucks.....

Ok guys, I am gonna be in a situation really soon once again where quitting smoking may be ideal for me. I need advice. PJ, I know you mentioned that smoke away thing but I cant use it with the meds. I am currently on.

Lemme ask you this; did you guys feel better after you quit? I mean, do you feel better now? Do you have more energy and such?

Thanks guys.....
Thought for the day :

" One disadvantage of having nothing to do: You can't stop and rest. "

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Attention, A Non Offmen (Diana) has some thing to say

Here ye here ye all men of the off variety, your groupie shall return. To those who have been a light in my life, a beacon of hope, I am coming home YAY ME!!! Though u may be less than excited, i can think of no better moment. My grandparents are in their ninties and my whole family will b there, so I figure this is the last great opportunity for Ethan, and for me. What would make my life complete, however, is to have a family friendly breu ha ha with the people that were my family 4 many years. While I know u all have lives and things to which u need to attend, I so hope you will mark your calendars. I should b there around July 21. I hope 2 stay @ least 10 days. While I know bu have a reunion planned, I hope u will take the time to reunite with the me as well. Luv 2 u all.

In The News.....

Jail, prison populations rise 2.6 percent
Justice Department says 56,428 inmates added in one year

Sunday, May 21, 2006; Posted: 4:31 p.m. EDT (20:31 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- More than 1,000 inmates were added to the nation's prisons and jails each week from June 2004 to June 2005, according to a report issued Sunday by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The 56,428 new inmates -- including both convicts and those awaiting trial -- added to the system over the 12-month period account for a 2.6 percent rise in the U.S. prison and jail population, according to a synopsis of the Bureau of Justice Statistics report.

Two-thirds of the nearly 2.2 million total inmates were in state or federal prisons, and the rest were in local jails.

I would bet a lot of them are petty b.s. crimes like posessing too much weed and petty theft. While I do think that if you do the crime you very well should havta do the time, I think a lot of laws (especially drug laws) are ridiculous. Montana's (yes that wasnt a typo) had the highest rise in inmamtes, realted to meth crimes and manufacturing. Im surpized considering here in Iowa, this state is known as being the meth capital of the US and the World. Meth runs rampant can find it anywhere, I could get some with maybe 1 or 2 phone calls right now....its that easy. Not that I would....hello loser. Whatever.

Just the other night here I heard a story here where they put a guy in jail for like a crazy amount of years over weed. I am NOT saying weed should be legal, but then again in NOT saying it should be illegal, thats for another arguement, but what I am saying is some laws just dont add up.

Bottom line? Too many people in jail....just like there may be too many people in add it up.
Thought for the day :

" Obviously crime pays, or there'd be no crime. "

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Monitors of torture treaty rebuke US
Close Guantanamo, UN panel urges
By Charlie Savage, Globe Staff | May 20, 2006

WASHINGTON -- A United Nations anti-torture panel yesterday urged the United States to shut down its Guantanamo Bay detention camp, close any secret overseas CIA prisons, and halt the use of what it said are cruel and degrading interrogation techniques.

The recommendations by the UN Committee Against Torture amounted to the most sweeping rebuke yet of the detention and interrogation policies the Bush administration adopted after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The report was issued by a panel of human rights investigators at the UN who are charged with monitoring compliance with the Convention Against Torture.

And just how else are we supposed to get these bastards to talk? You cant reason with something that is unreasonable.
Thought for the day :

" Where facts are few, experts are many. "

This is true and in this case, I am an expert at just about everything then.

Friday, May 19, 2006

File under?

Pray for those whom live in the shadow of your anger.

It is not my goal or desire to lay any sort of religious trip on any of you. I only wrote this as part of a much larger and very personal argument I continue to have with my self day in and day out. I decided to share it with all of you because, this is a blog, and where else am I going to put this sort of thing. So it is what it is.

Amazing Child O Mine

Ok, Im post happy today.

So last night I am told that my daughter (who is almost 3 1/2) was sitting on the sofa next to Buhaki (pronounced Boo-hockey; He has an Egyptian name) one of the cats and she looks at her Mother and says "We need to get letter soup and pour it into Bu's mouth so the letters will go to his brain and he can talk to us."

