Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This is good news.

From CNN.com

BEIJING, China (CNN) -- North Korea has agreed to a deal to begin to close down its nuclear program in exchange for $300 million in energy and financial aid, a Chinese diplomat said in a statement at the close of six-party talks.
"With the disarmament of North Korea's nuclear facilities as the final goal, North Korea will close and shut down its Yongbyon nuclear complex," said Chinese envoy Wu Dawei. "North Korea will invite inspectors back to North Korea to do the necessary inspections."
As part of the deal, North Korea must make the steps within 60 days and, as a result, will receive 50,000 tons of fuel oil or financial aid of an equal amount.
Once Pyongyang takes additional steps to disable its nuclear program, including taking inventory of its plutonium stockpile, North Korea will qualify for another 950,000 tons of fuel oil of equivalent aid.
Another part of the deal calls for the United States and North Korea to attempt to normalize relations and work toward the removal of Pyongyang from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. These steps must also be made within the next 60 days.

---Well, this is good news. N. Korea and its nuclear program was kinda scary. I guess this makes us look a little better in the World's eyes too.---


Martin said...

Now we just need to get them to discontinue their chemical and bilogical warfare program

This is definitely good news. However, it smacks of appeasement to me.

Scott said...

Not sure if I really believe this is enforceable, but it sure is a step in the right direction.

Sickboy said...

Yeah chemical weapons scare me more than nukes ever could.