Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Photo Montage and Merry New Year from Scott

Twelve pictures twelve months. I tried to choose images that best represent our lives each month. Although now that I look at it, there is no way any of it will make any sense to you. Best wishes to all of you in the New Year.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Saturday!!

---Well, in a little while, we will be meeting with the home owners to fill out an application and talk to them about renting that house we would love to have. Im pretty anxious. Its not as cold here this AM as I thought it would be, but I just caught a second of the news and could swear that the weather chick said the high temp. on New Years Day is gonna be 12. 12 is no fun. Screw 12. This is when things get hard for me...I cannot stand the heat of summer anymore, BUT 12???? Im sure with the wind chill it will be well below zero.

Have any of you seen the commercial for that new drug that fills the receptors in your brain so that you dont crave nicotine as much? I think it may be something I may try sometime down the road here. Its cool cuz its just a pill and if you mess up and smoke, there is no danger like with the patch. Im really worried cuz Im back down to my ideal weight of 160 and I dont want quitting smoking to make me gain a bunch of weight back.

So, whats this weekend look like for you? It will be child madness for me today down at the ex's shop which annoys the hell out of me. Not the kid, the customers. Ava will take off and start talking to customers in the shop which is fine, shes very out going and rather talkative, I have no problem with that. But its when the customers get down to her level and talk to her is when I get protective. I think "Lady (or Mister), you lay one finger on that kid and I will put you through that plate glass window without giving it a 2nd thought." Thats cool, call me over protective, I dont mind. Ive only had one thing like that happen down there at her shop that was somewhat close to that and Im glad my ex never saw it because it would have freaked her out. Hell, it freaked me out, but it put me in protective mode right away. Im very over protective of my ex and the kid, which I guess is good and bad.

Well boys, have a great weekend, keep warm and remember to hold your friends close but your enemies closer.---

Friday, December 28, 2007

your very own year in review...

---Hi there good lookin, here is some more stuff to think over and talk about as this year comes to a close.

If you had to think of a phrase to sum up your whole year, what would it be?

Did you pick up OR lose any habits in 07?

Who would you like to see play live this next year? Did you see anyone perform this past year? Ministry tix 44 damn dollars, WTF Big Al!

What changed you the most in 07?

Just think these over and get back to bloggin when you get a few mins. cool?---

The year in music...

---So, how many records did you buy this year, a few, a lot? I can say I only bought one album this year, the rest of my music was ripped from peer to peer groups online or given to me as copies from other people I know here.

How about you guys?---

Morning blah de blah

---Hiya fellas! Thanks for being so understanding concerning my bad tastes in jokes. We got the white stuff fallin here right now, about an inch or two, nothing major. I think you guys are due for some snow today too, am I right?

Things here are alright. I like going outside to smoke in the snow, it makes everything so quiet. I grabbed a small little book my ex was reading from her house and I find it to be hysterical. Its called Bad Cat. 244 not-so-pretty kitties and cats gone bad, by Jim Edgar. Its just pics of cats with silly expressions on their faces with really funny captions. Also listed is the cats age and what its personal hobby is. Kinda funny. You know, its one of those little useless bathroom books.

My latest tattoo work is healing up nicely and is itching like a bitch. We still have not heard from the owners of that house we want, they must be really busy or on vacation. The lady said they were gonna be super busy around the holidays and not to fret.

So. What are you boys gonna do for New Years eve? You going out or playin it safe and staying in? Ill be with my kid and the ex. All will be good. I gotta get a good pic of her on this new computer so I can show you guys what she looks like nowadays, shes gettin so big. She'll be 5 in just 10 days.

I noticed Ministry is coming back to Chicago in May or some time around that. 44 damn dollars a ticket! Al must be high. Id never pay that much to see them. There is almost no band Id pay that much to see. Im glad Im not into that kind of music anymore....

So yeah, let me know what you guys are gonna do for New Years eve.....

Next week, this city will be put on the map of the World for a short time with the caucus coming up. It really does get crazy here.---

---UPDATE on new home! The owners just contacted us and we are meeting with them tomorrow morning to fill out an app. and all that good stuff!!!---

Thursday, December 27, 2007

my stance

---I took the post down so this doesnt become a 3 ring circus. That joke was originally forwarded to me from one of my other internet pallys.

But yeah, if certain people here find my political views as "offensive" they best just look the other way then cuz I will not stop my own political view points. Ill keep em clean and "racist" free, but Im not gonna stop talkin politics when it comes up.

but when I say politics it goes a lot farther than a bunch of nimrods we vote into office. Over the years now, I have become a very opinionated person. Im not saying Im right nor wrong, but I stand behind my principles. Im pretty strong willed after what Ive gone through in life and I think my morals play a part of that too.

That "joke" I posted here had no racial ramifications, you guys are the ones that were so quick to put a label on it. The joke doesn't state who is being made fun of.

At the very least, I thought Id get a reply asking where it came from and how I was doing, considering things around here are friggin crazy nuts since Den died but nope, play that race card.

You guys wouldn't have given 2 shits if the joke was something like "Hey if you wanna keep the Irish out of your pub, when you see them coming, hide the Guiness, and bring out the PBR.

Im not a racist and I take offense to being called one. One of the closest friends here is Jewish, for example. Plus do you think I want my daughter to grow up in a home with that kind of judge mental energy? Just because Im a right winger doesnt mean Im a hate monger and I would never teach Ava to be one. The poor kids gonna hear it from both sides anyways when shes old enough, Im on the right and the ex is a bleeding heart liberal.

New Years...

---Alright, I have to ask because I have yet in my life to actually know a person who has been able to carry one out, but I figured, what the hell, Ill ask the boys....

What your New Years resolution???

Mine is to quit obsessing over illegal imigration---

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All the hype.

---Do you find it annoying that there is all this hype and madness around Christmas? You know, going out to buy gifts, family planing and it all equals out to one day that is over in the blink of an eye. I find all the hype rather annoying. The ONLY reason I get excited about the holidays now is because of my kid.

It was a rough day for both me and my Mom. I didnt think it was gonna be too bad, but then you get done with the gifts and the food and all that stuff and we were brought back to reality that hes' not here anymore. I dont mean to sound dramatic or anything, just gettin a few mis placed feelings from the day off my chest. I feel comfortable explaining my feelings and thoughts here.

The weather was really nice today, around 40 and sunny. We are due for a half inch tomorrow and then Thurs. into Fri. we are supposed to get hit with 5-7 inches of the white stuff. We had my Mom's home made lasagna for dinner tonight, it was delicious.

Do you ever just sit there and space off and wonder how some of our favorite musicians or actors spend their Christmas? I do, well, I did today to take my mind off some stuff. Do you ever think about it? I mean what the hell does Mike Ness get from his wife for Christmas? What about someone like Big Al from Ministry, what the hell would he get for the holiday?I know that Mike Ness has been drug and alcohol free since the mid 80s, so that rules out good booze. Im pretty sure Al has been clean for quite some time too, so that rules out an 8 ball of coke.---

Holiday Wrap up, get it...wrap up, haha......

---So, I expect a full report from you guys over the next couple of days as to what you got for Christmas! I got some Obsession cologne, a couple new Dickies work shirts that I love to wear, but the best gift of all I opened last.

I looked on the wrapper and it said To: Eric From: Den.....It was a book that he noticed I had wanted and he had remembered and bought it for me before he got sick and died. Yeah, very special, lots of tears.

We were gonna go out for breakfast but my Mom was up most of the night due to loneliness, she misses her companion, so we just stayed here and ate.

