Thursday, February 08, 2007

Official Offmen Photo Archive

I see no point in keeping these images hidden in an old shoe box, or as just another file in the bowels of my computer. I am hoping all of you will feel free to add to the pile and share the wealth. So check out our Official Offmen Photo Archive


Sickboy said...

this is great stuff, thanks for doing this!

dad-e~O said...

how do you like picassa vs flickr?
and can we add to your album or should we start our own? i'm confused

Sickboy said...

I kind am too. I have picasa on my computer already, I use it as my photo library.

TimM said...

All -

Don't know if you'all remember me... came to know you all through Michael and Ian. Those pics are GREAT! Thanks for sharing Scottie.
Hope everyone is well.

Tim Mathews

Scott said...

Holy $@7%3!!!!!

Hey Tim how are you!!!