Thursday, February 01, 2007

The rabbit died...or did it?

Home pregnancy tests are eight times more likely to give a false negative than a false positive.

---Interesting statistic, no? So when you were ready for baby making time, did you guys use pregnancy tests to find out your much anitcipated results or did you go to the dr., old school style? It took us 3 tests to finally conclude that Angi was pregnant with Ava.

Its not as cold here this AM and my cold has moved into my chest making smoking impossible and breathing almost the same. I see that Mr. Al Gore has been nominated for a Nobel Prize and that some geeks from the cartoon network are in some deep shit for placing devices that were mistaken for IEDs' around the Boston area yesterday. I also just saw on Goodmorning America that the worlds most expensive house is being built for a whoppin' 155 MILLION DAMN DOLLARS!!! It has like 20 bathrooms in it, friggin' crazy!

Thats all from here, hope to see you guys postin today---

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