Monday, February 05, 2007

look who's Back

Well boys, it's been a couple weeks since I've actually posted anything. Just a sporatic comment every now and then.
I'm home.
a trip to Texas, and then to Ohio. It is sooo good to be home, even under the best of circumstances the return home is nice. Sleeping in your own bed, using your own bathroom, not living out of suitcases. sitting in front of your own PC. it's the little things you miss.....
Thank you all for your well wishes, this has been a very trying period in my life. and the love of my family and friends has been a rock that I have been able to rely on.
I am looking forward to spending time catching up on the goings on here.


Scott said...

Pete, it is good to have you back!

Sickboy said...

Welcome back home PJB. I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks. Your presence was defintley missed here on the blog. Im glad you seem to be hangin in there and doing OK.