Tuesday, March 04, 2008


---Well, my daughter is pretty sick, sore throat, fevers, possible projectile vomiting and guess what Im sick too! What a great combo. I guess I wont be seeing her for a while. Life goes on.

I was watching some video of Brian Setzer just kicking back and playing his guitar for some people and he has got to be the greatest Rockabilly guitarist of all time. The way he plays, such a unique sound and the way he picks is amazing. Gotta love it. Im just mad I havent gotten the chance to see him live yet. His "orchestra" is kinda cheesy though if ya ask me.

Ill keep this short, since no one comes here to read anymore....

If you could have 3 bands from ANY era or time play a concert for you. Who would it be and where? They can be living or dead, there are no limitations on this question.....so fire away, Ill give ya my 3 picks after I get a couple from you guys first.---

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