Friday, October 31, 2008


---Well, today was the big day. Myself, along with my ex and my daughter went to see Sen. Obama speak with about 25,000 other people in Downtown Des Moines this morning. To be blunt, it was fucking AWESOME! This man needs to be the next President of the US.

The whole thing was surreal. Here I was standing maybe 12 feet away from one of the most talked about people in the world, all the while sharp shooters do their thing by walking about on the roof tops of nearby buildings. Barack spoke for about 35 mins. and I let every word sink in.

I obviously cant tell you who to vote for, but if you already havent voted early, PLEASE exercise your RIGHT as an AMERICAN and hit the polls on Tuesday, ok? This election will change the way the rest of the world looks at us for a long while to come, so use your noggin and get out there and vote cuz right now, on a Worldly scale, we aint lookin too good, ya dig!!!---


Scott said...

Hmm, we should link this post to some of your earlier ones for comparison. Hehehehe

Sickboy said...

Hey, I dug around at facts and at my heart strings for quite some time before making a decision which was to totally support Barack in this election. It was too important to me not to. I wasnt really voting for me and I finally realized that. I was also voting for my 5 year old daughter and Obama is the way to go there. I truly believe hes gonna change the mark of US politics forever.

I have not totally turned my back on the GOP, its just that right now they have nothing to offer for me and Sarah Palin is a friggin idiot.

If Obama runs this country into the ground, then we all learn a valuable lesson. 4 years from now, maybe the GOP will offer a better candidate. I also believe (not that Im comparing the 3, you cant) that Obama is our generations JFK or RFK.

So gimmie all the shit you guys want. I voted for Barack Obama. I voted for REAL change.