I got my Mom and cool bracelet, a new top,a new perfume and a few other small things for the kitchen.

Tomorrow we are gonna call the owners of that house we want to see whats up, Ill keep you all posted.

So, what cha get?---

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Stuff....

---Well, its Christmas Eve. I bet a bunch of you guys are runnin around trying to get things done. I really miss Den in a bad way right now and thats why Im blogging right now. Im trying really hard to not break down in front of my Mom because I dont wanna upset her. I know, deep down it wouldnt matter to her if I did, but it matters to me.

So, I shall change the subject...

What do you guys want for Christmas, or what do you think youre gettin?

Its pretty chilly here and we have about 4 inches of the white stuff on the ground right now and we are due for another inch tomorrow, which will make for a white Christmas...perfect.

We are going out to eat tonight, Red Lobster I think and then tomorrow we will go to breakfast then come home to open gifts. Those are 2 of the new traditions we are going to start. I will also be reading the Christmas story from The Bible, which Den did for years and years, its gonna be weird fillin his shoes.

I love you guys, enjoy your holiday, dont eat too much, ah heck, eat a ton and for those of us who have kids runnin around I hope you get to see the magic in their eyes again as they open their gifts. Kids rule, ya know?

OK, gotta run, Love You ALL, have a great day!!---

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year, From Scott

Holiday blah blah.....

---So, do you guys buy your pets any gifts for Christmas?

Its pretty funny, I was just sitting here for fun, going through the paper looking at places to live and I came across a townhome for rent for 1025.00 a month. The price alone almost made me spit out my coffee, cuz for around here, thats a HUGE price tag! Then I read "the rules" to rent this place...."no pets, no smoking"
For Fucks sake, for that amount of monthly rent, you outta be able to build a damn barn in the backyard and smoke like a chimney if you want!

The suns out here now even though its terribly cold, its close to zero I think. Im drinking too much coffee this morning too, I feel zippy. I am very anxious about Christmas being here, but my Mom and I have to endure and we will. Time to start some new traditions, so her and I can move on and heal yet, remember Den at the same time.

So, whos going where for the holiday?---

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter woes

---So here I am, its Sat. morning and we are due to get nailed by a pretty good sized snow storm within the next couple of hours so it will be a white Christmas here. Its flippin cold too, wind chill is 11.

Well, I went and got my left arm sleeve worked on some more the other day, no pics yet, I dont own a digi cam. and last night when I went over to the exs' place, she had left her digi cam. at her shop. Its pretty sweet and Im pretty sore, but I did get to implement Social Distortion's infamous mascot "Skelly" into the the piece in a very non traditional way, so Im happy about that.

My ex and kid will be heading up to Northern IA. tomorrow morning due to the weather today. They will be celebrating the holidays with her mom and dad. Her dad has pancreatic cancer, so the time spent there is huge. Hes doing pretty damn good right now though, which is wonderful. I wont get to do Christmas with my kid until prolly next Weds. or Thus.

I rented a couple mindless, slack jawed movies to watch this weekend...The Simpsons and Knocked Up. Im not looking forward to seeing either of them but I needed something to do with the kid gone and a nasty storm headed this way.

Hows things with you guys? PJB, I see you keep gettin new stock in all the time so things must be going well which makes me very happy for you. Youll be in my heart and on my mind this holiday too and we both know why. I havent seen Scott around here for a while, nor has Steve or Mr. Martin stopped in to reply or post anything.

Im getting better and better with dealing with the loss of Den everyday. Ill admit, I cant watch death scenes or funerals on TV yet, but thats fine. Still fearing Christmas. But some shit went down when he died and we may have some serious retribution coming our way after its all said and done. One of his neurologists fucked up big time on some things.....

The blog is kinda dead, but its the holidays, but still gotta give props for PJ for stoppin in and commenting recently.---

Thursday, December 20, 2007


---I wanna say this now so hopefully you guys will have the time to read it before things get super crazy with the holiday week almost upon us.

I have learned ONE honest and brutally real thing this past year. That thing is to love with all you got and NEVER be afraid to tell the people you care about that you love them too.

Reach for the sky, for tomorrow may never come.

I just wanted an extra 30 seconds with Den, 30 seconds to say thank you. Thats all, not goodbye or anything, just thank you, thank you, because along with my Mom, he showed me what true love is. I didnt get that chance, so please, dont ever be afraid to tell those that matter that you love them. Sure, I have a pocket full of memories, some are good and some are bad, but they have ALL taught me to say I love you.

I hope this Christmas you run into family or friends you dont see all too often and you get to catch up with them and you are able to tell them you love them. If youre a real man you can do it. A real man can show his feelings. This isnt prison where you havta act all hard like stone or a rock, these are people you know and may love.

Please tell them, you never know what the future brings.

So, that is my Christmas wish, for all of you to be able to tell those that matter that you love them if you can.

My gift to you is just as simple. Im giving you the gift of love. I love you guys, OK? Please dont ever forget that. Sure, weve had arguments here on this crazy blog over politics and music and the like but none of it matters, because of the bond we share.

Enjoy your holiday. Merry Christmas and I love you

Your brother, Eric---

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Setzer, the guitar wizard

---Now this is an old song by Setzer and his 68 Comeback Special because this album came out back in '01, but I just wanted to post it to show off his incredible guitar slinging skills. TOTALLY under rated as a guitar player. This music is so much better than any of that electronic, synthesized junk they try to pass of as music today.

Long live the power of a 3 piece band and NO god damn keyboard players! Social D. does tour with a guy who does play the Hammond B3 Organ though, but there is a HUGE diff. between an organ and a damn keyboard. The Hammond Organ is from another time, a vintage monster, it is old school. For certain songs it totally compliments SD's playing style. They've been touring with the Organ for quite a while now and I hope they use it a lot more on the next album which should be out very early next year. OK, back to Setzer..........

Im no huge fan of the Stray Cats nor am I a huge fan of Setzer's solo stuff, but I think this video clip shows of his playing style really damn well.---

Monday, December 17, 2007

House shopping

---Hi Boys. I would greatly appreciate it if you would say a prayer/keep us (my mom and I) in your thoughts over the next week or so. We found our dream house for rent, now all we have to do is fill out the application and pray. Its an adorable 2 bedroom. 2 bath at a great price! It has a finished basement that I could have for a computer area and a pullout sleeper for guests. It has decent decks both in the front and back. It comes with a washer/dryer combo and a 3 car garage! You can make any upgrades you wish and all you have to do is give the receipts to the Landlord and she deducts it from your rent. The only minuscule draw back is no dish washer, but I dont mind doing dishes if I have to, its no big thing. The back deck was so sweet, I could sit back there during the summer months and drink a margarita and smoke a big fat stogie all while watching the kid play in the back yard. Nice spacious kitchen, lots of room for a kitchen table.

The couple is moving out late Jan, so we could get in Mid-Feb. or March 1st. The family that is there now is being shipped off to Guantanimo in Cuba. Very nice family is currently renting it, they hate to leave, but US duty calls the hubby to service.

Thats all for now guys, just wanted to give my extended "family" a heads up!!!

We really hope we land this one. Its sooooo nice, we just wanna get out of where we are.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wrong Number of the Day

"I have a message for every homeowner worried about rising mortgage payments: the best you can do for your family is to call 1-800-995-HOPE." —President George W. Bush. The correct number actually started with "888." So where did the wrong number take folks? How about the Freedom Christian Academy—a Texas-based group that provides Christian education home schooling material. Hmmm.

