Monday, February 05, 2007

Museums and life

"Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering - because you can't take it in all at once. "

A. Hepburn

---Speaking of museums, when was the last time you were at one? I was at the Shedd Aquarium the last time I was in town, I guess that kinda counts as a museum type place, except that most of the stuff there is alive and well. You get my drift.

I finally broke the chains of cabin fever this AM! I went out and got my daughter some stuff for Valentines Day. Damn cold out. Damn cold. We are gonna get another 2-3 inches of snow tomorrow, woohoo, yippy and all that winter joy stuff. Im not looking forward to 100 degree days in July and Aug., but I am starting to get burnt out on winter. The snow here is all dirty and icky looking now, its not even pretty anymore. Who knows, maybe some fresh snow tomorrow will change my attitude again.

Ive been chatting with Jen B. a lot on Yahoo lately. Next to my ex, she is defintley the best female friend I have ever had. Shes good people, I highly recommend her to everyone for friendly reasons. Never, EVER buy cheap batteries. I found some batteries at Menards for something like a dollar and some odd change a pack. Once I started using them they lasted a couple days before dying. Never, EVER buy cheap batteries.

Time for a Ricola and a smoke. Not at the same time, would be too much like smoking a Newport then and that is friggin nasty. I still have not gotten my buttload of free nicotine gum in the mail yet (they said wait 8-12 weeks) so Im not ready to quit smoking as of now. Im too much of a wuss boy to do it cold turkey.

Over-n-out boyos.---


Anonymous said...

I love this quote Eric! Also I concur Jen B is great people, but I have to admit still feeling a little guilty for laughing at her after seeing her kissing Rick Rays, back in the day… I still don’t know what came over me. Any how I hope all is well with her, I am glad to here you two have maintained such a great friendship.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, this quote was great. A lot of us have a tendency to ramble, stumble or power through life and rarely do we take the time to stop and absorb what is happening or going on around us. Im guilty of this, I know that. Life is funny that way.

And yes, Jen B. is doing pretty good.

dad-e~O said...

eewwww, she kissed Rick Rayes.