Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Calm before the storm.

---AM temp. 28
feels like. 18
skies. sleeting

Well, I still dont have enough to come up with my 3 people whom Id like to have coffee with but I will be thinking about it over the day today. We have yet another nasty storm system getting ready to move across the state later today and tomorrow and it could bring us 8 more inches of the white stuff. As Ive said a million times now, Im fed up with winter.

I still wanna give props to PJ for coming up the the super hero thread, now it is beginning to move onto Jedi powers. Having Jedi powers would rock! Hell, being a Jedi would rock, but there is no way I could be a Jedi that serves only the light side of The Force. Its like becoming a priest, you cant marry and all your acts have to be selfless. So much for a sex and social life if youre a Jedi willing to serve the light. Plus you become a diplomat and you get sent on all these really boring diplomatic missions.

Over n out, time for me to get back to my coffee so I can think about my top 3.---

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