Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Febuary 18-23 Photo's

As promised a few of the Photos from the trip P and I recently took. We had the good fortune to travel to the Virgin islands, and visited both American and British islands respectively. Some how most of the images are of our stay on Virgin Gorda in the BVI. I think it turned out this way because it was later in our vacation and we were both more relaxed. Both Islands were lovely and very different. While our location on Gorda at the Bitter End was the quintessential tropical paradise, St john was more cosmopolitan (if there is such a thing in the islands) and offered not only great food (holy shit, fucking awesome sea food!!!), but a real peek at island culture. Both Islands are a real feast for ones eyes, I am very grateful to have had such an opportunity to visit them.

Calm before the storm.

---AM temp. 28
feels like. 18
skies. sleeting

Well, I still dont have enough to come up with my 3 people whom Id like to have coffee with but I will be thinking about it over the day today. We have yet another nasty storm system getting ready to move across the state later today and tomorrow and it could bring us 8 more inches of the white stuff. As Ive said a million times now, Im fed up with winter.

I still wanna give props to PJ for coming up the the super hero thread, now it is beginning to move onto Jedi powers. Having Jedi powers would rock! Hell, being a Jedi would rock, but there is no way I could be a Jedi that serves only the light side of The Force. Its like becoming a priest, you cant marry and all your acts have to be selfless. So much for a sex and social life if youre a Jedi willing to serve the light. Plus you become a diplomat and you get sent on all these really boring diplomatic missions.

Over n out, time for me to get back to my coffee so I can think about my top 3.---

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

If you could....

---OK, PJ's super hero post got me thinking and so I pose this question to all you Offmen....

Name 3 (or more if youd like) people, dead or alive, that you would like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with.....and of course, tell us why you chose these people....

I have to think about this overnight before I answer.---

US and Isreal relations.

---This is another commentary article I just found on I really like the way it is writtten and how imformative it is. It really reminded me of my own writing style. It left me thinking about quite a few on---

The US has shut down any possibility of Israel and Syria holding peace talks. According to Israeli officials, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was “forceful” that Israel desists from any exploratory contact with Damascus. Some in Israeli just wanted to find out if Syria is serious in it’s declared intention to hold peace talks. But the US thinks holding any sort of talks with Syria would be considered a “prize” in Damascus, thereby solidifying the belief that the Bush administration conducts foreign policy like a four year old.
When Israeli officials asked Secretary Rice about the possibility of exploring the seriousness of Syria in its calls for peace talks, her response was unequivocal: Don't even think about it.
Damascus has recently tried to send messages to Israel through English nationals and former American diplomats. They have been attempting to cultivate ties with Israeli officials, but Israelis are split on whether or not to engage Syria in talks.Some, like Mossad chief Meir Dagan, believe it is a Syrian propaganda campaign and insist Damascus is not serious. Which is a really good point, because could you imagine what would happen if they engaged Syria in talks and they were not serious? They would be exactly where they are now. Oh, the horror.Israeli Military Intelligence, however, believes Syria is serious. But they do not believe it would be easy and that there is a good chance talks would fail. IM only wants to keep the door open and test Syria for its sincerity. Unfortunately that just can’t happen because Bush and company thinks they would “win” something, or feel like they got a “prize” or a “gift.”If Israel were to start talks to find out how serious Syria is about peace talks, the worst that could happen is would Israel find out Damascus was being untruthful. In that case, Israel would find itself in the exact position it is now; surrounded by enemies who are arming Hezbollah and Hamas. How about someone start acting like a fucking adult?

Original hair color.

George Washington's original hair color was red.

---AM temp...21
feels like...16

---When you were very young, what was your original hair color? Mine was toe head blond and very curly. How about as you got older, how many times did you dye your hair? I can remember going plum and jet black several times.

I think PJ's "super power" post was the best one weve had in a while, I had a lot of fun doing that. I hope we get some more replies to that post.---

Monday, February 26, 2007

? Your Super Power & Name ?

My sons have frequently asked me over the years...
Dad, if you could pick a super power, what would it be?
and if you were Super, what would you call your self?

So I ask you fella's the same question, what would your super power be and what would you call yourself?

this is a serious question that could tell alot about yourself. so don't be a schmo and make some lame reference to being well hung, or rich.

I will answer on the comments page.

Good commentary on US poverty

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
"War doesn't determine who's right - only who's left."

Bertrand Russel

---I just read something about Illinois being the wettest state on record, does that seem right to you guys? I am sitting here drinking my 2nd cup of morning coffee enojying some warmer sunshine. I guess we have yet another storm headed this way for Wednesday. Old man winter needs to bugger off.

I bought my ex a laptop for Christmas and it feels like it is taking forever to pay off. I think this month should do it. I realliy dislike having a bill hanging over my head like that, but credit does that to ya. I went out and bought Norton Anti Virus for the p.c. and it runs pretty smooth, I like it.

So Scott, tell us more about this free bottle of rum.---

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Russian tradition of matryoshka nesting dolls is descended from the medieval practice of burying the dead in concentric circles around the corpses of the previously deceased family members

---I knew those dolls had a name, my daughter had quite a few of them, mostly Christmas related ones. My other question is how would the exactly know where to bury the next family member. Grave markings couldnt have been that accurate back then.---

Winter's last stand

---Well, we got hit with a big ice/snow storm here. It started yesterday, late afternoon and it is still snowing right now, but just a little. I am really thinking that this may have been winter's big last stand here, even though we have to get through March yet. The snow is beautiful and I love watching it fall, but I am sick of the cold temps. I am ready for the warm sun of spring, but at the same time, I am dreading 100+ degree days that follow in July and Aug. I only have air conditioning here in my living room.

I am very happy to see Scott is back home safe and on the blog once again. I hope you post more picstures of your vacation soon. The one you posted so far looks beautiful.

Sunday is usually a quiet Newsday online so I havent found anything worthy of posting yet.

More later, you guys have a great Sunday.---

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm back

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend the past week thawing out in a more southerly latitude. I can only hope that none of your frozen asses will be entirely annoyed by my entry. Although image above is only part of the story, the queerest part it is the fact that it came with a complimentary bottle of rum... and I didn't even finish it! None the less it is very good to be home safe again with all of my family.

Candela, Buena Vista Social Club

Insanity...pure insanity.

---I seriously cant say anything besides the idea of going to war with Iran fills my mind with thoughts of pure insanity. I am TOTALLY against the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons mind ya, but going to war..again???

