Tuesday, February 27, 2007

US and Isreal relations.

---This is another commentary article I just found on suicidegirls.com. I really like the way it is writtten and how imformative it is. It really reminded me of my own writing style. It left me thinking about quite a few things....read on---

The US has shut down any possibility of Israel and Syria holding peace talks. According to Israeli officials, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was “forceful” that Israel desists from any exploratory contact with Damascus. Some in Israeli just wanted to find out if Syria is serious in it’s declared intention to hold peace talks. But the US thinks holding any sort of talks with Syria would be considered a “prize” in Damascus, thereby solidifying the belief that the Bush administration conducts foreign policy like a four year old.
When Israeli officials asked Secretary Rice about the possibility of exploring the seriousness of Syria in its calls for peace talks, her response was unequivocal: Don't even think about it.
Damascus has recently tried to send messages to Israel through English nationals and former American diplomats. They have been attempting to cultivate ties with Israeli officials, but Israelis are split on whether or not to engage Syria in talks.Some, like Mossad chief Meir Dagan, believe it is a Syrian propaganda campaign and insist Damascus is not serious. Which is a really good point, because could you imagine what would happen if they engaged Syria in talks and they were not serious? They would be exactly where they are now. Oh, the horror.Israeli Military Intelligence, however, believes Syria is serious. But they do not believe it would be easy and that there is a good chance talks would fail. IM only wants to keep the door open and test Syria for its sincerity. Unfortunately that just can’t happen because Bush and company thinks they would “win” something, or feel like they got a “prize” or a “gift.”If Israel were to start talks to find out how serious Syria is about peace talks, the worst that could happen is would Israel find out Damascus was being untruthful. In that case, Israel would find itself in the exact position it is now; surrounded by enemies who are arming Hezbollah and Hamas. How about someone start acting like a fucking adult?

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