Thursday, February 02, 2006

Have Time, would travel....

Sitting here I wish time travel was possible, or at least if it is possible, it was more common. If I could go back in time 15 simple years I would do things so much differently given the same situations. I would have cared more for others, hugged more often and told friends past that I loved them more often.

I was trying to find an old classmate through one of those high school finder sites and I had no luck and it made me realize how I took so many situations for granted. I would just do things in a different way.  I would learn to slow things down, listen more and most of all, love more.

I was talking with someone the other day and they said the most important thing of all is happiness. I told them I disagreed and that love was the most important thing of all because without love you have nothing anyways.

What do you think is most significant?


Scott said...


Scott said...


I guess hope would be the big one. hope for love, hope for happiness and hope for a cold beer on a 95 degree day. Seriously, hope is probably one of the top 3 at the far.

Good one!
