Thursday, February 01, 2007

Favorite show

More people have seen a performance by Elvis Presley than any other artist.

---So, what was your favorite concert of all? I would have to say, by far, mine would be Social D. Ive seen them 9 times and every time they have gotten better and better.


Martin said...

Rollns spoken word at Chicago HOB.
It was his birthday and they were recording the first disk for Think Tank.

After the show we went to our regular watering hole. We started talking to the bartender about the show. He said "I can just stand there and talk, too."
I told him that if he can keep me interested in what he has to say for 2 solid hours about his travels over the world and political commentary, I'd gladly give him 20 bucks.

Sickboy said...

Scott and I were really, really into Rollins at one point in time. Now that Ive gotten older, I can admit, I cant stand him.

No, not Scott, Roliins.

Sickboy said...

Another great show I will never forget...NIN at The Metro Jan. 1990. Scott you were there, so was Frank and a few others.

Anonymous said...

Pixies, 1989 Aragon Ball room. They opened for Love and Rockets, and to my dismay nobody in the audience seemed to really care that they were on the stage... it still befuddles me.

Anonymous said...

I heard some of Henry Rollins more recent work and thought, wow he is still rambling about the same tired shit... I used to really love his stuff. I guess I am in the same boat as E.

Sickboy said...

Yeah I just think that Rollins now this loud guy is generally mad about stupid stuff and yet after all these years he still tries to come off like hes the most honest man on earth when he is just a big friggin dork like you or I. He just gets on every one of my last nerves nowadays. Not a fan anymore at all....sold his CDs years ago.