Friggin me. How she her little perfect mind works.....just amazing.....
Pope censures Mexican priest after abuse probe

Friday, May 19, 2006; Posted: 2:31 p.m. EDT (18:31 GMT)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- The Vatican said Friday it had disciplined the Mexican founder of an influential Catholic religious order who has been accused of sexual abuse, instructing him to retire to a life of "prayer and penitence."

The censure of the Rev. Marcial Maciel, 86-year-old founder of the Legionaries of Christ, is significant because he and his conservative order had found favor under the late Pope John Paul II, making the decision by Pope Benedict XVI even bolder.

The instruction was the new pope's first major decision involving sexual abuse charges since his election last year. Before he was elected, Benedict decried the "filth" in the church.

This is just sad, so very sad. It is sad that a person in such an influential position can and would do such an act. I was born and raised Catholic and the thought is a shame. I think that every branch of society has wrong doers in it. You can look at crooked cops, corrput judges or teachers that dont give two shits about their students...but these are kids...innocent children that have been involved in these crimes. A line was crossed and something terrible happened. I dont think it reflects on the entire Catholic Church but it definitley casts a shadow on it.
Aint this the truth....

"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office."
- Aesop
Thought for the day :

" Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. "

Hey brilliant web people

Is it possible in any way to have the blog note the posts that have new comments since last one was here? Or maybe it could list all the comments in the sidebar with a date and time they were posted? That way old threads could keep going after they moved down a few feet in the scroll, and it would make it easier to know which threads are more active, less active, etc....
Maybe there's another template out there that deals with that issue? I just keep losing track of which threads I've commented on, and where I should look for witty responses.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's Official

Welcome to Mike Martin
You are the first NEW OffMan in a whole shit load of years.

The first rule of fight club . don't talk about fight club.....

Nice to have you along.
Thought for the day :

" Inflation is when the buck doesn't stop anywhere. "

The Wednesday Random Photo 05/17

All be it a day late, I believe this photo was taken before Tippy shaved his head.

Picture of Frank

I found another pic of Frank, but he's not:
-wearing a GeniTortures shirt
This was the day we went to try on the kilts for Mike's wedding.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

IN The News.....

FBI: Tip on Jimmy Hoffa prompts search

Wednesday, May 17, 2006; Posted: 9:12 p.m. EDT (01:12 GMT)

(CNN) -- FBI agents and local police were searching a Michigan horse farm Wednesday for the remains of former Teamsters union leader Jimmy Hoffa after receiving a tip about his disappearance, the agency said.

The search was being conducted in Milford Township, 30 miles west of Detroit. Police from nearby Bloomfield Township were assisting the FBI agents.

Aerial footage from the scene showed at least 15 people outside of a barn, most of whom were digging a rectangular hole. (Watch investigators dig for clues -- 53)

The agents and local police were looking for "evidence of criminal activity that may have occurred when the properties were under previous ownership," FBI agent Daniel Robert said in a news release.

Since there is no statute on murder I guess this does do some kind of justice. But what would suck is this doing end ot all the good Hoffa jokes......

In The News.....

U.S. won't say if it aids Somali warlords
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The U.S. is working with regional and international partners to keep al-Qaida from establishing itself in northeastern Africa, White House press secretary Tony Snow said Wednesday. He would not say whether that included warlords in Somalia.

Snow cited Somalia's lack of a functioning government and said Osama bin Laden's network uses such chaotic situations to establish terrorist training centers and bases. Somalia is just across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen and the Saudi Peninsula.

Two weeks ago, Somalia's transitional president said he believed the United States was bankrolling an alliance of warlords, the same people whose armed gangs are keeping Somalia ungovernable.

Asked Wednesday whether the United States was working with warlords, Snow said he had to speak carefully.

"You've got instability in Somalia right now, and there is concern about the presence of foreign terrorists, particularly al-Qaida, within Somalia right now," he said.

"In an environment of instability, as we've seen in the past, al-Qaida may take root, and we want to make sure that al-Qaida does not in fact establish a beachhead in Somalia."

Snow said the United States "will continue to work with regional and international partners wherever we can to crack down on terrorism and also to try to prevent its rising."

At the State Department, spokesman Sean McCormack also declined to be specific about the partners with whom the United States is working.
I just wanted to let you all know since it is a ways' back that Mr. Martin has posted on the blog so he is officially here. He posted under the newbie thread...

welcome him please!!!
Thought for the day :

" The reason people blame things on previous generations? There's only one other choice! "

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wasted Green.....

