Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday Morning...

Scotch tape was named after the inventors preferred beverage.

---Well, a week from now I will be packing up for my trip to the Chicagoland area and Im pretty excited. I will be posting furthur details soon.

Here is another little tidbit I came across this morning---

Morrissey is making big plans for the future. No, he's not revamping his signature pomp or reuniting the Smiths. Instead, the aging crooner is finalizing burial plans for when he finally kicks the bucket. After taking a stroll through Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, Morrissey settled on a burial plot adjacent to the final resting place of punk-pioneer Johnny Ramone.
He says, "I like that cemetery. I stumbled across Johnny Ramone's stone and thought it was very nicely placed. "I sat there for a long time and I felt quite good about it. It was nice his bones were under the soil that I was sitting on. So yeah, that's my spot."
As for the inscription on his headstone, Morrissey says,
"I want nothing other than name, birth date, death date. I did think of having the words 'Home At Last' but BELLA LUGOSI has already used that."

---Its good to see Morrissey is setting up his burial plans. I think more people need to do that. You know, get the nitty gritty out of the way so your loved ones dont have to sweat it. Anyways, thats just me.

Its STILL freezin ass cold here and it looks like there is no relief in sight. We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow afternoon.

Well, I hope this finds all the boys doing well. Ill be back later....---


dad-e~O said...

Mom made and paid for all her plans. It was quite a relief.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I bet it was bro. Ive been looking into doing the same thing.