Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Michael Schweis is missing?

Hey Guys, I know I haven't been around much, but why am I no longer listed as a contributor or as a missing member? I'm even missing from the missing. I think that makes me homeless or non existent. I'm not sure which.

I hope everybody is well. I was just poking around real quick since its been so long.

Life in Philadelphia is pretty good in spite of snow, sleet, rain and other things the postmen aren't supposed to give a shit about. Melissa is off in Vegas until the middle of May teaching costume design at UNLV, so I'm left a reluctant bachelor. But, I do have a new office and new employees to keep me company. I'm so fucking busy sometimes that I almost forget to go home.

So, I'm still alive and glad to see you all. Have we turned up any new members or contributors or skeletons in closets? I like Scott's photo archive. I just wish it were captioned. There were a few instances of attempting to remember names that went with certain faces that are going to drive me crazy for days.

I'll try to swing back here soon. Miss you all.


Michael said...

I'm a jackass. As soon as I posted my name returned to the contributor section. I hope you all proceed to make fun of my lack of blogger intuition.

Scott said...

We all had to update our account status to the new Blogger format. Some how all of our names were bumped when this took place.

More importantly it's great to see you again here on the OMI blog! I am glad to here you are well, and of course busy. Hopefully you are also making some money as well, if not may be at least a little hope or satisfaction?

Sickboy said...

GREAT to see you again poobah! You have been missed around here. Im happy to hear you are doing well and keeping busy!

You are in my thoughts often.

dad-e~O said...

Hey Mike,
at least your staying out of trouble...

Scott said...

Hey did any of you see that Tim M, posted with us recently?

Sickboy said...

no, I didnt see that. Where?

Michael said...

Tim M? Who dat? Or am I just having a brain fart?

Michael said...

Oh, things are really cool. The money is tight, but that's the time of the year. Its weird, there's more money moving through the business than ever, but the more that comes through, the more goes out. I haven't gotten a raise in quite a while.

But, satisfaction is really high. I need to update the website to show you guys everything that I've been up to. But here's a quick sample. A video that I did a couple of years back got picked up by an educational distributor. You can see where they are selling it here: http://www.films.com/id/13134/Restaurant_Orientation.htm

Not that this video is the apex of what we're up to. We did some work for a UN related organization. I got to interview Dr. Hans BLix, among other ambassadors and notables. I don't have that one online yet, but it will be soon. The organization is at www.wfuna.org

We've been working with the University of Pennsylvania a lot. For an mediocre academic I've gotten to spend quite a bit of time at that old ivy.

We're also doing another project for the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania, which is a great client.

It's one job after another. I'll have to tell you stories about the videos we are doing for psych classes. They are nuts. For instance, one of them involved hiring a double dutch team and a clown. Now that's a combo!

Glad to show my digital face around here.

Sickboy said...

gosh mike, its great to hear you are doing so well.

Scott said...

Tim Mathews (not sure on the spelling) he used to hang with Mike T, Ian, and Angie.

Mike, it is great to hear that your work has been so rewarding.

Scott said...

Here is a Link to the post in which, Tim commented on.

Sickboy said...

I totally remember Tim, he was a cool ass guy.