Just the pure thought of us continuing to police the world in such a manner blows my mind. But at the same time, to look at all options, what else could we do if diplomacy didnt work? We cant let Iran have nuclear arms. Maybe we would have to go to war......---

Here is the article I found where Cheney hints at war being a possibility. What do you guys think?---

Cheney Indicates Possibility Of Military Action Against Iran
February 24, 2007 8:46 a.m. EST
Som Patidar - All Headline News Staff Writer

Sydney, Australia (AHN) - Indicating the possibility of U.S. military action against Iran if it refuses to give up its nuclear ambitions, Vice President Dick Cheney on Saturday said that 'all options are on the table.' However, he also stressed the U.S. prefers to resolve the matter via diplomatic channels.
"It would be a serious mistake if a nation such as Iran became a nuclear power," Cheney said during a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister John Howard in Sydney.
He also accused Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of making inflammatory statements.
Cheney made the remarks after the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released a report few days before, noting Tehran has failed to halt nuclear enrichment and ignored the U.N. Security Council's resolution.

Craptastic Saturday.

"See, one of the interesting things in the Oval Office -- I love to bring people into the Oval Office -- right around the corner from here -- and say, this is where I office, but I want you to know the office is always bigger than the person."

George w. Bush

---Well, the big storm system that was forcasted for the area has moved in. Not a great way to start the weekend...there is rain mixed with sleet in the area right now and it is expected to change over to all snow by tonight which therefore, makes this a craptastic Sat. My ex is supposed to go out with an old friend from out of town this evening, but I dont know if she will now. I always like watching my daughter when it is just her and I, it makes me feel really close to her.

As much as I hated to miss PJ and Mike, Im kinda glad we didnt have to travel in this afterall today. Im not a huge fan of weather related traveling.

Thats all from here, over n out.---

Friday, February 23, 2007

Nut jobs in space,

---I found this little snippet to be pretty interesting. Its just such an odd world that everything and everyone, including NASA has to now have procedures for handling a mentally unstable person while in space.

Read on.---

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) -- What would happen if an astronaut became mentally unstable in space and, say, destroyed the ship's oxygen system or tried to open the hatch and kill everyone aboard?
That was the question after the apparent breakdown of Lisa Nowak, arrested this month on charges she tried to kidnap and kill a woman she regarded as her rival for another astronaut's affections.
It turns out NASA has detailed, written procedures for dealing with a suicidal or psychotic astronaut in space. The documents, obtained this week by The Associated Press, say the astronaut's crewmates should bind his wrists and ankles with duct tape, tie him down with a bungee cord and inject him with tranquilizers if necessary.
"Talk with the patient while you are restraining him," the instructions say. "Explain what you are doing, and that you are using a restraint to ensure that he is safe."

One less Democrat.

Vilsack to Drop Out of 2008 Presidential Race

By Dan BalzWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, February 23, 2007; 11:40 AM
Former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack, who was the first Democrat to announce his candidacy for president in 2008 but has found it difficult to raise the money needed to compete against his better-known rivals, will quit the race today, according to several campaign officials.
Vilsack's abrupt decision underscored the financial challenges facing lesser-known candidates as they try to compete for contributions against New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and highlighted how the intense start to the 2008 campaign has dramatically escalated the cost of running even in the opening months of competition.

---He was barely recognized even here in Iowa. It was more than obvious he didnt stand a chance but I didnt think he'd drop out this early in the race.---

the internet

not for the faint of heart, or for kids,

obscure sexual terms

the drunkcyclist strikes again,
this shit is so funny, and so wrong all at the same time.

Morning joke.

---Goodmorning fellas. Things here are good. It was damn nice to be able to sleep in my own bed again, that was something I totally missed. I guess we have a real crappy weekend weather system headed this way that includes rain, ice and snow...

Here is a joke to get the day rolling. I got a laugh out of it.....---

Uncle Ted's Morals

Billy's homework assignment is to think of a true story with a moral so he goes home and thinks about it all night and finally has one.
The following day, Suzy raises her hand first and says, "My dad owns a farm and every Sunday we load the chicken eggs on the truck and drive into town to sell them at the market. Well, one Sunday we hit a big bump and all the eggs flew out of the basket and onto the road."
The teacher asks for the moral to the story. Suzy replies, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
Next is Lucy. "Well, my dad owns a farm, too, and every weekend we take the chicken eggs and put them in the incubator. Last weekend only 8 of the 12 eggs hatched. The moral is, don't count your chicks before they are hatched.''
Billy is last to speak. He says, ''My uncle Ted fought in the Vietnam War. His plane was shot down over enemy territory. He jumped out before it crashed, with only a parachute, a bottle of bourbon, a machine gun, and a machete. As he floated down he drank the bottle of bourbon. Unfortunately, he landed right in the middle of 100 North Vietnamese soldiers. He shot 70 with his machine gun, but ran out of bullets so he pulled out his machete and killed 20 more. The blade broke on his machete, so he killed the last 10 with his bare hands.''
The teacher looks in shock at Billy and asks if there is possibly any moral to his story.
Billy replies, "Don't f**k with my Uncle Ted when he's been drinking.''

Thursday, February 22, 2007

"An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex."

Aldous Huxley

Home again.

---Well, my trip was cut short. The people we were staying with had a death in the family so we had to leave 2 days early. I was unable too see any Offmen which is rather upsetting to me. I did however get to see Jen B. and Kris R., both are doing pretty good.

I spent time with family which made me realize one big thing. I truly am the black sheep of the family which makes me feel good in one way because it signifies my individuality, but at the same time, it made me feel left out. It was nice to see my cousins that I havent seen in 10 plus years.....

The people we stayed with were abosolutely wonderful and great hosts. I had 4 dogs to hang around with which was pretty neat and lots of good food. I got to stay in the basement of the house we were at, so I pretty much had that to myself.

Im glad to be home, but not earlier than projected. I am really upset that I couldnt see Pete and Mike. I am though, very eager to see my daughter again tomorrow.....

Thats all from here, Im glad to be back on t he blog, where are you guys? I know Scott is out of town, but where are the rest of the guys?---

Monday, February 19, 2007


---I just wanted to stop in really fast and see what was going on here, but I havent missed much.

My trip, thus far, has been so so. Nothing great to talk about...seeing family, something I will elaborate on later, playing with lots of dogs at the place im stayin at and sleepin in....thats all that has happended so far.

More later if I can. Pj and Mike, still, as of now, I will see you guys Friday evening.---

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Road beers and smokes....

---Goodmorning boys. Here is a nice little fact for my road trip:

Sixteen drivers in every thousand are legally blind.

That makes me feel good. Anyways, we will be heading out of here soon, Im excited. You guys keep a good eye on the blog while Im gone, like I had mentioned, my internet access will be very, very limited on my trip.

Over n out, talk at ya all soon.---

Friday, February 16, 2007

Can conservatives do comedy?

---This sounds like a pretty interesting TV show. I think I may try to check out its debut. Even a White House filled with Limbaugh and Coulter scares me. Check out the small article below.

I am getting all ready for my trip to Chicago. I am going to miss my daughter very much, but I know the week will go by fast. Im just so used to having her in my life now, just about everyday. I HATE packing. Its like doing the laundry or vaccuming, it sucks. You have to shove all this stuff in a suitcase and pretend like that is gonna be enough to get you through your trip.