I had a few minutes to kill, and was checking out an industry web site, and they had this little article. thought it would be fun to pass it along

Yes X-mas is a real hoot here in AH, we sold two bikes, and some other stuff. My shopping is done, only cause Tif did it all. I got her the same thing I got her last year.
My undying love..... cheesy I know, but we are spending on the boys and family.

Thank you so much.

---Thank you. I don't think I ever said that enough.

Thank you.

For giving a damn when it seemed no one else would. For the countless little tips of wisdom. For the myriad of gifts when I deserved not a single one. Thank you for standing by me, even in times when you maybe shouldn't have, even when it involved my own Mother.

Thank you.

Thank you for sometimes not showing me in your actions, but showing me in your dedications, which meant the world to me.

I miss you so much.---

Friday, December 14, 2007

Avas Christmas Pageant

---Did I spell pageant right? Anyways, I just got home from watching and her pre school put on a pretty damn cute Christmas show. Ava, of course stole the show, she sang her very own solo of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, and nailed it perfectly, even with her red nose and antlers on! I was a little emotional, but c'mon cut me some slack, Ive been through a lot over the past month.

Shes gettin so big. Before I know it she'll be in school, then Ill be really freaked out!

So, what did you get your special lady for Christmas? What would you like or what do you think youre getting? My mom has about 5 things for me, no clue what they are, Im kinda excited! I THINK one of them is that FLY Fusion pentop computer, you know, youve seen the add for it for teens. Its a pen but its kinda like a little data holder, you can write with it on paper, then it "saves" all youve written to its little memory and then you can DL as written data to your computer when you get home. Ive been doing a lot of writing lately and I cant get a laptop, nor do I want one, so this little computer like pen may come in handy for me, especially for therapy sessions. Besides that possibility, I have no idea what I may be getting.

Gotta send props to PJB for coming to the blog and helping me feel like Im not the only one out there. I KNOW, I KNOW you motherfuckers get busy with life, but I know PJ is super busy with life, thats why I wanted to give him extra props to breathing some life back into the blog by following up on some of my small talk. Thanks Brother.

Well, thats all from the frozen tundra of Iowa for now, time for bed soon, but first I havta go out in minus 2 degree weather like a fucktard and smoke. Yep, Im a certifiable fucktard.---

I sure have a few of these....

Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

All done

---Well, I officially just got done with my Christmas shopping! Everything is done and wrapped! It also took me over an hour to unfreeze my car this AM too so I could drive it. It took several bottles of hot ass water to melt the ice fast enough so I could get in one door to slide in and kick the other one open. Damn sick and tired of these ice storms, but I feel really blessed that I don't live somewhere like Oklahoma city where it looks like they could be out of power for weeks. THAT would suck.

So, I notice that the political action is gettin real hot here in Iowa with the caucus coming up in just a few weeks. Its kinda funny how they put tons and tons of coverage on the Democratic caucus, but next to none on the Republican one. Thats alright though, we'll get em in the end.

Fucking Oprah and Obama make me sick.---

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ho Ho Ho!

---OK, how far along are you guys with your holiday shopping? As of tomorrow, I will be officially done! Ive kinda gone out of the way to spoil my mom with gifts this year. I know that "buying her out" isnt gonna bring Den back, nor is it gonna take away her pain, but if I can make her smile for for an extra min. or two on Christmas morning, Ill be happy.

This Christmas is gonna be terribly difficult to get through. But we shall survive.

So, hows the shoppin going on your end?---

Monday, December 10, 2007

Baby rant!!!!

---OK, its too early to be THIS cold, even though I rather have it be this cold than say, 90 degrees, but c'mon! I'm also sick of the ice storms, get with it Mom Nature, either rain or snow but please cut the freezin rain junk. Its still too hard for me to scrape a half inch of ice off my car cuz of my surgery, so just knock it off

Hows the weather there? You guys gettin more ice/snow tomorrow? We are.....but more ice.


End rant. Love You =)

---Well, its Tuesday now and we managed to live through the overnight ice storm, we got about a half inch of ice all over everything. It just switched over to snow about an hour ago and I will admit, everything looks beautiful. Im not traveling in any of this shit today though, no thanks. I was gonna go to my artist and get a quote on finishing up my left sleeve but it will have to wait until next week now, no big deal.

Whats goin on over there, you guys gettin any nasty weather today?---

Friday, December 07, 2007

---click on him to get the full effect.---

Democratic Convention Agenda!

Early Release Schedule of Events 2008 Democratic Convention

7:00 PM ~ Opening flag burning

7:15 PM ~ Pledge of Allegiance to the U. N.

7:20 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

7:25 PM ~ Nonreligious prayer and worship with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

7:45 PM ~ Ceremonial tree hugging

7:55 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

8:00 PM ~ How I Invented the Internet - Al Gore

8:15 PM ~ Gay Wedding Planning - Barney Frank presiding

8:35 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

8:40 PM ~ Our Troops are War Criminals - John Kerry

9.00 PM ~ Memorial service for Saddam and his sons - Cindy Sheehan and Susan Sarandon

10:00 PM ~ "Answering Machine Etiquette" - Alec Baldwin

11:00 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

11:05 PM ~ Collection for the Osama Bin Laden kidney transplant fund - Barbra Streisand

11:15 PM ~ Free the Freedom Fighters from Guantanamo Bay - Sean Penn

11:30 PM ~ Oval Office Affairs - William Jefferson Clinton

11:45 PM ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

11:50 PM ~ How George Bush Brought Down the World Trade Towers - Howard Dean

12:15 am ~ "Truth in Broadcasting Award" - Presented to Dan Rather by Michael Moore

12:25 am ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

12:30 am ~ Satellite address by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

12:45 am ~ Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Nancy Pelosi

1:00 am ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

1:05 am ~ Coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton

1:30 am ~ Ted Kennedy proposes a toast

1:35 am ~ Bill Clinton asks Ted Kennedy to drive Hillary home

---Sorry, I couldnt resist.---

Meet the big O, Mr. Obama.

In the world of retail, there's star power, there's celebrity endorsement and then there's Oprah Winfrey. Her Midas touch saves names from anonymity, best sellers from dusty storerooms and favorite things from Internet obscurity.

But as Winfrey has long chosen abstinence in the arena of political endorsements and campaign-trail theater, her capital remains untested. Until now.

In May, Winfrey affirmed her support for Sen. Barack Obama's presidential candidacy to Larry King, describing Obama's leadership as "worth me going out on a limb for." In September, the media titan feted Obama at a California fundraiser, raking in more than $3 million for the Illinois senator's White House bid.

And this weekend, Winfrey hits the trail with the Democratic candidate, making appearances alongside Obama in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire.

---Do you think this will do a lot of good for his campaign?---

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Your “Top Five” most disliked music ever!

Well we all have seen and heard the ubiquitous question “Who are your top five most favorite music artists of all time?” and Personally I find them a little hard to answer. I mean for fuck sake I have some where around 35 gigs of music on my computer, does that strike you as the type of guy who has a short list of favorites? I might be able to give a top five for each genre. But the whole concept of these questions are so redundant in them self. Wouldn’t it simply be easier to simply establish the music some one doesn’t like first. Then you could end your conversation on a positive note by reviewing those bands you do like. Heck wouldn’t it be great if there was an online music source that built your profile off not only your likes but your dislikes from the start? Well now I am rambling.

So what are your top five most despised musicians of all time?

Here are mine in order:

1. Pink Floyd
2. Alanis Morissette
3. Guns and Roses
4. James Taylor
5. Back Street Boys

Whoops! no sooner did I publish this post and leave the house in my car, but what did I hear on the radio...?