The proposal to protect our borders is going to cost us 1.9 Billion. Sure, we can go to war with Iraq and spend $234,847,456,473,398.04 but to prtect our borders we will only waste a few billion.

A lot of you are right, this admin. does waste so much money it is not even funny. I am in no way saying another party would do better, but I am saying that things have gone too far.

When do we elect the next President? '08?

Head Count.....

Is Frank still too busy biting pillows to talk to us?

In The News.....


VIENNA, Austria May 16, 2006 (AP)— Key European nations are considering offering Iran a light-water nuclear reactor as part of incentives meant to persuade Tehran to give up its uranium enrichment program, a senior diplomat said Tuesday.

But a U.S. official said Washington would likely oppose the plan.

A senior diplomat familiar with international attempts to dissuade Iran from enrichment said the tentative plans still were being discussed among France, Britain and Germany as part of a possible package to be presented Friday to senior representatives of the five permanent U.N. Security Council members. The diplomat spoke on condition of anonymity because he was divulging confidential information.
Thought for the day :

" You can judge a man by how he keeps his golf score. "

Long Hair Hippy Type

It's been a while since I posted a pic so here we have:
A friendly game of darts?
A couple of hooligans partaking in some under age drinking?
Why is that gentleman shirtless?
Who's mug is being blocked by the elbow?
What was Scott eating out of that massive bowl?

hugs and kisses,

your time has come, audioslave

Monday, May 15, 2006

I Liked This One.....

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
- Frank Tibolt

Border Guards

So how do ya'll feel about having the Nat. Guard at our borders to protect them?

In a nutshell I think Im all for it.

In The News.....

I found this kinda interesting.....

U.S. to restore relations with Libya
From Elise Labott

Monday, May 15, 2006; Posted: 3:06 p.m. EDT (19:06 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States is restoring full diplomatic relations with Libya and removing the North African country from its list of state sponsors of terrorism after 27 years, the State Department announced Monday.

"We are taking these actions in recognition of Libya's continued commitment to its renunciation of terrorism," said a statement from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

She also referred to "the excellent cooperation Libya has provided to the United States and other members of the international community in response to common global threats faced by the civilized world since September 11, 2001."

The kilt

Seen above Mike Martin and his lovely bride.
Thought for the day :

" America did not invent human rights, Human Rights invented America. "

Hah!!! I think if you told any full blooded Indian this one, they would beg to differ.

Newbie to be? Vote Here

Do you know this guy?
His name is
Mike Martin,
and I am attempting an effort to officially include him in the ranks of OMI.
In my humble opinion our friend, many of you already know him, would enjoy being made an Official member of OffMen International.

-He has been a perifial part of this group for a long time (Since the Club Vertigo days).
-He's a fine upstanding gentleman (father of two, married to Maureen Henning)
-He looks good in a kilt (and drinks guiness like kool-aid)
-He spend time on his computer and would be an entertaining addition to our blog.-He is a much better speller then me

Eric says: "I totally agree. MIke would make a great Offmen. "
Scott says: "Yes, I think it was proposed quite some time ago that Mike Martin be brought into the fold. He does seem to meet many of the prerequisites.He has my vote."
Micheal (poobah) says: I remember Mike. Plus, any husband of little Mo is fine by me. he also says "..................., I do think we should allow the others to participate more fully in the poll. My opinion is far from the only one that matters. Though I do reserve the right to rain on OMI parades randomly and without warning. But I believe we all maintain that right."
Frank says: nothing, he is to busy biting pillows to check his e-mail

In my own defense, I initially floated the idea of adding a new member via e-mail and didn't include Steve, Tom, and Mark mainly because their e-mail addy's aren't in my personal mail book (sorry lads) and I was to lazy to pull them off the blogspot list.

let us discuss at length

sie, einsturzende neubaten

Sunday, May 14, 2006

In The News.....

'Racist' marriage law upheld by Israel
By Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem
Published: 15 May 2006
Israel's High Court has narrowly upheld a law denying Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza married to Israeli citizens the right to live in the country with their spouses.

The judges voted by six to five not to cancel a four-year-old amendment to the Citizenship Law which outlaws "family unification" in Israel between Palestinians and Arab citizens of Israel.