More later.---

From ABCnews

Feb. 16, 2007 — In 2009, Rush Limbaugh is the country's president and Ann Coulter is his vice president. The two right-wing pundits sit around the Oval Office, smoking cigars and making fun of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.
If that scenario sounds like a dream come true for conservatives and a nightmare for liberals, that's the point.
It's the opening skit in the series premiere of "The Half-Hour News Hour," the conservative version of Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show." The show is set to debut on Fox News this Sunday at 10 p.m.
The half-hour, fake news show features "anchors" — played by actors Kurt Long and Jennifer Robertson — who introduce skits. The show is the brainchild of "24" creator Joel Surnow and producer Manny Coto.

---Here is another interesting little factoid I couldnt pass up---

For reasons that are not yet understood, vegetarian mothers are about five percent more likely to deliver twins than their meat-eating counterparts.

Public Speaking

here is a pretty cool quote.
who knows who it is?
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

Here's a hint:
From a speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1953

answer link

Biting my balls.

A man was in a bar all day and he had to use the bathroom. He was in there for a while, yelling, so the barmaid reluctantly went to the bathroom to check on him.
"Sir, what are you yelling about? You're scaring the customers."
"Every time I try to flush the toilet something keeps biting my balls!"
"Sir, please get off the mop bucket."

---Haha. Well, tomorrow I am off to the Chicagoland area for a week vacation. We will be staying with family friends in Park Ridge. I have a busy week planned which includes meeting up with stupid family members I havent seen in 14 damn years, a night out with Jen B. and a Friday night meeting with PJ and Martin. I will see you guys next Friday night @ 630ish at Peggy's. If anything changes, I will email one of you....

I am pretty bummed that I wont be able to see Scott while I am there, but I understand, things get in the way. My internet access will be very limited next week, so you guys may have to run the blog on your own for a few....

Ill post more today and early tomorrow before I leave.---

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jury Duty

Jury duty pay (typically a token $5) was federally mandated in 1971 after The Internal Revenue Service v. County of San Lorando ruled that government agencies could be considered non-profits if they had a substantial "volunteers"

---Have any of you done any jury duty? Ive gotten out of it twice so far.

PJ, are we on for next friday night? Martin says hes down. What do you say, Peggy's at 630, next Friday night?, let me know, time is running out.---

not even a little bit random pic

I love when the WWW and photshop combine for a giggle:
this liberated from:
need I say more?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

something else to th ink about...

---Heres another good quote....from MLK.---

"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."

---PJ and MartinNext Friday night works great for me too, pick a place and a time (preferabally after say, 6, 630) and Ill be there with Jen B. and Kris R. Im leaving Saturday so I need to know asap as my computer access next week will be next to none. Thanks guys....---

Frozen tundra.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

Mahatma Gandhi

---Its almost 25 below here this AM, way too damn cold. I have to go out in it this morning too. It was good to see Mike S. post here once again, it had been a long time since we had seen him.

I dont have too much else to say this morning. PJ, why dont we plan on getting together next Thursday evening (the 22nd), pick time and a place to meet. Martin this includes you too.....---

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Michael Schweis is missing?

Hey Guys, I know I haven't been around much, but why am I no longer listed as a contributor or as a missing member? I'm even missing from the missing. I think that makes me homeless or non existent. I'm not sure which.

I hope everybody is well. I was just poking around real quick since its been so long.

Life in Philadelphia is pretty good in spite of snow, sleet, rain and other things the postmen aren't supposed to give a shit about. Melissa is off in Vegas until the middle of May teaching costume design at UNLV, so I'm left a reluctant bachelor. But, I do have a new office and new employees to keep me company. I'm so fucking busy sometimes that I almost forget to go home.

So, I'm still alive and glad to see you all. Have we turned up any new members or contributors or skeletons in closets? I like Scott's photo archive. I just wish it were captioned. There were a few instances of attempting to remember names that went with certain faces that are going to drive me crazy for days.

I'll try to swing back here soon. Miss you all.

Bank of America and Illegals...

---I will not be giving my opinion on this topic, but I thought it was interesting enough to post here. I dont know if there are any Bank Of America branches in the Chicagoland area.---

Bank of America to offer credit cards to illegal immigrants

From the LA Times....

By E. Scott Reckard, Times Staff Writer11:47 AM PST, February 13, 2007

Continuing to court the burgeoning market of Latino immigrants, Bank of America said today it is test-marketing credit cards for Spanish-speaking customers who may not have Social Security numbers. The cards, which critics say will enable illegal immigrants to put down roots more easily in the United States, carry higher than usual interest rates and allow users to charge only $500.The cards are designed to be a first step for immigrants trying to build a credit history, bank spokeswoman Alexandra C. Trower said today.Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America, the nation's largest retail bank, is test-marketing the card program in Los Angeles County. It plans to introduce it nationwide if all goes well, according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported on the program. Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank and other big retail institutions are all intent on establishing relations with Latinos, whose growing numbers and economic muscle make them the largest "unbanked" segment of U.S. society. Money transfer services are now widely available at big banks, allowing Latinos to send billions of dollars a year to relatives in Latin America.
While often attributed to Kurt Cobain, "It's better to burn out than to fade away" was actually coined by Achilles, before the Battle of Troy.

---Interesting fact, but the more I think about it, the more I realize Cobain was nothing but a drug addicted loser.---

Random Photo 02/13 Sort of...

Jen B, as mentioned earlier this week by Eric. I think this image is from one of the infamous Halloween parties Frank and I had back in the day (1994?). Only Jen could be soooo cute as a dead zombie? Not sure what her costume was exactly, sorry Jen you really did make it look good.

This is good news.


BEIJING, China (CNN) -- North Korea has agreed to a deal to begin to close down its nuclear program in exchange for $300 million in energy and financial aid, a Chinese diplomat said in a statement at the close of six-party talks.
"With the disarmament of North Korea's nuclear facilities as the final goal, North Korea will close and shut down its Yongbyon nuclear complex," said Chinese envoy Wu Dawei. "North Korea will invite inspectors back to North Korea to do the necessary inspections."
As part of the deal, North Korea must make the steps within 60 days and, as a result, will receive 50,000 tons of fuel oil or financial aid of an equal amount.
Once Pyongyang takes additional steps to disable its nuclear program, including taking inventory of its plutonium stockpile, North Korea will qualify for another 950,000 tons of fuel oil of equivalent aid.
Another part of the deal calls for the United States and North Korea to attempt to normalize relations and work toward the removal of Pyongyang from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. These steps must also be made within the next 60 days.

---Well, this is good news. N. Korea and its nuclear program was kinda scary. I guess this makes us look a little better in the World's eyes too.---

the independant trucker...

