Monday, February 26, 2007

? Your Super Power & Name ?

My sons have frequently asked me over the years...
Dad, if you could pick a super power, what would it be?
and if you were Super, what would you call your self?

So I ask you fella's the same question, what would your super power be and what would you call yourself?

this is a serious question that could tell alot about yourself. so don't be a schmo and make some lame reference to being well hung, or rich.

I will answer on the comments page.


dad-e~O said...

keeping it simple I say "Super Speed" or the ability to do anything I want, really fast. and for a name: since "Bad Mother Fucker" is taken, I suppose "Quicksilver" would be pretty badass.

Sickboy said...

In order to help myself with my insecurities, I would love to have the ability to hear ppls. thoughts and read their minds.

As far as a name...thats a tough one, if I think of something Ill get back to you.

By the way...great question PJ!!!

dad-e~O said...

Dammit, Quicksilver has been taken.... how about Flash... nope taken, what about, Ampheta-Man!,

Yes, I am Ampheta-Man! able to run a marathon in 20 minutes, pleasure a woman in 2. Quick draw my way out of a gun battle with Jesse James, pedal my way around france in a few days. and of course type as fast as I can think.

Sickboy said...

your really getting into this PJ.

Sickboy said...

now that I come to think about it, I wouldnt have a super name. I would want to keep my secret power a secret because if it got out, people could really mess with me.

Just imagine going on a date with this power, or better yet, a job interview.

dad-e~O said...

gotta have a name dude, even if it's a top secret "for your eyes only" name. no fun coping out.

Sickboy said...

alright, alright, gimmie some time.

Sickboy said...

my name would be "Li sento".

Thats Italian for "I hear you".

Martin said...

Eric, that is pretty cool, but you'd kind of have to stick around non-Italian speaking folks. What if some italian super hero came over here and said " My name is I Hear You!" It kind of loses it's punch. I think everyone would probably laugh at him.

I think flying would be a cool super power cause you could just have a lot fun with it when you weren't doing super hero stuff. Maybe a name like Raptor or The
Kestrel or something like that.
BTW a raptor is a bird of prey, not a fucking dinosaur. Those are velociraptors.

Martin said...

Super strength would be cool too. I'd call myself The Bludgeoner and I'd go around monkey-bashing baddies.
Although people would be calling you all the time to move pianos and crap like that.

Sickboy said...

go around moneky awesome would that be?

I like your ideas for names too and I did know the diff. between a raptor and a dino.

Sickboy said...

and my name would remain a secret. Hell, the only reason I came up with a name was because PJ told me I had to. But if someone discovered my power, they would call me Mind Dweller.

Sickboy said...

wait, I have one more thing to add to this GREAT thread...since we all have s uper powers now, what would your costume look like?

I would either have a cyber punk like get up or a modern vampire look like the tremere in the game the masquerade, Mike will get what Im saying there....

dad-e~O said...

mind dweller is cool.

dad-e~O said...

Tiff says we are a bunch of dorks.

dad-e~O said...

Mike, I love the Monkey Bashing. and the Raptor, flying would in fact be bad ass, if you weren't afraid of it like I am.

Scott said...

All I want are Jedi mind powers, and stealthy ninja skills. I am at a loss for a name, Space Man Spiff is my favorite super hero of all time! May be some thing along those lines.

Sickboy said...

honestly, being a Jedi is my ultimate fantasy in life. The powers, the cool ass robe, all of it....killer.

I wouldnt be a jedi that used the light side though, but at the same time I would be a sith either. I would be gray. I would use both sides to my ability. I would be helpful, yet selfish all at once.

dad-e~O said...

ohhh, now your talkin' jedi powers. coool