Tuesday, February 27, 2007

If you could....

---OK, PJ's super hero post got me thinking and so I pose this question to all you Offmen....

Name 3 (or more if youd like) people, dead or alive, that you would like to sit down and have a cup of coffee with.....and of course, tell us why you chose these people....

I have to think about this overnight before I answer.---


dad-e~O said...

this'll take some thought to come up with 3.

Sickboy said...

1. My late Grandmother...She passed when I was 9 and she raised me as a child along with my Grandfather. I would like to see her again so I could gain some of her great knowledge of life, especially now that Im older. I would also love for her to see my daugther.

2. Malcom X...PJ can relate to this pick. Pete and I spent literally hours and hours on end reading and studying about this man. I would like to aks him why he chose such a change fo heart later in his life. He went from being full of hate to being full of respect for humanity due to his life changing experience in Mecca. I have always respected Malcolm for who he is and was. I may not agree with all his views, but you have to respect a man with such a principals. I would also like to ask him how he saw through the hipocracy of The Nation of Islam.

3. Frank Sinatra...He is by far, one of, if not my favorite entertainer of all time. He was the definition of cool and sauve. His voice is golden. I would like to ask him how he became such an amazing icon. I would like to ask him how he managed to form the Rat Pack and I would like to ask him how intense his love was for Ava Gardner. I would also ask him to sing for my ex.

Scott said...

1. Johnny Cash, Although I am not sure I would have the strength to lift my jaw off the floor and speak to him.

2. William Bligh, One just to set the record straight, two to pick the brain of one of the best navigators of his age, and three just to talk to a mariner from the golden age of sail ( I have been reading a lot of nautical literature for the past few years).

3. Any Offmen, I just do get out much with like minded adults these days, especially the guys.

Sickboy said...

scott picked an offmen, how sweet. =)

dad-e~O said...

Ben Franklin, he was super smart, and had a scence of humor
I never met my Grandfather, so that would be interesting
Jim morrison, he would just be entertaining as hell.

good thoughts on the Johnny Cash, and Malcolm X.
did you hear that Farahkan just retired?

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I did read that somewhere...about the Minister retiring. Meeting Morrison would fucking rule!

Martin said...

1.Any one of the major framers of the Constitution, Jefferson, Adams, etc. I'd like to see what they really had in mind and what they think of our current state of affairs.

2. Jesus Christ. Not trying to get too Johnny God here, but this guy has had millions of very faithful followers and is obviously one of the most influential people in the last 2000 years whether or not he really is the Son of God.

3. Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein. Smart mfer's, and their genius would totally be lost on me, but if I could just get a little out of what they're talking about it would be worth it.

Sickboy said...

I like your idea of metting one of our forefathers. I would be very interested in knowing about what they think of things today.