While on duty, a trucker usually only gets around 4 hours of sleep every night.

---Thats a profession I honestly highly admire; being a truck driver. I could never do it. The long, long hours, being alone most of the time and living on speed to get through the night. Id never have the balls to get it done. No way.

We are getting hit with yet another snow storm right now. Its very pretty outside and everything looks fresh again. I can do without the wind and the cold though. Its supposed to get bitter cold again this afternoon here.

Ive been waking up earlier and earlier as of late, this morning it was rise and shine for me at around 445.....kinda sucks.

I hope your Tuesday is going swell for you so far. Drop me a reply Offmen, lemme know how it goes.---

Monday, February 12, 2007


Nine Inch Nail Trent Reznor has unveiled the tracklist and revealed further details about his forthcoming Nails' Disc, Year Zero, out April 17th. Reznor recently discussed the details regarding Zero in an interview with UK mag Kerrang!.

"[The album is] not heavy in any kind of metal type sense, I'd say a big inspiration sonically would be early Public Enemy records, a collage of sound type of thing, not heavy in a metal guitar kind of way." "With this record I feel a lot less concerned about what people think about it — especially the dying record industry. I couldn't care less about that right now.
The frontman also confirmed that, as per usual, the record was mostly recorded by himself and that Zero is a concept album of sorts.

"It's all me, mostly recorded in hotel rooms around the world on laptops. There maybe some surprise vocalists that pop up here and there - although I don't want to say who since the final mix hasn't been determined yet, and Josh Freese is playing the drums on one song, but it's not like a big guest star-type record. It feels a bit more focused in a certain direction than 'With Teeth' did. I'm trying to avoid getting too detailed about this but I will tell you that this is a concept record, and it's part of a bigger picture of a number of things I'm working on. Essentially I wrote the soundtrack to a movie that doesn't exist"

Ah, the ol' concept record. Isn't every other NIN release a concept record? My Guess on concept? It's likely political in nature with a title like Year Zero, and song titles like "The Good Soldier", "Another Version of the Truth" and "The Great Destroyer." -ED.Reznor & Co. filmed the video for the likely first single, "Survivalism", in Los Angeles last week and, as previously reported, Nine Inch Nails will release a live DVD, Beside You In Time, on February 27th.

---Has anyone followed this guy within the past 10 years or so? I pretty much gave up on him after The Downward Spiral.---

Joke time.

The Eternal Optimist

Three friends had a good friend named Joe and he was, naturally, an eternal optimist. At every bad situation he would always say ''It could have been worse.'' His friends hated that quality about him, so they came up with a story so horrible that not even Joe could come up with a bright side.
So the next day, only two of his friends showed up for a golf date.
Joe asked, ''Where's Gary?''
And one of his friends said, ''Didn't you hear? Yesterday, Gary found his wife in bed with another man, shot them both, and then turned the gun on himself.''
Joe says,''Well it could have been worse.''
Both his friends said, ''How in hell could it be worse? Your best friend just killed himself!''
Joe says, ''If it had happened two days ago, I'd be dead now!''

Movie buzz.

---I found an article on this morning about a possible sequel to The Lost Boys. This movie was an 80s cult classic and I hope youve all seen it at least once. I just think that some things should be left alone and this movie is a great case in point example. You know its gonna be bad if its slated to be a straight to DVD release. The Lost Boys should be left as is, a classic, untouched.

Have you guys seen it? Heres the article---

Joel Schumacher's 1987 vampire gang saga The Lost Boys is a classic — a rare jem of sleazy, fangtastic teen-horror that strikes the perfect balance between corny dialog and monsters-in-the-night madness. And let's not forget the killer soundtrack. It's also one of those movies that filmmakers should really just leave alone — meaning, don't attempt a sequel. Just don't. There have been rumors of several Lost Boys 2 scripts since the late '80s and Schumacher himself tried several times to get a Lost Girls follow-up made during the '90s. But now Schumacher's really got his panties in a twist because Warner Bros Pictures decided to vamp-out one last time and has acquired rights to a seemingly disastrous, straight-to-DVD sequel that begins production later this year in San Diego. Vampire surf team, anyone?

What am I???

What Am I?

The more you make of me the more you leave behind. What am I?

---So, do any of you guys have any special Valentine's Day plans? Ive always been on the fence when it comes to Valentine's Day. On one hand, its nice to take a special day and be with the one you love, but on the other hand, the day seems so forced. I know what they say, every day should be "special" with the one you love, but you know what I mean.

We have 5-7 inches of snow headed this way tonight, should be nice. All the snow that is on the ground right now looks disgusting. All dirty, walked on and so on...

I hope you guys are having decents Mondays so far. PJ, later this week, Ill post some ideas here on us getting together, Ill know more then...dont forget to check your calender.

Over n out---

Sunday, February 11, 2007

All seems quiet here.

The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing you will make one.

---Hey boys. Well, my daugter' s eye is brusied but besides that, is all fine and dandy. It looks a million times nastier than it is. We has a nice weekend. The ex and I are getting along great and life seems to be OK.

I hope you guys are having good weekends.

It is actually "warm" here today! It is supposed to get up to 35, but we have another snow storm forcasted for the area tomorrow night.

I like this quote I found. I am pretty happy to know that most of you probably agree. You have to live life knowing that you will make mistakes but you cant let them dictate what you do, well, in most cases. Im not talking about jumping out of a plane knowing its a mistake not to equip yourself with a parachute. I just think most of us arent really afraid to make mistakes. Well, I know Im not. Im human, Im gonna fall short all the time, I just know I cant let them decide who I am....

I see Obama officially put his name in the hat for a Presidential run. Interesting, interesting indeed.

Thats all boys, enjoy your Sunday. Hope to hear from you all soon.---

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Saturday Morning news...

---Goodmorning brothers. Well, I am just back home after running over to my daugter's place. She got scratched by one of the cats and almost had to go to the ER. It was way to close to her eye for comfort. Its all purple and red.....Its no gross or anything, but it defintely scared me and mom.

It is a nice, warmer morning here this morning. Its still cold but it isnt bitter. Im starting to get pretty psyched up about my visit to the Chicago area next week. For those you getting together with me, I will post more details very very soon.....

Alright, I gotta get cleaned up and head back over to the kid. Over and out.---

Friday, February 09, 2007

odd meeting

---I wanted to share the fact that I met someone today that was allergic to, of all things, alcohol! She told me she cant drink it at all and when she does she turns all red, sees stars and passes out after throwing up all over.

Now I know some of you guys like to knock em back. What the hell would you do if you woke up tomorrow allergic to booze?

It really took me aback to find someone who was allergic to such a thing. I can understand nuts or certain fruits, but booze?---

Chocolate slaves....huh?


AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters) -- A Dutch journalist asked an Amsterdam court on Friday to convict him for eating chocolate, saying by doing so he was benefiting from child slavery on cocoa farms in Ivory Coast.
Teun van de Keuken, 35, is seeking a jail sentence to raise consumer awareness and force the cocoa and chocolate industry to take tougher measures to stamp out child labor.
"If I am found guilty of this crime, any chocolate consumer can be prosecuted after that. I hope that people would stop buying chocolate and thus hurt the sales of big corporations and make them do something about the problem," van de Keuken said.
Ivory Coast, the world's No. 1 cocoa producer, has been racked by instability since a brief 2002 civil war. International rights groups contend that children are working as slaves on its cocoa plantations.
Van de Keuken launched his attempt to be charged for eating chocolate two years ago when the Dutch public prosecutor ruled that it was not a case for the courts and that the journalist was not directly involved with the cocoa business.
On Friday, he appealed against the prosecutor's decision before a court which is expected to rule in April.

---My question to you is, would you or could you give up something you truly love if you knew it was harming someone?---

Whats wrong with these people?

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. Feb 9, 2007 (AP)— Sheboygan police arrested a woman after she allegedly left her two children in a freezing car for 20 minutes while she went tanning.
The 27-year-old woman was arrested after two people spotted the children, ages 23 months and 10 years, in the car, the police department said in a news release. The vehicle was locked but not running.
Officers responding to the scene Wednesday evening were approached by the children's parents. The father met the mother at the tanning salon and was arguing with her about why the children were in the car, police said.

---Seriously, what the hell is a matter with these people? I dont let Ava out of my sight for 2 seconds let alone leave her in a car while I go do something. I couldnt imagine leaving Ava in my car w hile going in to pay for gas, let alone leaving her be so I could go do something as vain as tanning. This shit pisses me off to no end.

OK, Im

Friday Morning...

Scotch tape was named after the inventors preferred beverage.

---Well, a week from now I will be packing up for my trip to the Chicagoland area and Im pretty excited. I will be posting furthur details soon.

Here is another little tidbit I came across this morning---

Morrissey is making big plans for the future. No, he's not revamping his signature pomp or reuniting the Smiths. Instead, the aging crooner is finalizing burial plans for when he finally kicks the bucket. After taking a stroll through Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, Morrissey settled on a burial plot adjacent to the final resting place of punk-pioneer Johnny Ramone.
He says, "I like that cemetery. I stumbled across Johnny Ramone's stone and thought it was very nicely placed. "I sat there for a long time and I felt quite good about it. It was nice his bones were under the soil that I was sitting on. So yeah, that's my spot."
As for the inscription on his headstone, Morrissey says,
"I want nothing other than name, birth date, death date. I did think of having the words 'Home At Last' but BELLA LUGOSI has already used that."

---Its good to see Morrissey is setting up his burial plans. I think more people need to do that. You know, get the nitty gritty out of the way so your loved ones dont have to sweat it. Anyways, thats just me.

Its STILL freezin ass cold here and it looks like there is no relief in sight. We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow afternoon.

Well, I hope this finds all the boys doing well. Ill be back later....---

Thursday, February 08, 2007

---I dunno, I thought it was funny. Sorry.---

Even Edwards gets in trouble.

Originally posted: February 8, 2007Edwards keeps controversial bloggers

Posted by Frank James at 12:14 pm CST

John Edwards, the former North Carolina senator and Democratic presidential candidate, is keeping his hired bloggers who, after what must’ve been a very sober talk with him, have promised they’ll be more temperate in their language than they were before they joined his campaign.
Here’s the statement issued by Edwards' campaign:
The tone and the sentiment of some of Amanda Marcotte's and Melissa McEwan's posts personally offended me. It's not how I talk to people, and it's not how I expect the people who work for me to talk to people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that kind of intolerant language will not be permitted from anyone on my campaign, whether it's intended as satire, humor, or anything else. But I also believe in giving everyone a fair shake. I've talked to Amanda and Melissa; they have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone's faith, and I take them at their word. We're beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can't let it be hijacked. It will take discipline, focus, and courage to build the America we believe in.

For anyone who hasn’t been following this story, the Edwards campaign has caught flack from conservatives after past anti-pope and anti-conservative personal blog postings by Marcotte and McEwan gained wide circulation through outraged right-of-center bloggers and talk radio.
Marcotte once wrote:
“The Pope's gotta tell women who give birth to stillborns that their babies are cast into Satan's maw. . . . The Catholic Church is not about to let something like compassion for girls get in the way of using the state as an instrument to force women to bear more tithing Catholics."
McEwan called social conservatives “wingnut Christofascist base.”

---I like being referred to as a wingnut, keeps me on my toes. Even though its way to early to really draw any concrete conclusions about any of the cantidates, Im not too fond of Edwards anymore, he just seems so damn fluffy. I dont like fluff, especially in my political contidates.---

Official Offmen Photo Archive

I see no point in keeping these images hidden in an old shoe box, or as just another file in the bowels of my computer. I am hoping all of you will feel free to add to the pile and share the wealth. So check out our Official Offmen Photo Archive

Thursday morning DUI

A drunk is driving through the city and his car is weaving violently all over the road. A cop pulls him over and asks, “Where have you been?”
“I've been to the pub,” slurs the drunk.
“Well,” says the cop, “it looks like you've had quite a few.”
“I did alright,” the drunk says with a smile.
“Did you know,” says the cop, standing straight and folding his arms, “that a few intersections back, your wife fell out of your car?”
“Oh, thank heavens,” sighs the drunk. “For a minute there, I thought I'd gone deaf.”

---Hey boys, hows things? Hey PJ, I have a question, do you know what your work schedule looks like yet for the week of the 17th-24thish? I will be in town that week and I will wanna get together. I know Martin has said he has Thu and Fri off, so is there someway in hell you could work your way into getting one of those nights free? Lemme know. We will plan for something.

The weather here isnt too bad. Its cold but not bitter freezin ass cold like it has been as of late and the sun is out which is nice...I havent seen the sun in several days.

If you have a joke, its time to pass it on. I found this one at That it from me for now, there were no real good news stories to pass on, except I read something about N. Korea dismantling their nukies. Thats kinda interesting I guess, maybe Ill post something about that.---

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Question of the night; what would you do?

NYC Cabbie, Tipped 30 Cents, Returns Bag With 31 Diamond Rings Found in His Cab

NEW YORK Feb 7, 2007 (AP)— Never mind diamonds- a New York cabbie was a Texas girl's best friend. The driver returned 31 diamond rings he found in his cab after dropping off the passenger, who had left him with a 30-cent tip on a $10.70 fare.
"All my life, I tried to be honest," said Osman Chowdhury, a native of Bangladesh. "Today is no different."
But the 41-year-old cabbie from Queens did have a message: "I'm proud of what I did so that people know New York taxi drivers are honest."

