Wednesday, February 07, 2007

This may take a while!

As late I have been a bit frustrated with some of the more technical aspects of this blog (IE the side bar of comments not doing what I want it to!). So I have taken up a more simple but mind numbing task of organizing some of our info. Take a look at the Label “Offmen Archive” found on the bottom of this post.


Sickboy said...

hey that label thing you did is GREAT!!!! Im not gonna ask how because it will be beyond my comprehension, but kudos to you, thats pretty darn nifty.

dad-e~O said...

so esentially, you tagged all picture posts with "offmen archive"?
are you planning on doing that with all of the regular post styles? ie, random thouhghts, news bits, offmen life updates, ect.ect.ect
cause that sounds like a big project

Anonymous said...

Just the photos for now. However I do intend on being more diligent with tagging posts from now on.

dad-e~O said...

we'd have to set a standard so that all future posts would naturaly fall into the catagories.
that would be a bit of a pain in the cock to enforce

Scott said...

I figure the photos are a no brainer, as for the rest I only intend on having labels for new posts. I suspect a few standards will emerge after a while... It seems to early to identify what is working and what is not.