Saturday, February 11, 2006

Parents , Some of, Who Suck....

I know Ive written about this kind of thing before, but it just goes to show how if you watch for it, you can see it everydamnday. This evening I went to see the movie Final Destination 3 ( which I give 2 stars out of 5). Now if you’ve seen the preview you can  guess that this movie will have it’s parts of gore and seat curling scenes. Well, the movie did just that, I could think of 5 scenes that were children inappropriate just off the top of my head.

So we are there in the theater and I notice some family brings their 3 kids with, the oldest was maybe 7. But wait, like I said, in this movie, there we scenes of people getting their heads crushed, shot in the back of the head w/ a nail gun and one scene where 2 teens get burned to death in a pretty graphic way. All the scenes that involved death were graphic.  

It got better though. At the end of the showing I got up and turned around to see a small child who was  maybe 5 or 6 curled up in his Father’s arms crying in utter terror.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

I mean really. What the fuck is wrong?

I looked this deadbeat family right in the eyes and just shook my head.

If you wanted quality family time out, go to fucking Baker’s Square and get dinner. Don’t drag some innocent to see some gory ass psychological mind fuck movie that does nothing but revolve around cheating death.

You just don’t do that if you’re a decent person, let alone a parent.

You just don’t.

What the fuck is a matter with this Country? When did it all go to shit?

I better stop before I end up sounding like a Republican or something. Im not here to push my personal views on others, but damnit, I have a  keyboard and Im gonna use it for more than just online checkers.

Something is wrong in such a wrong way here.

God Bless America. That’s the thing: I am really beginning to think that this shit only goes on here too! Am I wrong or off to really feel that way? What if Im right? Whos gonna change it? Obviously not most parents. I wouldn’t have let Ava in that Theater to see that movie if she would have been 13, let alone 6 or 7!

Christ, something is bad wrong and something needs to be done.

When did it happen?  This Nation is so self absorbed yet we open our eyes and ears to a world that doesn’t give two shits about us. You know what I mean.  There are probably other Countries out there where movies like that are banned, let alone rated a mere R, so no one under 17 can see it without an “adult” present.  Im not saying we should ban movies like that but damn, can we ban some people from being parents.

Ill start the damn petition to get the ball rolling.

1 comment:

'lil Bondo said...

I totally agree with you, but hey, don't knock online checkers! =)