---Now my obvious question to you is, would you have done what this taxi driver did and return the lost diamonds? Or for that matter, if you were walking down the street and found a wallet with a hundred bucks in it with ID, would you call the person to return it? This is when you have to questions ones morals I guess. Whats more important, the principle or the green? I honestly would think long and hard about it, Im not gonna lie.

My next question is to hopefully make things more fun. Lets say you decided to keep the diamonds, how would you go about getting rid of them to make money? Be as creative but as realistic as you can with this part, its more a challenge than anything.---

This may take a while!

As late I have been a bit frustrated with some of the more technical aspects of this blog (IE the side bar of comments not doing what I want it to!). So I have taken up a more simple but mind numbing task of organizing some of our info. Take a look at the Label “Offmen Archive” found on the bottom of this post.

Random Photo 02/07

I am beginning to suspect that Frank and I where actually color blind when we went out and bought those things we furnished our apartment with… They sure seemed cool at the time. I wonder how those speakers are doing these days, they where so dreamy? The other day I was getting ready to put my old speakers into storage and I noticed that the foam surrounding the woofer looked cracked and dry, so I immediately touched it to investigate, and to my alarm a simple touch was enough to put a hole in my good speaker! WTF it just disintegrated dam it, and I was kind of hoping to have those speakers around for a long time. But the more I thought about the sorry state I now found my once prized possessions I remembered that they were indeed more than 14 years old. Still it is a bummer.

New York plans to ban IPODS while crossing the street!


New York may ban iPods while crossing street
ReutersWednesday, February 7, 2007; 11:53 AM
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Yorkers who blithely cross the street listening to an iPod or talking on a cell phone could soon face a $100 fine.
New York State Sen. Carl Kruger says three pedestrians in his Brooklyn district have been killed since September upon stepping into traffic while distracted by an electronic device. In one case bystanders screamed "watch out" to no avail.
Kruger says he will introduce legislation on Wednesday to ban the use of gadgets such as Blackberry devices and video games while crossing the street.

---My big question is this: do you think the Govt. has the right to step into our personal lives like this and constitute what is or is not safe while walking across the street?---


The real-life quest to find E.T.

From Interesting thing of the

As a card-carrying, Star Trek-watching computer geek, I have naturally known about a project called SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, for as long as I can remember. I’ve run the SETI@home screen saver on all my computers. I bought the video of the 1997 Jodie Foster film Contact, based on the novel of the same name by Carl Sagan, which was, in turn, loosely based on SETI. I’ve noticed countless SETI references in TV shows, books, newspapers, and magazines. It’s old news, one of those things everyone has at least a basic understanding of, however little knowledge they may have of the specifics, right? Well, as my wife pointed out to me today, SETI is the type of thing that simply wouldn’t impinge on the awareness of a great many intelligent, educated people, having been automatically and unconsciously filtered out by the same sort of mechanism that keeps us all from being overwhelmed by the tragedies of the daily news. And yet, whatever opinions you may have (or come to have) about this rather controversial project, I think it’s something fascinating enough—for so many reasons—that it should be part of everyone’s cultural lexicon.

---Have any of you guys ever downloaded their screensaver? Its pretty neat. You should check it out at Its a cool program that allows the home user to take part in SETI's search for life out there in the vast universe.---

One liners

Long Time Drinker

A skeleton walks into a bar. The bartender says, "What'll you have?" The skeleton says, "A beer and a mop."

---OK guys, its time for you to pass on a one liner that you know. It doesnt have to be hilarious or anything, but it has to be a quick one liner. Try and find a good one online if you can.---

Wednesday morning...all is well.

"Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else - and it hasn't - it's that girls should stick to girls' sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such."
---Homer Simpson

---Goodmorning boys. All is well here. Im feeling pretty good. I have to take my car in for an inspection this morning, in aniticpation of my road trip to Chicago. Im hoping all will go well and they wont find anything wrong.

I need to buy a new keyboard. I spilled soda on it not too long ago and it hasnt been the same since, go figure.

Well, thats it from here, I hope to hear from you guys today.---

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

good for a laugh.

"I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit."

Mel Brooks

---Mel Brooksm makes me laugh...him and George Carlin, espeically Carlin, he kills me. Im a big fan of Robin Willaims too. I think laughter is such an important part of life. Even if it has be be on your own account. You know what they say, if you cant laugh at yourself.....

How important is humor to you guys?---

Giuliani is in, I guess.

By Craig GordonNewsday

WASHINGTON - Rudolph Giuliani all but announced he is running for president last night, saying "I'm in this to win" and suggesting the only thing left to make it official is a formal declaration.
"We still have to formally announce it and do a few more things, but this is about as close as you're going to get," Giuliani said on Fox News Channel.
Giuliani's appearance was part of a carefully choreographed effort by his campaign to put to rest questions among Republicans about whether he is serious about running.
Newsday articles last week also raised questions, saying that Giuliani had failed to file a formal statement of candidacy that nearly every other presidential hopeful has submitted. He also omitted his party registration on another form.
Giuliani yesterday filed the statement of candidacy listing himself as a Republican candidate for president and amended a second form, dropping the words "testing the waters."
"Today, we just took another step toward running for president," Giuliani told reporters in Floral Park while campaigning with State Senate candidate Maureen O'Connell. "This is a pretty strong step."

---Well, it sounds like he is about to be in for a Presidential run. I would think that Rudy would be the front runner for the GOP, wouldnt you? I definitley think he has the leadership qualities to make a serious run for the White House. Its too early to really see who is for and against what, but this battle for the Office will definitley be pretty intense. Im excited about that.---

Oral Sex.

---Goomorning guys. I found that picture last night and I thought youd all get a kick out of the oral sex action. Things here are good. We got another inch of snow last night making everything look all white and fresh again this morning. My sore throat is gone and I think I am finally getting over my cold. TIme to look for some good news stories to post, be back soon.....---

Monday, February 05, 2007

Museums and life

"Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering - because you can't take it in all at once. "

A. Hepburn

---Speaking of museums, when was the last time you were at one? I was at the Shedd Aquarium the last time I was in town, I guess that kinda counts as a museum type place, except that most of the stuff there is alive and well. You get my drift.

I finally broke the chains of cabin fever this AM! I went out and got my daughter some stuff for Valentines Day. Damn cold out. Damn cold. We are gonna get another 2-3 inches of snow tomorrow, woohoo, yippy and all that winter joy stuff. Im not looking forward to 100 degree days in July and Aug., but I am starting to get burnt out on winter. The snow here is all dirty and icky looking now, its not even pretty anymore. Who knows, maybe some fresh snow tomorrow will change my attitude again.

Ive been chatting with Jen B. a lot on Yahoo lately. Next to my ex, she is defintley the best female friend I have ever had. Shes good people, I highly recommend her to everyone for friendly reasons. Never, EVER buy cheap batteries. I found some batteries at Menards for something like a dollar and some odd change a pack. Once I started using them they lasted a couple days before dying. Never, EVER buy cheap batteries.

