Sunday, February 25, 2007

Winter's last stand

---Well, we got hit with a big ice/snow storm here. It started yesterday, late afternoon and it is still snowing right now, but just a little. I am really thinking that this may have been winter's big last stand here, even though we have to get through March yet. The snow is beautiful and I love watching it fall, but I am sick of the cold temps. I am ready for the warm sun of spring, but at the same time, I am dreading 100+ degree days that follow in July and Aug. I only have air conditioning here in my living room.

I am very happy to see Scott is back home safe and on the blog once again. I hope you post more picstures of your vacation soon. The one you posted so far looks beautiful.

Sunday is usually a quiet Newsday online so I havent found anything worthy of posting yet.

More later, you guys have a great Sunday.---

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