Lets Add one more and make it a simple half dozen.

6. Cher!


---First, I wanna send peace out to all those affected by yesterday's senseless tragedy in Omaha.

2nd, we are currently getting hit with our first real snow of the year, coming down about the rate of a half inch every hour, nothing all to spectacular, but its still pretty. I heard you guys really got a decent amount, huh?

I went to the dr. today to have my hurnea wound looked at and all looks good. Its pretty wild, they secure the wound together with surgical glue! No stitches, no staples, just a glue. Wild, I tell ya!

OK, Im as high as a kite on pain killers after them poking and prodding at my wound today so Im gonna get back to my book for now, over n out...---

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Interesting Blog

---Its all pics, but needs no explanation really---

Joke Time!!!!

How many racists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None -- they don't want to be enlightened!

Winter Wonderland

---So, it is to my understanding you guys got hit with some snow yesterday, am I correct about this? If so, enjoy the seasons first white stuff!

We are due to get hit tomorrow with 3-4 inches, shouldnt be too bad. Hell, Im laid up at home still recovering from surgery so I dont really care, Ill just watch the white stuff fly. I have always loved the first measurable snowfall of the season, its always so nice and pure looking.

I know Scott loves it, but what about the rest of you guys, do you enjoy the first snowfall?---

Thursday, November 29, 2007

random thoughts

two recent immigration stories from the tucson region.

first is about a tucson police officer stopping a van and after brief struggle with an occupant of the van, an illegal immigrant, the officer shot and killed him.
the second is about a mother and son on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere whne the mother loses control of her vehicle causing it to fall into a ravine. the mother is injured and trapped while her son crawls free and goes for help. he is found by an illegall immigrant who returns with him to the crash. the mother dies of her injuries while the 9 year old boy is taken care of by the illegal. the next morning they are able to find help and the illegal is turned over to border patrol and deported.

did any of you hear of either of these stories?

in my local paper the police officer story was on the front page of the regional section while the immigrant as hero story was buried next to the obituaries. this is of course in the paper that everyone considers to be the local liberal rag.

my last thought is that the illegal that sat with the kid overnight should be given, if not outright citizenship, the right to stay and work in our country. we want that sort of person here.

Where were you? (Scott's written excuse for not blogging)

This might just bore the shit out of most of you, how ever the below list is a portion of a much larger document I created in an attempt to reign in and organize a very large meal served at our home on Thanksgiving. The original document also covered the entire weeks worth of meals and events surrounding the last weeks holiday, during which time we were blessed with multiple house guests from three separate states in our home. I recapped the menu, as a just in case I decide to do this foolish sort of shit again.

Hors d'oeuvres

Cut fresh veggies and dip: Good, half the plate eaten.

Everything Nuts: Excellent!!!! Burned first attempt but wow they were really good!

Almond, Cashew, Cranberry mix: Forgot to serve.

Cheese and Crackers: Cheese selection needed to be wider, we served Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, and Smoked Cheddar. A Baked Brie would have been great along with more Spreadable Cheese.

Smoked Salmon: One slice of quality fish was the perfect quantity!

Crab Salad wraps: Well liked well received, made 5 times to much.


Salad- served buffet style (build your own): No one touched it, likely due to the fact that dinner and Hors d'oeuvres were served only about 40 minutes apart.

Fresh Tangerines: Looked great, bought to many.

Fish (Grilled) Talapia: Two large pieces were perfect, Prepared on the grill yum.

Turkey: 17.5 pound bird for 16 people just a little too much, maybe 15 would have been perfect.

Corn Bread: Excellent! Pre-Mix from Trader Joes.

Mashed Potato's: Perfect Potatoes from Mom's garden.

Sweet Potato's: Good, however it looked weird and few ate them, made a double batch and was twice to much. This dish did however become more tasty as left-overs. Next time make two days prior to meal.

Rolls: Average, store bought pre-maid none left over.

Wild Rice Salad: Very Good, Batch was twice the size it should have been.

Standard stuffing: Had very little left over!!! Seems we had a lot of stuffing lovers at our dinner table.

Grandma Hill's Famous Stuffing: Gone!!!!! Big favorite!!!

Corn (from Mom’s Farm): Yum!

Carrots (from Mom’s Farm): Did not show up.

Swiss Chard casserole (from Mom’s Farm): Only a few of us ate it :(

Cranberry Sauce: !!!!!! Holy shit these were really good!!!!!! Berries soaked in lots of sugar and brandy. YUM!

Hot Cider: Finished most of it!!! Trader Joes Spiced Cider.

Wine (Harbor Red): Gone!!!!! Big favorite!!!

Wine (white?): Gone!!!!! Big favorite!!!

Vanilla Ice cream: Did well!

Pumpkin Pie: Gone!!!!! Big favorite!!! Nothing special, From Jewel Bake shop.

Apple Pie: never happened.

Strawberry Rhubarb: Half of one pie eaten, Grand Travers Pie Company.

Black Berry Pie: One quarter eaten, Grand Travers Pie Company.

Pumpkin Spice Cake: Two slices eaten… by me Pre-Mix From Trader Joes.

Banana Bread: Four slices eaten Pre-Mix From Trader Joes.

Cookies: Gone!!!!! Big favorite!!! Could have bought twice as much. Frosted Sugar Cookies (jewel), and Chocolate Chip Cookies from Josephs.

Turtle Pumpkin Pie (from Mom’s Farm): miss-fire died in transit.

For the Kids

Mac and Cheese: Never happened Colin Ate a box worth of wheat thins before dinner and more sweets after than any of our 17 other guests for desert.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pass the Rightguard please.......

Worldwide, 1.43 showers are taken every day for every 10 people.

And also.....

Q. Why is air a lot like sex?

A. Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

me scared

---Ive been deeply addicted to terrible street drugs, but this, of all things makes me very nervous.

I have to have surgery this Fri AM on my hurnea. Being put under freaks me out. The surgery should take less than like 30 mins. and Ill be home by like 1 PM.

I get terribly nervous when I think of myself being put under to do the procedure. I know, I know, Ive heard it a million times, they start your IV with a small amount of something that makes you not give a shit about anything youre so stoned and then once you are in check with the anesthesiologist, he sets you up and tells you to count from 100 down and by time you get to 98, youre gone!

Any of you guys ever had surgery? What was it like?

Im nervous as fuck.---

---New song from my boys Social D. called "Bakersfield". I believe it is about Mike's hatred for that town and a tribute to the great country star Buck Owens which is kick ass. Rumors are flying everywhere that they have their latest album in the can and it should be out early in 08. If it sounds anything close to this song here, its gonna be there best work to date. This song is simply awesome. Ness gets better and better everytime he picks up a guitar and it pisses me off that he gets little recognition for it. I think IMHO he is one of the great American story tellers, not along the likes of Johnny Cash or Bob Dylan or anyone like that, but the greatest story teller to come out of the 1st wave of the punk rock scene so long ago. He has so much talent its not even funny.

Damn I fucking love these guys.---

Gimmie a break!

LONDON, England (CNN) -- UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Tuesday that officials were working to secure the early release of a British teacher who faces being whipped in Sudan after she allowed her class to name a teddy bear "Mohammed."

Gillian Gibbons, 54, was arrested Sunday after she asked her class of seven-year-olds to come up with a name for the toy as part of a school project, her head teacher told CNN.

Robert Boulos, the head of Unity High School in the capital Khartoum, said naming the teddy bear was "a totally innocent mistake" and that Gibbons had never intended to cause offense.

