Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, Monday, cant trust that day....

---Hello Gents. how are you? Ima feeling quite better than I was a few days ago. Ive been taking some of my Mom's prescription cough medicine and holy shit, that stuff is serious on many different levels. I would sleep. Have weird dreams, be awake and hallucinate, talk to myself, all kinda of crazy shit, I wish I would have known I was doing it because I bet it was a blast, but no such luck. The good news is that it has brought my cough down from a large rumble to a little grumble. The stuff works.

What did you guys do this weekend? I obviously didnt do much, still sick and the ex and the kid went up North to go visit her dying Father. Its pretty bad, I dont think he has much left in him. Id like to hope he has, but if he pulls through another month, I think everyone will be surprised. Hes totally out of it from all the comfort meds. and pain killers. My ex said he looks like he's 90, his face is all sunken in and everything. Bad deal. My daughter hasnt seen him like this, nor will she, dont wanna freak her out at such a young age. Sooner or later though, shes gonna have to see it, but not quite yet, ya know? Not like this.

Hows the biz PJ?

I watched a classic 80s movie this weekend on HBO. "Police Academy". Hah. That made me feel pretty damn ancient because I can remember when that came out when I was pretty damn young, that and I ate some damn good Matzo Ball soup. That was the highlight of my weekend. I slept a lot yesterday cuz of the magic LSD/trippy cough medicine I was on, gosh that shit was wicked, but anyways.....

Its Monday and I would like to put forth a new Loosely deemed "rule" into play here on the blog called "ROLE CALL FOR THE WEEK". What it would consist of is you guys checking in and letting the other posters know whats up with you in as little or as many words as you so choose, just so we keep this board hopping! Hopefully some of these "check ins" will continue with some conversation during the week that can carry us into the next week, who knows? Worse has happened. You like?

So, its time for WEEKLY ROLE CALL!!!!! Whats up my brothers???? Your turn!!!! Hope to get some decent feedback...---

---Hey, I just remembered something from the one and only OMI camping trip back over the summer of 1990 (holy cow 90, thats AGES ago now)where a few of you guys took some more of us naive guys, myself included until Thummy filled me in on it right before it got started, out into the darkness of the corn field to go "snipe hunting". The reason I ask, was the infamous "snipe" a land dwelling critter or was it a bird? I forgot?---

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