Monday, March 03, 2008

feels like spring my arse!

---Yeah, we got it overnight, about 4 inches. Had to shovel and all that shit, blah blah. One of these damn days, I swear, Ill be able to give some kind of story relating to spring, I swear. Im very anxious to go out and buy a few bird houses and things like that for Spring. Plus I want my kitty to have some kitten TV. Havent gotten the cat yet, but soon enough, we will....

Its cold here too this AM. I just started my car a few minutes ago to warm her up and break some of the snow down that is all over it.

Had a scare last night. My ex calls me at like 3 AM said the kid would not stop shaking and was crying because she couldnt stop shaking, the first thing that came to our minds was fuck, she had/ is having a seizure. So, I told her to not waste time getting her to the ER and just call 911 which she did. Turned out everything was OK thank God, so today its off to the dr. to check for strep and the flu. Poor little monkey.

My day doesnt have too much planned around it, just going to the dr. myself at like 1ish I think, yeah thats right.

What kind of snow did you guys end up with? I know you got some. Its funny, I switched my online connection from cable broadband to DSL broadband and I dont see much of a diff. I did it to save a crapload of money, DSL is a lot cheaper, but its pretty much the same. Im not gonna get crazy and try to download 3 or 4 things at once like I could with cable but all in all....the same.

have a good day boys.---


Scott said...

Any word on just what it was affecting your little girl?

Hope she is ok.

Good to see you back up and running.

Sickboy said...

she is seemingly just fine the dr. said, nothing to worry about, all checked out as good.

thanks Scott.