It was passed as a one-year emergency measure in 2002 on the ground that it was needed to protect Israeli security. But the amendment, described yesterday by the Knesset member Ran Cohen, of the left-wing Meretz party, as "rooted in racism", has been renewed every year since then.

Israel's Chief Justice, Aharon Barak, sided with the minority on the bench, declaring: "This violation of rights is directed against Arab citizens of Israel. As a result, therefore, the law is a violation of the right of Arab citizens in Israel to equality."
Thought for the day :

" Most campaign literature is an insult to intelligence. Sad that many never realize it. "

Mothers Day

Happy Fuk'n Mothers Day.
or is it,
Happy Mother Fuk'n Day
or is it,
Mother Fuk'n Happy Day

oh you know what I mean.

down on the world again, social D.

ps. I am back home, weee, texas sure is swell

content edited thanks to Scott's reminder of Maternal disdain for profanity
big railroad blues, greatful dead

Saturday, May 13, 2006

In The News.....

Moussaoui begins sentence at Supermax prison

Saturday, May 13, 2006; Posted: 4:22 p.m. EDT (20:22 GMT)

(CNN) -- Convicted al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui on Saturday began serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole at a maximum-security prison in Colorado, the U.S. Marshals Service said.

Moussaoui was removed from the Alexandria, Virginia, detention center on Friday night and flown to Colorado on a service nicknamed "Con Air."

A team of deputy U.S. marshals delivered him early Saturday to the federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. The prison is sometimes called the "Alcatraz in the Rockies."

"It is a place of extraordinary security, 23 hours a day in cells, one hour of recreation," CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said at the time of Moussaoui's sentencing earlier this month in U.S. District Court in Alexandria

The reason I posted this is because I couldnt imagine living life like that locked up 23 out of a 24 hour day. You would think it would drive most men totally insane. That one hour of daily recreation would be like gold.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Garage Sale.....

So, today my Mom has a garage sale. The weather was nice; not perfect but nice. Everything was in place and set to go. At about 11 AM this older couple comes up and starts to look around. Id say they were in their mid 50s at most. They also spoke in a broken english accent and it was hard to understand them.

As I sat there smoking my cigarette and eating my lunch I noticed the man out of the couple had started to place one of the items in his pocket without paying at first. At first I thought I wasnt seeing what I was believeing. I also thought that maybe he was just shoving said item into his pocket so he would not have to carry it.

I watched him for several more minutes and in the end he went to get in his car and just drive off without paying for the item. I walked up to him and said I saw him put the item in his pocket and I didnt appreciate the thought of him lifting it from us.

It was an old Sony Walkman, but THAT IS NOT the point.

He put his hands up in the air, muttered something to me in his native language (which pissed me off to no end) and then pulled the item from his pocket. He then told me the item was too small to pay for. It wasnt worth any money to him so he didnt wanna pay me for it!!!

I then told him he had best leave my Mom's property before I shove my foot up his ass.

I would have rather thrown the item out then let him have it, or even buy it. The bastard.

Thats my interesting story for today.

Stealing is bad for the soul.

In The News.....

FORT MYERS, Fla. May 10, 2006 (AP)— An elderly woman, who was bitten by an alligator while working in her backyard, beat back the reptile with a garden hose.

Constance Gittles, 74, of south Punta Gorda was watering plants Tuesday when a nearly 6-foot-long alligator bit her leg just above the ankle.

"I just whacked him right in the snout with the nozzle," she said. "After that, he took off," Gittles told the News-Press of Fort Myers.

Gittles received three puncture wounds and some smaller scrapes and abrasions from her confrontation with the alligator.
Thought for the day :

" No woman should imitate men; men are not worth it. "

Can you say ouch?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Baby Girl Martin v2

for those of you who mabye interested:
Mike Martin and his lovely wife Maureen Martin (and little Maeve) recently added a lovely baby girl to their budding clan.
interested parties can check out pics of wee Bridget @:

and / or e-mail congrats to:

just doing my part to spread the joy.

Myself, Amy and Jen

Taken downtown.....

Scott and P.

Here are two lovely people that I crossed paths with during my visit.....
USA Today: NSA building massive database of phone records

Thursday, May 11, 2006; Posted: 12:09 p.m. EDT (16:09 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush said Thursday that the government does not troll the personal lives of Americans, but did not directly refer to newspaper reports the National Security Agency has gathered millions of Americans' phone records.

