Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dear Old Dad's Wisdom

I remember my dad telling me when I was young that hot water would freeze faster than cold water. It was a concept that was contradictory to common perception, but I believed him any how, as I still agree with him that common perception is often flawed my mind was open. Today as Eric has already pointed out it is quite cold. So being that conditions were optimal, I took it upon my self to prove his concept.

Sorry guys he was wrong in this instance. The Hot water took 30 minutes longer to freeze than the cold water. I can only hope that my son will look to disprove my stubborn ideologies long before he is 35 years of age! I promise not to mind if I am wrong.


Sickboy said...

you know, I always heard the same darn thing, that you were supposed to fill the ice trays in your freezer with hot water becuz theyd freeze faster.

Thanks for doing this experiment Scott. Maybe you could do other experiments sometime too. We could have a section of the blog called "Scott's science corner" or some shit.

Mark M said...

Good experiment, Scott... It's similar to what leading physicists were doing about 200 years ago.

If someone told me hot water freezes faster than cold water, I would be doubtful because of this: Let's say the hot water starts out at 110 deg-F. And let's say that it takes 30 minutes for the water to drop to 50 deg-F. If your other cup started at 50 deg-F, then it got a 30 minute head start on the hot water and should freeze that much faster.

Scott said...

Thanks Mark and Eric! I do believe my fathers comments were also connected to the ice trays as well. Some how I believed my Dad with my own theory that the molecules in the hot water (which are obviously moving faster than the cold water molecules) would decelerate faster and crash, and therefore the slow water would take more time to build momentum towards its new temperature.

My logic is obviously some times stuck in lala land, thank goodness there are people willing to employ free thinkers.

Yeah and I also used to believe that the number seven was a evil tyrant over the number four...

Sickboy said...

LOL, hahahahahahahahaha.....your number comments killed me here!!!!

dad-e~O said...

the extra bonus of using Hot Water is that you get a higher lead content from hot water then you do from cold. Or so MY father used to tell me.

Scott said...

Sounds like a new challenge!!!! My dad told me that there are more solids (hard water minerals) found in hot water.

steve butt said...

i'm just glad i figured out my dad was wrong long before i figured how wrong i was.