Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Giuliani is in, I guess.

By Craig GordonNewsday

WASHINGTON - Rudolph Giuliani all but announced he is running for president last night, saying "I'm in this to win" and suggesting the only thing left to make it official is a formal declaration.
"We still have to formally announce it and do a few more things, but this is about as close as you're going to get," Giuliani said on Fox News Channel.
Giuliani's appearance was part of a carefully choreographed effort by his campaign to put to rest questions among Republicans about whether he is serious about running.
Newsday articles last week also raised questions, saying that Giuliani had failed to file a formal statement of candidacy that nearly every other presidential hopeful has submitted. He also omitted his party registration on another form.
Giuliani yesterday filed the statement of candidacy listing himself as a Republican candidate for president and amended a second form, dropping the words "testing the waters."
"Today, we just took another step toward running for president," Giuliani told reporters in Floral Park while campaigning with State Senate candidate Maureen O'Connell. "This is a pretty strong step."

---Well, it sounds like he is about to be in for a Presidential run. I would think that Rudy would be the front runner for the GOP, wouldnt you? I definitley think he has the leadership qualities to make a serious run for the White House. Its too early to really see who is for and against what, but this battle for the Office will definitley be pretty intense. Im excited about that.---


dad-e~O said...

he has a better chance then any other outsider

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I think so, by far.