Congressional Democrats had demanded answers from the Bush administration about a report that the government secretly collected records of ordinary Americans' phone calls to build a database of every call made within the country.

"It is our government, it's not one party's government. It's America's government. Those entrusted with great power have a duty to answer to Americans what they are doing," said Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth telephone companies began turning over records of tens of millions of their customers' phone calls to the NSA program shortly after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, USA Today reported, citing anonymous sources it said had direct knowledge of the arrangement.

This one should get some good talk the Govt. going too far with this phone call plan or is this just a way to protect us from terrorist activity? You make the call, haha....
Thought for the day :

" Ignorance is the mother of superstition. "

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

check list

bag packed, Check
lawn mowed, Check
Kiss the wife and kids, Check
Booze to self medicate with, Check

Well fella's I'm gonna be travlin the next couple days, with limeted acces to computers, so My valubale input on this here blog will be a bit reduced.

I'm visiting My Mom and Brothers down in Texas. Hee Haw, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for Big Al J.
Talk to you soon,
Hugs and kisses,

Wednesday’s weekly random Photo 05/09

Kind of a weird one pulled from the vault this week. Not sure if we were trying to construct a totem pole or just being stilly / bored.

Last I heard Pat M. was doing some sort of web radio business.

Thought for the day :

" Ideals kill some men in politics, but politics kill more ideals in men. "

Michael not dead, just extremely sleepy

Hey, I'm not gone. Really. Check it out, I even replied to the Where's Mikey question here.
Love and miss you all. Well, most of you. Well I like you guys a whole lot.
Okay, you caught me I really do love and miss you.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

me and the skyline @ Navy Pier....

Looking bad ass as can be.

PJ and I.....

two rather good looking guys hanging out here....

Pic 1 from my visit.....

Two silly boys acting even more silly.....

In The News.....

Car buyers will give up size, not power, for mpg survey says car shoppers unwilling to give up performance or luxury labels to save gas.
May 9, 2006; Posted: 5:06 p.m. EDT (2106 GMT)

NEW YORK ( - Almost a quarter of car shoppers would be willing to sacrifice size, performance, prestige and even pay more money to buy a car that got five more miles per gallon, according to a survey conducted by Kelley Blue Book's Web site at the request of

But about the same percentage said they wouldn't be willing to sacrifice anything to get a car with that kind of fuel savings.

The survey asked car shoppers, defined as those who said they intended to purchase a vehicle within the next six months, which of four trade-offs they'd be willing to make when selecting their next vehicle if it would mean an extra five miles per gallon. Respondents could also choose "all of the above."

About half of the respondents said they would be willing to make certain specific trade-offs to get that kind of mileage gain.
Thought for the day :

" Someone is speaking well of you. "

well, it sure aint as shit on here.

Little C’s Poseidon adventure

Colin needed a hair cut (his first) so this past weekend we packed up the mini van and trucked up to grandmas house in Minnesota. When we finally got back home after our 6 hour drive Sunday night, I had to pee like a race horse, However C who had been sitting in a poopy diaper for the last twenty minutes of our trip, was throwing a royal fit and so my pee would have to wait. If being strapped in to a miserable plastic rickshaw weren’t bad enough, a poopy diaper was defiantly more than his majesty could handle. Now obscenities were rolling of his little tong in his strange dialect at a frantic pace, which sounded something like (da da da da). What ever he was saying it certainly clear what he meant was take care of my needs now or I shall have your head! So as soon as the van stopped the doors flew open, and I unlashed C from his plastic rickshaw and ran him up stairs. The only thing to placate my master now was going to be pair of clean shorts, a fresh bottle, and a good night’s sleep in his comfy royal bed chamber, but time was of the essence I needed to hurry.

Once I had changed and pampered C with a fresh bottle, I figured I would finally relieve my self before completing the final task of gently rocking my master to sleep. So I carried him into the bath room and closed the door (to prevent his escape in to the land of stairs and extension cords). I set him on his but in front of the bath tub one of his favorite locations, for unknown reasons he finds the bath tub hilarious. Now I can take my pee, Ahhhhh finally I closed my eyes and enjoyed this major draining of my main veining. After a sort time of this and after my initial ahhh was starting to ware off, I opened my eyes and looked down to be sure of my aim. However my eyes were quickly distracted by two little hands below me resting on the toilet bowl. Immediately I think to my self “OH Crap”, and quickly attempted to pinch my knees together to stop my master from having a taste test of our toilet bowl. No avail he squirmed his way in and I had to avert to plan B.

