Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Frozen tundra.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

Mahatma Gandhi

---Its almost 25 below here this AM, way too damn cold. I have to go out in it this morning too. It was good to see Mike S. post here once again, it had been a long time since we had seen him.

I dont have too much else to say this morning. PJ, why dont we plan on getting together next Thursday evening (the 22nd), pick time and a place to meet. Martin this includes you too.....---


dad-e~O said...

I work Thursday.
It'll have to be Friday or Saturday

dad-e~O said...

we just got a foot of snow, loads of fun.

Sickboy said...

Friday night works out fine for me....

Scott said...

I like todays quote Eric!

Sickboy said...

thanks, I thought it was a good one to post. Its very true...hard to accept, but true.

Hey PJ and Martin, friday night works, pick a place to meet and a time...I will be there with Jen. B and Kris R.

Martin said...

Yeah, I had to shovel about 2.5 feet of global warming out of my driveway.

As far as the little get together, I'm pretty good about getting together anywhere. If you guys liked Peggy's we can go there again. It's good and local for me and Peter. If Jen or Kris have a favorite haunt, we can hit that too. I'm available both Thursday and Friday so I could do a double header if you wanted.

Sickboy said...

right now, im waiting to hear from PJ to figure out what we can do...Im available friday night for a get together, Peggys was a good place, I liked it a lot.

I was thinkin like 630ish at Peggys.

Its all on PJ now.