Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm back

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend the past week thawing out in a more southerly latitude. I can only hope that none of your frozen asses will be entirely annoyed by my entry. Although image above is only part of the story, the queerest part it is the fact that it came with a complimentary bottle of rum... and I didn't even finish it! None the less it is very good to be home safe again with all of my family.

Candela, Buena Vista Social Club


Sickboy said...

welcome back, you were missed here. Did you get back homne to a snowstorm? We just got nailed here overnight...about 7 inches. Im thinking this will be the last big blast for winter here.

Im ready for spring.

Scott said...

We made it home 12 hours before it hit!

Sickboy said...

Im glad you got in before you got it there then. Airport delays are the WORST!

dad-e~O said...

Free Rum !?!?!
tell us more....

Scott said...

I have more photos and tails to share with all of you, but I need a day or so to organize.