Plan B trying to stop the stream… a major 6 hour car ride stream I might add, it didn’t work and I ended up dribbling on my masters head, He giggled and I admitted defeat and resumed peeing. Colin then commenced to taste test the rim, but that was not going to be enough fun and so he next proceeded to reach in to the bowl where he could splash around in the pretty yellow water. All I could do was watch in horror for the next few moments while I worked to hard pull my stream to a full stop as he continued his adventure, and I continued to dribble more pee on his head.

During his preceding bath he again spoke in his strange royal dialect stating, “Yarg the sea she’s a wicked temptress none of ya lubbers would know any thin about dat” which again sounded more like (da da da da). But I knew what he was saying, and so then he went to bed and our journey was finally over.

Monday, May 08, 2006

In The News.....

Bush nominates Hayden as CIA chief
Some lawmakers question selection of military officer for post.

Monday, May 8, 2006; Posted: 2:12 p.m. EDT (18:12 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Monday nominated Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden to be the new CIA chief, setting up a possible battle with members of Congress who question whether his military status is right for the spy agency.

Hayden is "supremely qualified for this position," Bush said during an Oval Office announcement with the 61-year-old nominee, who is principal deputy to National Intelligence Director John Negroponte.

"He's the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our history," the president said.
Thought for the day :

" Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. "

Sorry Im posting this mid afternoon.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Keeping me in your thoughts

Tomorrow (Monday) I begin another step in my life towards making myself a better person. Without getting into detail to keep from being discrminated against (if you really wanna know ask me and Ill email ya) I ask that you keep me in your thoughts for Monday.

Thanks.....Eric =)


Could this blog be any more dead on the weekends?

Thought for the day :

" They do not love that do not show their love. "

Ok, this is a fragmented sentence. Wha?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

a small survey....

Here you guys go. Copy this survey and paste it all finished as a reply.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
> > 4.
> >
> > Four movies I would watch over and over:
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
> > 4.
> >
> > Four places I have lived:
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
> > 4.
> >
> > Four TV shows I love/ed to watch:
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
> > 4.
> >
> > Four places I have been on vacation
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
> > 4.
> >
> > Four web sites I visit daily
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
> > 4.
> >
> > Four of my favorite foods
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.
>> 4.

Four places I would rather be right now:
Iraqis cheer as British helicopter crashes
Last Updated Sat, 06 May 2006 12:13:54 EDT
CBC News
A British military helicopter crashed into a two-storey house in the southern Iraq city of Basra on Saturday after it was hit by a rocket, police said.

This British armoured vehicle was set ablaze after the helicopter crash in Basra, 550 kilometres southeast of Baghdad. (Nabil Al-Jurani/Associated Press)
Britain's defence ministry said there were casualties, but could give no further details. Iraqi firefighters told Reuters they had seen four charred bodies inside the wreckage.

There were no casualties on the ground, police said.

A crowd of Iraqis set fire to at least one armoured vehicle that rushed to the scene. Others cheered and threw stones at British forces as they tried to seal off the area.

This is another reason why understanding this war is so difficult. I mean here we are trying to police the world while these animals cheer and laugh when troops die. I just dont understand. It does make you see that there is so much more to this war than just what appears to be. I dont think the US is very handy at wanting to help animals, just look what we have done in the past.....

The Middle East is a zoo.
Thought for the day :

" Hearts will never be practical til they're unbreakable. "

Friday, May 05, 2006

Me, Myself and I.....

The first study for a man who wants to become a poet is the knowledge of his entire self. He searches his soul, he inspects it, he tests it, he learns it. As soon as he knows it, he cultivates it. But the soul has to be made monstrous. Imagine a man planting and cultivating warts on his face.

......One must, I say, be a visionary; make oneself a visionary
Love vs. happiness
The poets soul
I have to go now.
I have to go on hiatus, my mind hurts
It feels like a wash
It feels like a sea
A long drawn out sea
It feels sticky and glued
Glued to you
To me
To something other than we

I hear noises
Oh its only my mom
The phone rings
Its long distance
Not for me
I hope

In The News....

