Wednesday, December 24, 2008

There should be prizes for manual snow removal!

I don’t quite know what the F my problem is, maybe a certificate of honorable notice would due.
Hope you all are having a very Happy Christmas Eve.


Sickboy said...

I, Eric, of OMI, hearby give unto Mr. Scott Cain his notice of honorable mention directed towards his insane amounts of shoveling.

---Now off the record, Jesus Christ! Did you friggin shovel ALL OF THAT??? How long did that take??? Was it kinda warmer out since I see youre not wearing a coat??? Are you sure youre not just crazy???

You own a snow blower? Gosh bro, GREAT job tackling nature! A+++

My Christmas Eve has been uneventful and quiet, Ill prolly wrap my Mom's gifts shortly, drink a Margarita or two, then head off to bed. Tomorrow (since my daughter is outta town until Friday) my Mom and I will spend a portion of the day at a friend's house here in Des Moines after opening gifts and all that stuff in the AM.

PLEASE, let us all know how your Christmas goes, correct me if Im off here, but I could have sworn you said youd be at your sister's pad for Christmas. Am I right? Lemme know!!! Merry Christmas boys, to ALL of YOU!!!!! =)

Sickboy said...

....And might I even add that its NOT even January yet!?!?!? Could be another nasty winter just like last year was. It flippin' snowed here in and around Des Moines from like late November all the way to like the end of March.

That shit gets old after a while, can I get an amen?

dad-e~O said...

I just sold our snow blower on Craigs list for $130. more because I didn't like then for the money.
Then promptly strained my back shoveling snow, which puts the wife & kids out side with shovels and me inside, feeling like a dick.

dad-e~O said...

nice Job Scott

Sickboy said...

Yeah PJB, the back strains come easy with that stuff, I screwed myself pretty bad with that action last winter. Thankfully so far, all the shoveling Ive done this year has been the light fluffy kind. The heavy, ice laden snow from earlier this past week got moved by a 35 dollar check on my end and a nice guy with a plow.

Call me what you will, it aint gonna hurt me any and Im no less of a man, I have no problem paying this nice guy I know 35 bones to plow the shit outta our driveway if it gets to be too much.

Scott said...

We got rid of the snow blower last spring (Craigs List gone in 6 hours) that lousy beast would only throw the snow a mere 1/2 foot, plus it was loud and plus it shot flames out the muffler (it ran best a little rich in the mixture). so yes now I shovel by hand, although I am not really complaining, the exercise has been good for all those treats I have eaten since Thanksgiving. Our Christmas was wonderful, just us and nothing to do but play with our new toys and each other all day. I drank the better part of a nice spicy bottle of red wine, making my afternoon quite merry. Hope all of you had a very Merry as well.

Sickboy said...

A flame throwing snow blower huh? That sounds intense! Im a little pressed for time now, but Ill post a new post holiday thread later as to how my merry merry was.

Im happy you had a nice Christmas Scott!!!