Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday Sunday Sunday....

Old man winter let loose his grip a point. At least it made it into double digits. I am really thankful for the internet today. I was sitting here looking at my list of friends that I have to chat with on Yahoo and I realized that all of them are friends that I had back in the day. If it wasnt for the internet who knows if I would still be in touch with them, let alone being blessed enough to chat with them any time and at will, for free.

I guess the internet isnt all about porn and spam emails from hell. It is pretty sad and disgusting that the biggest selling item online is online porn itself. I mean, sure, I have at times, looked at online porn but after really thinking about it, it is all pretty nasty and Im sure it has destroyed many families. I dont think porn should be "banned", but at times I think it goes too far online. But all in all, how do you police the internet and be totally effective anyways? Is that even possible?

over and out.


'lil Bondo said...

If I had to choose, I'd take the internet over television any day of the week. Sure, there's a few shows I enjoy watching and would certainly miss, but I'd much rather engage in online chatting, blogging, or gaming. I can also check my bank balance online as well as pay bills. The internet has changed the way I live for sure! :) And I totally agree with you Eric—it's been such an amazing way to keep in touch with friends new and old.

Scott said...

Well-written Eric, I agree. In review of you conundrum for it is one I share as well, I can only deduce that it is a blessing in it self to have a presence of mind clear enough to see those things that a harmful or destructive in our lives… However having the strength to stay away from them is a much larger blessing indeed. Negative crap aside I am even more thankful to have all the goodness the internet has to offer, such as reconnecting with friends, and in my book goodness always trumps evil.

Anonymous said...

hey man whats amatter with a little internet porn.
tee hee.


Scott said...

When do you know you have more than a little, this stuff is starting to slow down my hard drive.


Sickboy said...

Hard drive, hah.

This thread could go on forever. Heh.....