He said Gibbons had asked the children to pick their favorite name for the new class mascot, which she was using to aid lessons about animals and their habitats.

Classmates took turns taking the teddy bear home with them, accompanied by a diary with the bear's name written in the front of it, Boulos said.

"All this is a very sensitive area. I asked her (Gibbons) why she had done it and she said she didn't chose the name, the children did," Boulos told CNN.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Tuesday he was "very sorry" about Gibbons' arrest and that the British embassy in Khartoum was "giving all appropriate consular assistance to her."

He said all efforts were being taken to ensure her early release and that government officials were in touch with the teacher's family in the northern British city of Liverpool.

The school teacher has been accused of blasphemy and is being held by police in Khartoum, Kirsty Saunders, British Foreign Office spokeswoman told CNN.

Although there is no ban in the Koran on images of Allah or the Prophet Mohammed, likenesses are considered highly offensive by Muslims.

Parents of students at the school informed the authorities and Gibbons was taken into custody Sunday, Saunders said.

So far Gibbons has yet to be charged with any offense, however, under Sudanese law, insulting Islam is punishable with 40 lashes, a jail term of up to six months or a fine, she said.

However, a Sudanese official told CNN that if police decided that Gibbons had acted in good faith, she would most likely be spared punishment.

"If the intentions are good, definitely she will be absolved and will be cautioned not to repeat this thing again," Mutrif Siddig, Sudan's under secretary for foreign affairs, said.

---When are people just gonna wake up and realize that Islam is a violent and non-tolerant form of Religion? I supposed once the kids got home they got beatings too because they agreed with this bear bring named Mohammed? If insulting Christianity was punishable by these same standards, people would be getting lashes on a daily basis with no remorse.---

Monday, November 26, 2007

We Americans live in a nation where the medical-care system is second to none in the world, unless you count maybe 25 or 30 little scuzzball countries like Scotland that we could vaporize in seconds if we felt like it.
Dave Barry
US columnist & humorist (1947 - )

Sunday, November 25, 2007

OK, Mr. Cosby rant part II

---I just cleaned it up a bit to make it look better, but thats all---

"They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.

And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English

except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor

with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what ? ?

And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.

Where were you when he was 2 ? ?

Where were you when he was 12 ? ?

Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol ? ?

And where is the father ? ? Or who is his father ?

People putting their clothes on backward:
Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something ?

Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up ?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from??

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .

With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back. People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.

We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs We, as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer."

Dr. William Henry "Bill" Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


---setting aside my usual tid bits here, this blog is getting cob webs. Its been almost 2 weeks or close to that since anyone besides myself or Steve has posted something. I know I,know life gets in the way but you guys used to check in, even if your lives were super crazy, I miss you guys damnit!!!!!---

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

gobble, gobble

--I wanted to take a few mins. to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving.

Anyone got any b.s. family events planned? God I always hated those. My b.s. plan is to go out to dinner with my Mom on Turkey Day, theres no point in having her in and out of the kitchen all damn day to prepare a huge holiday feast for just 2 people. Also, with her only being a widow for a couple weeks, has taken its toll on her. She needs rest. Shes not even gonna put up a tree for Christmas this year Our holiday season will be really grim this year with Den not being here.

We also need to move asap because we cant really afford the place we are in now since he passed away, so we are getting ready to tackle that too.

I will leave you guys with a kinda happy little story. We have a 3ft. white Christmas tree that was Den's. He would decorate it every year with his Daffy Duck ornaments (He LOVED DAFFY). And thankfully he got time to decorate it before he went in to the hospital for the last time, so right now we have that little tiny tree, fully decorated w/ Daffy in all his glory, sitting on a book shelf in our living room and its lit up...for him---

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Alright fine, we'll go this route

---GREATEST punk rock cover song of all time?

My vote goes to Social D's. Ring Of Fire. Simply Amazing. They did the man in black way proud with that one. If you've ever been to a live SxDx show and been pushed up against the stage during this one to hear Ness yell out "Let it burn Mother fucker" you know what I mean and if you haven't, well, you may have missed out on a lifetime experience.---

random thoughts

hello everybody, just wanted to say i made it back from scotland. i've been back for awhile i just got caught up i life after i got back so i haven't been able to do more than look at the blog for a while. the trip was incredible and the class we took was cool and we have begun to see minor benefits from it. i got to see a real castle and roslyn chapel, very cool. the people were great and the food delicious. haggis is very good. anyway sorry to hear of tipster's loss and glad that everyone else seems to be doing well. i added my three favorites to the music list so you can go check that. as soon as i get damien to load our pictures on to a cd i will transfer them to this computer and share them. take care and talk to you soon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

no drivers licenses, yay!!!!

NEW YORK (CNN) -- New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will withdraw a controversial plan that would have allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, a spokeswoman told CNN Tuesday night.

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants came under heavy criticism.

Spitzer plans to withdraw the proposal on Wednesday, spokeswoman Jennifer Givner told CNN.

The governor is in Washington, D.C., for a meeting with New York's congressional delegation on the issue, she said.

Spitzer's plan drew national attention and stirred opposition from critics, some of whom expressed concern over possible voter fraud.

"I believe this is just a fundamental issue of right and wrong," said Rep. Tom Latham, an Iowa Republican who opposes Spitzer's plan. "And to give people official recognition when they come in and break the law in their first act in this country is simply wrong."

Seventy-six percent of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, according to poll conducted in October for CNN by the Opinion Research Corp.

---Finally, someone with some fucking brains.---

Monday, November 12, 2007

My Thanks.

---I wanted to take the time and send a special thank you out to PJB and Mike Martin for making it to my Dad's wake. I also understand Scott made a valiant effort at trying to make it there and I wanna say thank you to him also.

Thanks brothers.

More later......---

---OK, now that I am more settled back in I have some more time. This weekend was very, very difficult for me, but sometimes, it can be that way. Again, thanks to the brothers who made it there and to those who tried. The rest of the time was reassuring about how I truly am the black sheep in the family, all the way down to the ink to the kind of music I enjoy, it felt kinda good, non conformity rules. I love my family that still gives 2 shits about my Mother and I, but the rest of them can go fly.......

I didnt get to do much or see much else because we were too busy making funeral arrangements, so that kinda blew.

All I will leave you with is that tomorrow is not promised to any of us and I know we all get busy with daily bullshit (even though none of your lives are bullshit) but we should ALL really try to stay in touch more if even by here at the blog.

I love you all because you are all my brothers---

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Den's Service

---He passed away this morning just before 2 AM. He went peacefully, no problems, no pain and no suffering. The wake is to be held this coming Sunday tentatively from 4 PM until 9 PM at 8300 W. Lawrence Ave. Norridge IL. 60706, the name of the Funeral Home is Cumberland Chapels.

The Funeral will be the following Monday morning at the Cumberland Chapel. The Obituary will be in one of the papers this weekend, just not sure which one. The number to the Funeral home is 708-456-8300.

If you guys wanna get a hold of me directly, you can get me at 515-745-9308, thats my personal cell number, I have it on and with me at all times.

I hope to be able to hook up with at least a couple of you while Im there for a few hours someway, sometime. I should be in town until the 14th or 15th, so we'd have time if you cant make it to his service. I REALLY hope to see you guys. I more than likely WILL NOT have internet access while I am in town this time so this will more than likely be my last post until next week me.-

Monday, November 05, 2007

Dennis B. Enders

---I rarely addressed Den as my "Step" Dad, because he was more than that rotten piece of filth my real dad ever was. It was discovered that sometime last night, he had a stroke and a massive brain bleed. He cant eat, open his eyes, or even tell you he loves you anymore, he cant speak. I went to the hospital today to say goodbye. It could be days or maybe a week, but all in all, my Dad has died.