Time for a Ricola and a smoke. Not at the same time, would be too much like smoking a Newport then and that is friggin nasty. I still have not gotten my buttload of free nicotine gum in the mail yet (they said wait 8-12 weeks) so Im not ready to quit smoking as of now. Im too much of a wuss boy to do it cold turkey.

Over-n-out boyos.---

look who's Back

Well boys, it's been a couple weeks since I've actually posted anything. Just a sporatic comment every now and then.
I'm home.
a trip to Texas, and then to Ohio. It is sooo good to be home, even under the best of circumstances the return home is nice. Sleeping in your own bed, using your own bathroom, not living out of suitcases. sitting in front of your own PC. it's the little things you miss.....
Thank you all for your well wishes, this has been a very trying period in my life. and the love of my family and friends has been a rock that I have been able to rely on.
I am looking forward to spending time catching up on the goings on here.

Mon.morning b.s.

---Hey boys, how are things? Yes, its still cold here and yes I still feel a little craptastic. My mood is pretty bad this morning. This post will be short...I couldnt yet find any good stories to post and the news was boring too.

I hope to see some of you posting more often around here. This is gettin old fast but I wanna say thanks to the guys that do. I also hope the PJB is doing well, we havent heard from him in quite a while.

OK wait, I did just come across one article I found interesting enough to comment on.

Read this...From

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -- An ethnic Chinese Malaysian mistakenly given by doctors to a Malay Muslim couple at birth nearly three decades ago is bracing for a possible legal battle so he can renounce Islam, an action that can be considered a crime in parts of Malaysia.
Zulhaidi Omar, 29, who now goes by the name Eddie to his family and friends, said he discovered his true identity by chance and met his biological parents in 1998 after years of being teased about his Chinese features.
"I want to get my life back in order now," Zulhaidi told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his southern home state of Johor.
Zulhaidi, a sales executive raised in an ethnic Malay Muslim family, said he was revealing his story only now because he wants to take a Chinese name and change his religion to Buddhism. About 20 percent of the Malaysian population is Buddhist.
He declined to comment further, citing sensitivities concerning religion in this predominantly Muslim nation. The constitution does not allow Muslims to renounce their religion, and doing so is considered apostasy and punishable by jail in several states, though not in Johor.
Michael Tay, a politician with the Malaysian Chinese Association who is helping Zulhaidi, said he was negotiating with Johor state authorities to grant Zulhaidi's request.

---Could you imagine living in a country where it is a crime to denounce your religion? Thats why I get all fired up when people like illegals take advantage of this country. Im just using that as an example. There are plenty of other things that get me fired up about this great nation too. I feel pretty darn bad for this guy, all he wants to do is get in touch with his heritage and he is being prevented from doing so...a damn shame.---

Sunday, February 04, 2007

weird groups and the moon.

The Moonflower Society, an international group pushing for building a moon colony, has started lobbing the International Olympic Committee to begin plans for the "Moon Olympics."

---How many odd groups like this are there out there? Do you honestly ever think we will colonize the moon? It is amazing to think how far space exploration has come though. Arent they going to take the Space Shuttle out of commision soon or something like that? It personally makes me wonder where techonology will be when our kids are say, in their 50s. Its kinda scary too. I wonder what the home computer will be like at that time. What about something like an MP3 player? By then, who knows, maybe some surgical implant will be possible.

It all freaks me out.---

Sleepy time rules!

The average American uses his snooze alarm 1.3 times per day.

---I LOVE to sleep, dont you? That beautiful feeling of being wrapped up in bed...nice warm comforter, your pillow all nice and soft. What a great experience sleep can be. Im sure most of you Offmen dont get enough sleep (Im looking in your direction Martin) and at the same time, this is probably something youve adjusted to. Ill admit, if I dont get at least 7 hours a night, Im pretty useless the next day, especially with the medications Im on.

Sleeping and eating are probably 2 of my most favorite things in life. Both can be really enjoyable, you know? Whats most important to you?---

dream a little dream....

Feb. 3, 2007 — For many of us, dreams are a strange other world — puzzling, terrifying and beyond our control. But some psychologists now say, under the right conditions, we can control our dreams to have fun or to learn from them.
One way to do that is through lucid dreaming, in which you choose what happens in your dream. You can fly through the air, swim with dolphins, tame the monster in your nightmares, speak to a dead relative — anything you want to do, all the while aware that it's a dream.
"Lucid dreaming is simply a dream in which you know you're dreaming while it's happening," said Dr. Stephen Laberge, founder of the Lucidity Institute at Stanford University. "So you know, 'This is a dream I'm having,' and therefore, you can control, you can decide. You know it's all in your mind, so nothing can hurt you. You're free and you can experiment."
Recently, people come to the big island of Hawaii for a two-week session with Laberge, who is widely considered to be the country's pre-eminent authority on lucid dreaming.
Stephanie Smedes, an animal eye doctor, is here to learn how to have lucid dreams. One of her goals is to control her nightmares of being chased by an unknown figure, running from room to room.
Smedes hopes that lucid dreaming will "help me to be part of them and then switch them around so I'm not so frightened of them."
At its most basic level, lucid dreaming involves recognizing that you're dreaming while you're dreaming.
"The key to lucid dreaming is [to] remember to do something in your dreams, to notice that it's a dream," Laberge said. "So before bed, you set your mind. Say, 'Tonight, I'm going to be dreaming — and when I do, I want to remember to notice that I'm dreaming.'"

---'Morning fellers. Yep, still freezin ass cold here today and I now have a sore throat. I think controlling your dreams would be a pretty powerful chore and I imagine it takes a lot of time to be able to do it. Im pretty sure I dream every night, but a lot of days I awaken not being able to remember what I dreamt about. The article tells us to set our minds to control our dreams...yeah right, Im sure the last thing we are thinking about at the end of our days is dreaming.---

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Looking for a Movie to Watch?

My wife and I watched a movie worth mentioning last night. It is not often that I see films these days that are so much more memorable than my own squirt of piss. How ever the film 11:14, if you have not already seen it might be worth your time. In my opinion almost any Offmen would find this film agreeable. It did make my Friday night.

Dear Old Dad's Wisdom

I remember my dad telling me when I was young that hot water would freeze faster than cold water. It was a concept that was contradictory to common perception, but I believed him any how, as I still agree with him that common perception is often flawed my mind was open. Today as Eric has already pointed out it is quite cold. So being that conditions were optimal, I took it upon my self to prove his concept.

Sorry guys he was wrong in this instance. The Hot water took 30 minutes longer to freeze than the cold water. I can only hope that my son will look to disprove my stubborn ideologies long before he is 35 years of age! I promise not to mind if I am wrong.

