Monday, December 08, 2008

Is it just here or......

---Does it just happen here or do the weather forecasters there over hype possible upcoming storms too? An example. Just this past Sat. our local weather people here were saying the snow storm we are due for over night here into tomorrow AM was gonna be a doozy! Then Sunday they still said we were gonna get nailed, but not quite as bad, then tonight on the news at 5, it turns out we are due for 1-2 inches tomorrow morning!

I can understand that weather fronts move and push and pull and can change drastically, so then why dont these weather goofs just wait til time gets closer to make a "prediction"? Yeah, thats right, thats all they do to make 6 figures a year is predict things in the air.

I know most of you guys arent big TV buffs, but maybe you catch some local news now and again. Do they pull that shit there too? Im just wondering...---


sp9000 said...

I usually watch Tom Skilling on WGN. He seems to do a better job than the rest. But as far as predicting weather I would be surprised if any one could get it 100% right 100% of the time, there are simply to many variables.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I can understand the "variable" thing, but these asshats here make it seem like the end of the World is upon us.

Ah, Tom Skilling, thats a name that brings back memories for me.

We hardly got hit with anything here maybe quarter inch of ice, followed by 1-2 inches a snow. Cleanup this AM was a breeze.

I havent tackled the job of deicing the car yet though, that crap can wait til tomorrow!

dad-e~O said...

fortunately they were wrong yesterday.
I was flying in from FLA, and Chi was supposed to get Rain/Sleet/Snow, but it held off till today.