Im saddened beyond expressible words. All the male counter parts that has given two shits about me and my life are now gone.

His wake/funeral will be held in the Chicago area. I will update you all as to when I will be in town, Imgonna need some getaway time.

thanks guys---

---Small UPDATE guys. It was confirmed he had a stroke and a blood clot was thrown to his brain. He is still "here" so to speak, but all he does is sleep, his body knows nothing else now. Per my moms request (she has power of attorney) he has been removed from his oxygen and they stopped giving him his meds. yesterday, so it all up to time now. As soon as I know final plans I will let you guys know.---

Sunday, November 04, 2007

my Step Dad

Well, for those that care, my step dad has been in the hospital again since Friday afternoon. It has been determined that he has developed a new form of dementia called "Sundowners Dementia". Im not sure what that is as of yet. His fever was almost 104 yesterday but its down to 98 today which is great news. I also dont know when they will release him.

All in all, things here have been very tense. They also want to enlist him in some kind of physical therapy, for what I dont know either. I didnt go to see him today, I will be going tomorrow.

This man means a hell of a lot to me. He was there for me through all of my bullshit years and then some. He put up with me through the drugs, the stealing and all the lies. Next to my Grandfather, this man has BEEN my father figure for my life. He has been a part of my life since I was 13. If something bad happens to him, Im not sure what my Mom and I will do.

---UPDATE....Monday AM.....I just returned from the hospital and now my dad is in a total catatonic state. He sleeps and sleeps and sleeps...he doesnt know his own name and all he can do is mumble some phrases that no one understands. Things DONT look good at all. No foods no liquids, nothing, he just sleeps and mumbles. I dont know what to do.---

Un F-ing beleivable

thanks to my good buddy Big Jonny over at drunkcyclist .com for this truly disturbing link.
this is just whacked.
I like a nice tattoo as much as the next guy,
I'm not a huge fan of all of the crazy peircings some of the kids are getting,
but adding body parts? come on dudes, that's .......

Friday, November 02, 2007

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ex-Manager for Ramones Beaten to Death

The Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Linda Stein, a pioneer in New York's punk music scene who later became known as a real estate "broker to the stars," was beaten to death inside her Manhattan apartment, the medical examiner ruled.

Stein's daughter found her body Tuesday night face down in the living room of the Upper East Side apartment, where she lived alone. There were no signs of a break-in or robbery, and police said they had no motive or suspects.

An autopsy found that Stein, 62, died from blows to the head and neck, medical examiner spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said Wednesday.

Stein was the ex-wife of Seymour Stein, former president of Sire Records, which was the launching pad for the Ramones, Talking Heads and Madonna.

A former schoolteacher, she and Danny Fields co-managed the Ramones during the band's heyday. She is credited with bringing the Ramones to England for their infamous July 4, 1976, concert that helped spark the young British punk scene.

Whos your top 3 of all time?

---Last night I got in a rather heated argument with a certain friend of mine over who he thought were the greatest punk bands of all time were. Im not talking second generation shit either, Im talking roots, way back in the day from say 1976 to 1980.

Heres my top 3 in NO special order

The Clash
The Ramones
and of course the mighty Social D.

Bands like that changed the way we look at music today.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


---Happy Halloween guys! Are you taking the kiddies anywhere special tonight or tomorrow night to go trick or treating? We have a couple of ideas to toss around here, were just not sure yet....

Let me know what you guys plan on doing!---

Monday, October 29, 2007

If you could.....

An affluent couple gets into an argument over dinner.

"If you could cook," said the husband, "we could fire the chef."

"If you could screw," replied the wife, "we could fire the driver."

---Haha. Prolly true in a lot of relationships though.

Well, my step dad comes home tomorrow, which is great news! But his recovery will be long and drawn out. Having had TWO open heart surgeries in the past, everything takes a lot more time for him to get back on his feet.

By the way Scott, I think I talked her into buying an external HD, for storage.....---

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Sunday Everyone!

---Yes, Im this bored right now and the cat picture is cute. Fall is in full effect here, it was 34 degrees when I went out at 715 this AM. My step Dad (Dennis) is doing better, but man, being a heart patient and having pneumonia sucks ass! It has totally drained him.

Did I tell you guys Im down to a slim 170 pounds now, down from 205 over the summer. No special diets, no weight loss pills, no eating right, my secret? I just eat dinner early, around 430 in the afternoon and then dont eat again until the next day, so cutting out the big night snack is what did it for me! Im pretty happy about it. Lets see, I got a new computer, its pretty nice IMO, Runs super fast, dual core and all the fixens. The only draw back to getting the new p.c. was the fact that that was my ink $$$, so there will be no more sleeve work for me any time in the near future.

Anyone got any Halloween plans? We will take Ava trick or treating around the nicer part of town if it isnt too cold and if it is too cold for her, we will just go the big mall here where they hand out candy to the wee ones.

Well guys, I know youre all busy, but when you get just one extra minute, let me know how youre doing, I think of my Brothers often and I am really sorry I wont be headed into town like planned next month.

One more HUGE thing..Im looking in your direction Mike and in your direction also Mark, how much do you know about flash drives? Scott, can you help me here? The ex has literally hundreds of pics of the kid on her computer and she wants to put them onto a flash drive...any ideas???? Its so bad at times, her p.c. runs low on memory and wont do anything for a while. What are some good drives and HOW MUCH can they hold, she has hundreds of pics, will she need to buy 2???---

Friday, October 26, 2007


well, I felt I should update ya'll on my going ons even though this blog is a ghost town but my step dad has fallen ill with a very, very serious case of bacterial pneumonia and travel is not advised for him anytime in the near future His recovery time will be long and drawn out and the main reason we were going to head that way was so he could spend time with some dear friends of his, so in a nutshell, I wont be coming, sorry guys. Guess there is always next Spring and maybe as the time that goes by between now and then, we could throw some kind of reunion together or something. Just an idea.

See you guys around I guess......Im going to Vegas anyways, or at least thats what Im telling myself.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

---OK, I know you guys are busy little worker bees, but the blog is dead...

Hello, anybody out there?---

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Iraq Blogs

---Sorry, I still dont know how to directly link on this damn thing, but anyways, copy and paste works just as good. Go check it out, its kinda interesting.---

Saturday, October 20, 2007


RIVERSIDE, Calif. - A former gang member convicted in a jewelry heist that resembled robberies he described in his memoir has been sentenced to 126 years in prison.


Colton Simpson, 41, declined to speak during Friday's sentencing hearing and showed no reaction when Superior Court Judge F. Paul Dickerson III issued the sentence.

Simpson, who has previous felony convictions, was sentenced under the state's three strikes law. He was found guilty of robbery, burglary and grand theft for his role in a 2003 heist at a Robinsons-May Co. department store jewelry counter in Temecula.

Simpson was accused of being the mastermind and getaway car driver. Two unidentified men, who were not prosecuted, were accused of entering the store and actually pulling off the heist.

Dickerson permitted Simpson's 2005 memoir, "Inside the Crips: Life Inside L.A.'s Most Notorious Gang," to be presented as evidence during the trial.

Prosecutors argued that a visit by Simpson to the jewelry counter two days before the robbery was similar to scenes in the book.

---Its crazy to me to think there are still Crips and Bloods out there and doing well. At my last check I was under the impression that most of the serious, hardcore L.A. gangs had gone underground more or less, kinda like the MOB. You damn well know they exist, but they are just really, really quiet about it.