Mr. Bush visits Democratic retreat.

WILLIAMSBURG, Virginia (AP) -- President Bush squarely addressed the issue most on the mind of House Democrats, saying Saturday that deep divisions over the Iraq war need not bring anyone's patriotism into question.
"You know, I welcome debate in a time of war and I hope you know that," Bush said in opening remarks as the guest speaker at a retreat that drew about 200 lawmakers to a Virginia resort.
He said disagreeing with him over the war -- as many in the room do -- does not mean "you don't share the same sense of patriotism I do."
"You can get that thought out of your mind, if that's what some believe," the president said. "These are tough times, but there's no doubt in my mind that you want to secure this homeland as much as I do."
Bush's conciliatory words were similar to some of his previous statements. But the applause that followed them offered some indication that this audience was happy to hear them so directly and in person.
Democrats, who in November wrestled control of the House from Republicans for the first time in a dozen years, have yet to settle on a legislative response to Bush's war plan. It involves adding 21,500 troops to the 132,000 already in Iraq.

---Im glad they all agreed on the patriotism thing, but my gosh, can you imagine how odd he must have felt getting up in front of all those Dems on their turf like that. After all, this was a Democratic retreat. I would have had that awkward feeling inside, kinda like the dreams you always hear about when you are standing in front of your class in your undies. That feeling.

Im getting ready to eat chicken and dumplings. Whats your favorite cold weather food?

Onto other things now---

In the two weeks following Mardi Gras, over 3.4 million tons of beads will be collected and recycled.

---Would you ever go to Mardi Gras if you had the chance? Setting aside the boobs and the booze, how much fun could it be? Would you ever visit New Orleans given the chance now that it has been ravaged by Hurricane Katrina? I dont think I would.---

Weekend Post.

---Goodmorning boys. Once again it is freezin ass cold here and it feels like this cold snap is never gonna end. I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I got pulled over and got a speedin ticket from a cop on a horse for 500 bucks. I was driving the first car I ever owned, a 1986 Chrysler Turismo. Scott had the same car as I back then, except his was a dodge I think. Remember that Scott?

So, whats the largest ticket youve ever gotten?---

Friday, February 02, 2007

Man Vs. Wild

---Has anyone ever seen the show Man Versus Wild? Its pretty damn cool. They take this survival expert, former British military comando and dump him off in various places on Earth where people like you and I would last a whole couple of hours. He does some pretty neat stuff...builds shelters, searches for and finds exotic foods to survive on and so on. Its on a 7 PM on the Discovery Channel on Friday nights. Im watching it right now. Right now this guy has been dumped off in the Sierra and has been building a raft out of drift wood.

The blog has been really quiet as of late. I know PJ is traveling due to his mom's passing. I hope he is doing well. I feel terrible again and Im starting to wonder if I am getting pneumonia. Not good. I am supposed to see my kid this weekend but Im not sure Im gonna make it, plus I dont wanna expose her.---

for those of us who drink...

Alcohol is a very necessary article...It makes life bearable to millions of people who could not endure their existance if they were quit sober. It enables Parliament to do things at eleven at night that no sane person would do at eleven in the morning

---Does alcohol really make things that bearable?---

Beginning the day with a joke.

One night, George W. Bush is tossing restlessly in his White House bed. He awakens to see George Washington standing by him Bush asks him, "George, what''s the best thing I can do to help the country?"
"Set an honest and honorable example, just as I did," Washington advises, and then fades away...
The next night, Bush is astir again, and sees the ghost of Thomas Jefferson moving through the darkened bedroom. Bush calls out, "Tom, please! What is the best thing I can do to help the country?"
"Respect the Constitution, as I did," Jefferson advises, and dims from sight...
The third night sleep still does not come for Bush. He awakens to see the ghost of FDR hovering over his bed. Bush whispers, "Franklin, What is the best thing I can do to help the country?"
"Help the less fortunate, just as I did," FDR replies and fades into the mist...
Bush isn''t sleeping well the fourth night when he sees another figure moving in the shadows. It is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Bush pleads, "Abe, what is the best thing I can do right now to help the country?"
Lincoln replies, "Go see a play."

---Ha, good one huh? Well, it s 27 below zero here with the windchill which is just downright ridiculous. My cold has weakened which makes me very happy meaning I can breathe easily this morning. My thoughts are with PJ this morning as he prepares to lay his Mother to rest.

More later.---

Thursday, February 01, 2007

emails and computers

The first email ever sent read, "this should be working."

---I was never intimidated by computers when they became common in homes. I was always excited about them and I couldnt wait to get one of my own. I cant say I remember what the first email I sent was, but I do remember being really psyched up about the whole new world that computers opened up. Now it seems as if we cant live without them.

Could you? Setting aside a computer in the workplace, could you live without yours for the enjoyment it can bring? I couldnt, I love my p.c.

for a laugh.

Men Strike Back !

How many men does it take to open a beer?
None. It should be opened when she brings it.

Why do women have smaller feet than men?
It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allows
them to stand closer to the kitchen sink.

How do you know when a woman
is about to say something smart?
When she starts a sentence with "A man once told me..."

Why do men fart more than women?
Because women can't shut up long enough
to build up the required pressure.

If your dog is barking at the back door
and your wife is yelling at the front door,
who do you let in first?
The dog, of course. He'll shut up once you let him in.

I married a Miss Right.
I just didn't know her first name was Always.

Scientists have discovered a food
that diminishes
a woman's sex drive by 90%.
It's called a wedding cake.

Women will never be equal to men
until they can walk down the street
with a bald head and a beer gut,
and still think they are sexy.

In the beginning,
God created the earth and rested.
Then God created Man and rested.
Then God created Woman.
Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.

---I got a little chuckle out of this and since this is the boys club, I figured Id post it because there have been days when weve all felt this way. Take it for what it is.---

Favorite show

More people have seen a performance by Elvis Presley than any other artist.

---So, what was your favorite concert of all? I would have to say, by far, mine would be Social D. Ive seen them 9 times and every time they have gotten better and better.

The rabbit died...or did it?

Home pregnancy tests are eight times more likely to give a false negative than a false positive.

---Interesting statistic, no? So when you were ready for baby making time, did you guys use pregnancy tests to find out your much anitcipated results or did you go to the dr., old school style? It took us 3 tests to finally conclude that Angi was pregnant with Ava.

Its not as cold here this AM and my cold has moved into my chest making smoking impossible and breathing almost the same. I see that Mr. Al Gore has been nominated for a Nobel Prize and that some geeks from the cartoon network are in some deep shit for placing devices that were mistaken for IEDs' around the Boston area yesterday. I also just saw on Goodmorning America that the worlds most expensive house is being built for a whoppin' 155 MILLION DAMN DOLLARS!!! It has like 20 bathrooms in it, friggin' crazy!

Thats all from here, hope to see you guys postin today---