Autopsy: Boot camp guards killed teen
Second coroner's examination finds 14-year-old suffocated

Friday, May 5, 2006; Posted: 6:03 p.m. EDT (22:03 GMT)

(CNN) -- A teenager who died at a Florida boot camp was suffocated by guards who were restraining him, a medical examiner has determined.

Martin Lee Anderson, 14, died in January after he was restrained and struck by workers at the boot camp for juvenile offenders.

No charges have been filed in connection with Anderson's death.

Initial autopsy results in February had determined Anderson died from complications from sickle cell trait, which had not been previously diagnosed in the teenage athlete.

My question to you is what kind of punishment should the guard(s) face??? I wuold say if someone suffocated my 14 year old kid, a civil lawsuit would be a start if chrages could not be pressed. I wonder if actual criminal charges will be brought up becasue this is basically murder in the 2nd degree.

In The News....

Friday, May 5, 2006; Posted: 12:41 p.m. EDT (16:41 GMT)
(CNN) -- Police officers were told not to give U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy a sobriety test after his traffic accident, police labor union officials say.

Superiors told the officers instead to drive the Rhode Island Democrat home after the accident early Thursday, according to Greg Baird, acting chairman of the U.S. Capitol Police union, who called for an inquiry.

The Capitol Police said Friday that it's investigating the accident, the procedures followed and whether the evidence would support traffic charges.

Kennedy, son of Sen. Ted Kennedy, said in a letter Thursday night he was apparently disoriented by prescription medication when he crashed his car into a barricade on Capitol Hill.

Theres a shock, a godamn Kennedy getting special treatment.
Thought for the day :

" A plucked goose doesn`t lay golden eggs. "

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I miss Mikey S. Where the hell is Mikey S.? Frank, what did you do with him?

In The News.....

Thursday, May 4, 2006; Posted: 5:28 p.m. EDT (21:28 GMT)

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Anti-war protesters repeatedly interrupted Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld during a speech Thursday, and one man, a former CIA analyst, accused him in a question-and-answer session of lying about Iraq prewar intelligence.

"Why did you lie to get us into a war that caused these kind of casualties and was not necessary?" asked Ray McGovern, the former analyst.

"I did not lie," shot back Rumsfeld, who waved off security guards ready to remove McGovern from the hall at the Southern Center for International Studies. (Watch protesters confront Rumsfeld -- 3:20)

With Iraq war support remaining low, it is not unusual for top Bush administration officials to encounter protests and hostile questions. But the outbursts Rumsfeld confronted on Thursday seemed beyond the usual.
Thought for the day :

" A man without a God is like a fish without a bicycle. "

Furniture, OffMen Style

While looking through old pic's to find something actually entertaining enough to post here, I found this. I thought it would fit in with the recent TV conversations. For anyone who doesn't remember. Here we have the Entertainment center from the appt Bob and I, then Jamie, then Eric, then Tiff all shared.
3 tv's, 3 tape decks, a record player, a nintendo, and a super nintendo, a cd player, a vcr, and of course a tuner. I still have some of these componenets.
I think we actually had to get someone to buy the spraypaint (for the cinder blocks) for us 'cause we were underage.
Ahhh, good times.
I did find a couple of real photogems to share at a later date.

pepper, butthole surfers

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Wednesday Random Photo 5/3

Gold glitter!!!

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (CNN) -- Al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui should spend the rest of his life in prison for his role in the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, a federal jury decided Wednesday.

The nine men and three women returned their verdict on the seventh day of deliberations after reliving the September 11 attacks through weeks of harrowing testimony and evidence.

Jurors were stone-faced as the lengthy verdict form was read in court. Spectators, including some 9/11 family members, fell silent and Moussaoui showed no immediate reaction.

So what the hell does this say to any other terrorist? Be part in a plot that killed thousands of people and we will house you for the rest of your life in a prison. They couldnt have made a cocktail lethal enough for this fucker in my opinion. Some will argue that he is mentally ill and that is why some will say he got life instead of death, which is an arguement I would be willing to hear even though I would havea ahrd time believing it. I just dont wanna hear liberal cry babies whine and bitch about the death penalty now and how its wrong. An eye for an reap what you sow....