Its like if someone my size was to end up in prison serving HARD time. Id join a white power gang so fast your head would spin. You need protection on the inside. I still remember a lot about the prison system from my years in college (and I worked in an all women medium security prison for about 6 months too) You dont play solo in prison for very long and expect to be left alone. You do what ya gotta do to live in there. OK, I got off topic, anyone else got any ideas about prison, or gangs for that matter? Are there still a lot of gangs over there? I would imagine Chicago is riddled with them. The gangs here are VERY well hidden, Des Moines has an excellent gang task force, be it very small---

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Long before the sun comes up to bake the Arizona desert, the Maricopa County sheriff's deputies get ready for the day's pursuit.

"The objective is basically to make stops on these vehicles, screen these individuals [to see] whether they're in this country illegally," said Madrid.

With 4 million residents, Maricopa (which includes the cities of Phoenix and Mesa) claims to be the fastest-growing county in America. Illegal immigrants are helping fuel that growth with their numbers and labor, and in Maricopa County they aren't waiting for Washington to stop haggling over immigration reform. That's because they have a no-nonsense sheriff who likes to do things … his way.

---Its about time they gave some of our border patrol guards the power to actually arrest someone trying to get in illegally---

raw fish anyone?

Since its sweeping westernization, sushi has seen a sharp decrease of popularity in Japan.

---Never had it, never will. I don't see how you can eat raw fish, yet raw chicken or beef could kill you due to bacteria inside of it. Ive heard that raw pork is the most dangerous meat though.---

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nov. 4th-9th

Dont forget fuckers, Ill in town in that time span, Ive given you ALL PLENTY of notice, so I expect a night out with the boys.

by the way.....this blog is dead dead dead....what are you guys up to?

Ive been enjoying the fall weather, even though it has rained here the past 3 days. Im still gettin used to my new monster of a p.c. that I just got and I have officially started my Christmas shopping already...go me!!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

ring ring.....

19 percent of telephone calls placed by 13 year-old-boys are prank phone calls.

---So, admit it, what was the craziest or most foolish prank call you have ever made?---

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another GREAT one from W.

We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations, their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure there's not this kind of federal -- federal cufflink.
--George w. Bush

Milwaukee, WI
comments made at Fritsche Middle School

Friday, October 12, 2007

I gots me a new P.C.

---Im very happy and excited about it. Vista will take some getting used to though. Its a Dell Inspiron 530s. It cost me a few bucks, but what the hell....its only paper with numbers on it anyways.---

random thoughts

hi guys, just wanted to stop in and say hi from across the pond. i'm at the edinburgh airport getting ready to head to my hotel. hope you are having fun

p.s. the paris airport is a huge headache to negotiate

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

one more try?

that is what i ment to do.

random thoughts


a little something i picked up from a website i like while i was drinking my coffee.

ps thanks for the sentiments guys, we are all very excited. i'll do my best to get pictures.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

bad bad lyrics

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Maybe Sting should start writing more instrumentals. The school teacher-turned-rock star topped Blender's list of the worst lyricists, thanks to lines that betray "mountainous pomposity (and) cloying spirituality," the music magazine said.

The survey, contained in the November issue that hits newsstands next week, placed Rush drummer Neil Peart at No. 2, Creed frontman Scott Stapp at No. 3, Oasis guitarist Noel
Blender assailed Sting for such alleged sins as name-dropping Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov in the Police tune "Don't Stand So Close to Me," quoting a Volvo bumper sticker ("If You Love Someone Set Them Free"), and co-opting the works of Chaucer, St. Augustine and Shakespeare.

A spokeswoman for the English rocker, who is currently in Belgium on the Police's reunion world tour, did not respond to a request for comment.

Blender described Canadian rocker Peart's lyrics as "richly awful tapestries of fantasy and science," and said Gallagher "seemed incapable of following a metaphor through a single line, let alone a whole verse."

Further down the ranks, Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant (No. 23) was derided for his Tolkienesque musings on Gollum and Mordor in "Ramble On."

Carly Simon (No. 31) was mocked for rhyming "yacht," "apricot" and "gavotte" in "You're So Vain."

Paul McCartney made No. 38, thanks in part to "Ebony and Ivory," his socially conscious duet with Stevie Wonder.

Monday, October 08, 2007

The ascent of the Internet as the supermarket of choice for deviants has spurred law enforcement authorities to step up their trolling of the darkest corners of the Web in an effort to lure sex offenders to their arrests.

Examples abound, some of outwardly decent people, indeed pillars of the community, who have sought to have sex with children through sites such as Facebook and MySpace.
Most worrying to law enforcement, however, is a small but apparently growing subset of these predators who are hooking up online with parents or guardians willing to prostitute their children, sometimes as young as infants.
These are the most dangerous predators going after the most vulnerable victims, and finding and prosecuting such cases provide the opportunity to take both the criminal parent and perpetrator off the streets, according to criminal justice experts who spoke to ABC News.

---As young as infants????? What the hell is the matter with this Country? And no no no, dont go fucking blaming ole W for this kind of shit. Parents prostituting their children out to online predators????? WTF!!!!! This nation has some serious issues.---

Saturday, October 06, 2007

life and its happenings...

---Well, its back up into the god damn low to upper 80's again here, so we are going through an Indian summer, or so they call it. It just sucks cuz I just started pulling out all my winter clothes. You know, get my 40s and 50s sweaters out and in return put the shorts away til next spring.

Ive gotten glasses! Bi focals to be exact. I HATE THEM! I just need them to read and when I sit in front of the p.c. anyways. My nearsight vision is shot to hell. They are cool Buddy Holly ones though, they look good.

I just bought a new computer, will be here by the 19th, Im really excited about that. My mom bought a new HDTV (as you have read about in an earlier thread), so I wont get into that.

Where the hell did Mark M. and Mr. Martin run off too, I havent seen them post here in ages. Do I need to send out the bloodhounds to sniff you guys out?

Well, thanks for everything, you've been awesome, thanks, goodnight---

---No, Im NOT leaving, dont start cheering yet cuz your favorite conservative is leaving, Im not, Ive always wanted to end a post like that, kinda something a rockstar would say to the crowd after their final encore.....---

Friday, October 05, 2007


-----We will be gettin an HDTV next Heres my question.....

If a show comes on and it says "available in HD" or whatever does the HD just automatically kick on our new HDTV, or will we havta activate it every time we see one of those kind of things??

Im know laugh, go ahead....Im a dork

Things that go bump in the night.

The horror film "Poltergeist" is being re-released in theaters today to celebrate its 25th anniversary. The film, which is considered a classic and was nominated for three Oscars, has a lesser-known legacy: it strongly influenced the public's views about real-life ghosts.

About half of Americans believe in ghosts, according to a 2003 Harris poll. Since the scientific evidence for ghosts is shaky at best—and since relatively few people claim to have personally seen a ghost—most people get their information about them through the media.

Steven Spielberg, who wrote and produced "Poltergeist," is well known for his influence on pop culture in general. But his films have also shaped the public's perception of the paranormal. His successful films often include supernatural themes, including ghosts, aliens (e.g., "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial," and "War of the Worlds"); miracles (the Indiana Jones series); and psychic powers ("Minority Report").

While audiences know the films are entertainment, there is a clear (if subtle and sometimes subconscious) influence on their beliefs about these topics

---Do you believe in ghosts?---

random thoughts

"when fascism comes to america, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross."
-sinclair lewis

also i'm leaving for scotland on the eleventh and my step-son, damien has just turned 18. wow time sure flys.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Iranian Pres. visits US

A firestorm of controversy swept throughout the nation last week as the defiant president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, visited the United States. Ahmadinejad was originally invited to speak at Columbia University last Monday as a part of that institution’s World Leader’s Forum.

From there, he delivered a speech to the United Nations opening General Assembly Tuesday morning. Both appearances are a source of hefty dispute.

First, Ahmadinejad received a mixed greeting at both in New York and at Columbia University. A handful of students applauded his arrival while another handful of protestors stood outside the University, touting messages like, “GO TO HELL.”

There were also protestors all over New York City itself. Most of the demonstrators were centered on Ground Zero, due to a visit Ahmadinejad had planned. Because of all the hostile activity, the Iranian president was forced to cancel his visit, much to his dismay.

Ahmadinejad was asked to speak at Columbia University as part of the institution’s World Leaders series. To make him feel even less welcome, Columbia University’s president referred to Ahmadinejad as a “cruel and petty dictator,” when as he was introduced to the audience.

In his presentation, Ahmadinejad inspired laughter and uproar as he covered various topics such as questioning who was really behind the September 11 attacks to his right to question the reality of the holocaust.

He even said, “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals, like in your country.”

He talked about God, science and how the United States merely misunderstood him, that he was truly an academic. All in all, Ahmadinejad’s lecture lasted about an hour.

He ended on a good note by inviting the entire listening faculty and students to Iran, saying that they could visit any Iranian University of their choice, where they would be respected and listened to.

---This guy is a jag bag, plain and simple. I cant put it any other way, fuck him.---

The following day the Iranian President addressed the U.N. General Assembly. As Ahmadinejad prepared to give his speech, the United States delegation left, setting a hostile tone for the duration.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

WTF Jack, im lost

So. im not Bill Gates, but HOW THE FUCK do you change your homepage/start page onFirefox?


can 1 of you help me?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Yet another reason not to fly.

As air travelers' summer of hell draws to a close, stories of canceled flights, lost luggage and late arrivals abound. But while it might seem that the whole system is a mess, which carriers are actually the biggest culprits?

Other than JetBlue's much publicized ice storm fiasco in February, customers seem to be engaged in a general rage against the industry machine. And it's true that some common annoyances, like long security lines, come courtesy of the government and tend to affect airlines across the board.

Check out the worst airlines at our partner site,

But when it comes to delivering for customers, there can still be quite a difference from one carrier to another. To measure the worst performing airlines for the 12 months ended July 31, 2007, we analyzed the U.S. Department of Transportation's Air Travel Consumer Report for the three criteria that consumers say are nearest and dearest to their hearts--flight delays, cancellations and mishandled bags.

Overbooked planes were also cited in consumer complaints--who doesn't detest getting bumped from an oversold flight? But because the problem affects only a tiny fraction of the flying population, we didn't include the category in our calculation.

The numbers show that Atlantic Southeast Airlines, a former Delta Air Lines unit that still has working agreements for baggage and other ground operations with its former parent in Atlanta, and which ranks at or next to the bottom in all three categories, has earned the dubious distinction of America's worst airline. Right behind are Delta's low-fare subsidiary Comair, which has the nation's highest cancellation rate, and American Airlines' unit American Eagle, which ranks among the bottom four in all categories.

---Man, I truly hate airliners.---

Monday, October 01, 2007

Meth, how do you feel about it?

I've been to my share of parties, talked to more than a few "pharmaceutical majors" and read plenty of Bukowski and Burroughs, but I've never heard people describe a drug with such simultaneous reverence and revulsion as the meth-heads in Montana, where a PSA campaign has helped reverse the prevalance of this drug. (To watch the videos, click here.)

"You feel like God," one young woman told me about her experience with the drug. Another described feeling "10 feet tall and bulletproof." She cracked a guilty smile when she spoke, and I was able to count her six remaining teeth.

Methamphetamine was invented in Japan in the late 1800s, and years later, the Nazis mixed it with chocolate to keep their pilots focused in battle. A graph charting American meth use looks like a hockey stick; a low plateau through the '60s and '70s that cranks skyward.

By the '90s, it was no longer a fringe weight loss aid or trucker's buddy. It became a smokeable, snortable, shootable party drug that has devastated rural America.

Why here? For years, it was cheap — and everywhere. Unlike cocaine, heroin or marijuana, meth is not grown but mixed; a witches brew of cold medicine, antifreeze, drain cleaner and other store-bought or farm-pilfered chemicals.

One needs only time to cook it, and space to mask the fumes. The American West has plenty of space, along with plenty of small-town kids eager to experiment on a slow Saturday night.

But calling meth addictive is like calling water wet. As it floods the brain with dopamine and serotonin, it also explodes the vesicles that receive these pleasure-producing hormones in the future.

Soon, the only way for a user to experience joy is with more meth. "If someone tells you they're a recreational user, they're full of crap," a veteran drug cop told me with a wry laugh. What begins as recreation often ends in soul-crushing depression and physical decay.

---Hah, I didnt know Nazi's used the shit, did you? I cant begin to tell you how many lives I have known that have been impacted by meth. My former sister in law lost her kids because of it. Iowa is pretty big for meth users. If you head out into "Corn Country" you can see plenty of old, abandoned trailers that were used for meth manufacturing. Drugs, how fun. Well, I just wanted to post a story to the board maybe spice things up a bit, me done.---

MT quote...

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.

Mark Twain (35)

---I dunno about "good books" being on this list but the other two are pretty good.---

Sunday, September 30, 2007

roll call

---OK, as I have mentioned 394,137,409,303,940 times in the past, who will be around and even aviailable November 4th-9th? Im giving you plenty of warning time now. I was thinking we could all meet up for one night of drinks o fun, even though I dont drink, it still be fun...

Dont worry Ill post again in a couple weeks as a reminder----

Friday, September 28, 2007

eye catcher

A man was eating in a fancy restaurant, and there was a gorgeous woman eating at the next table. He had been checking her out all night, but lacked the nerve to go talk to her. Suddenly she sneezed and her glass eye went flying out of its socket towards the man. With lightning quick reflexes, he caught it in mid-air.

''Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,'' she said as she popped her eye back in the socket. ''Let me buy you dinner to make it up to you.''

They enjoyed a wonderful dinner together and afterwards the woman invited him back to her place for a drink. They went back to her house, and after some time, she took him into her bedroom and began undressing him. The couple had wild, passionate sex many times during the night. The next morning when he awoke, she had already gotten up and brought him breakfast in bed.

The guy was amazed and said ''You know, you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?''

''No, she replied. "You just happened to catch my eye!''

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A quote

A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment.
- Willis Player

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What am I?

I drift forever with the current
Down these long canals they've made
Tame, yet wild, I run elusive
Multitasking to your aid.
Before I came, the world was darker
Colder, sometimes, rougher, true
But though I might make living easy,
I'm good at killing people too.

what am I?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ramble On.....

---Hey Guys. It was a brisk 66 degrees here today so I guess fall is definitely here. Supposed to be sunny and 71 here tomorrow. I think it rings true to the fact that the older you get the faster time flies, I mean I cannot believe its already October for all purposes. Here we are just a few simple months away from the holidays again!

How would you guys rank your summers? Pretty good? Busy? Too hot? Dreadful? Do tell....

The months of fall always put me in a weird mood, I like to ramble about life a lot. I know you guys have been busy with life's doings and haven't had too much time for the blog as of late and I do understand.

I hope I catch ya here more often in the days to come. I miss you guys........----