No More Cola For The Kiddies.....

NEW YORK May 3, 2006 (AP)— The nation's largest beverage distributors have agreed to halt nearly all soda sales to public schools, according to a deal announced Wednesday by the William J. Clinton Foundation.

Under the agreement, the companies have agreed to sell only water, unsweetened juice and low-fat milks to elementary and middle schools, said Jay Carson, a spokesman for former President Bill Clinton. Diet sodas would be sold only to high schools.
Thought for the day :

" Creditors have much better memories than debtors. "

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Poor Isreal....

Ok, Im a little post happy today, sue me. I just heard in a news brief that Iran has said that if we attack them, they will in turn attack Isreal. Do the jews ever get a break?

This is like some bully in the schoolyard kick me, Ill kick your best friend in the shins instead of you because youre bigger and you scare me....blah blah.

How messy.

Hating The TV

Ok, I am the ugly American. I abuse myself, my liberties and such. I watch TV, not tons but at times I get caught up in my weekly shows and re runs. I just recentley saw an advertisement for a show on ABC. It is a mini movie based on the growing concern for bird flu here in the States. It just makes me sick that Hollywood will take an irrational fear of ours and run with it. Bird flu in America....

Like I said, I am a glutton when it comes to sucking in what Hollywood gives me, Im not gonna sit here and be self righteous and say "I never watch TV", I do.

Burn Hollywood Burn.....

Crazy Hair Day

The much anticipatd day has come and gone.
Crazy Hair day at Westgate was a smashing success. Jake did succumb to the clipper, Tiff and I refused to send him to school with a "Faux Mo" so with the Elmers glue treatment and pleanty of hairspray he rocks it hardcore.
Max recently had a hair cut so his spikes lost a bit of their prevoisly published length but he still looks real cool.
Unfortunatly Jake still insists on Green Day, and Max is digging the Motley Crue, but at least it's not (shudder) Britney S.

sliver, nirvana
Thought for the day :

" Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Czar won`t see his face. "

Monday, May 01, 2006

in the news.....

Leave the driving to the car
Cruise control? How very 90s. These cars can brake -- even park -- themselves.
May 1, 2006; Posted: 7:16 p.m. EDT (2316 GMT)

Expensive? Certainly. Wasteful? Perhaps. Tempting? Oh, yes. Find out what it's like to drive the car that practically drives itself.
NEW YORK (FORTUNE) - Spotting an opening in traffic, my Mercedes-Benz surges forward, then settles in at a 60-mph cruise. When we hit a patch of cars, the S-Class sedan eases off the gas, slowing to 20 mph, and finally brakes to a stop in the rush-hour snarl.

Sounds like another day, another dull commute. Except that, to borrow from the Greyhound slogan, I've been leaving the driving to Mercedes. In 60 minutes at the wheel - including traversing Manhattan's traffic-choked FDR Highway - my right foot never touches the gas or brakes. A flick of a lever, and my computerized copilot does everything but steer.

It's called adaptive cruise control. And while it sounds like something out of "Minority Report," it's available today on a range of luxury models - for an extra charge. The systems scan the road with radar or lasers to maintain a safe gap between cars, while drivers can set the ideal following distance.

This thing would be perfect for people like PJ and Frank who can fall asleep anywhere.

New Posters.....

Just today we got 2 new people posting replies to the blog. This is very cool and exciting news. I just wanted to let all the other Offmen know that all unregistered comments come through my mailbox first for approval.

I wanted to let you know I do not plan on censoring anyones' opinions and therefore I will be posting all comments regardless whether we agree with them or not. That is what this place is for...opinions, feelings and so on.

If you dont like what someone has to say, you can voice your disagreement here too.

Being censored sucks.

However, if they post or link to adult content we dont want our kids and/or co-workers to see, I will take appropriate steps to monitor that. Its pretty much anything goes here, settin aside the hardcore porn.

I am thinkin you all get it and understand. Thankies everyone!!!
Thought for the day :

" Do not clog intellect`s sluices with knowledge of questionable uses. "

So, dont question shit? What? Huh?

um... sorry i was gone....

if anyone noticed i was gone for the week due to some sort of computer hijacking. it is fixed now but i missed Scott's b-day. sorry bro. happy 8th b-day. (3+5=8) the only way to truely deny you age. anyway nice to talk to you all again.