Monday, March 03, 2008

Um, is this thing on?

---I first wanna say thanks to Scott for doing what hes doin behind the scenes.

The white stuff will not let up here! We are due for an inch Wed. and another inch Thu. Its all fresh snow on the ground again right now so its kinda a catch 22 for me, yeah, I am more or less burnt out on winter weather and Im sure you guys are too, but it just looks so pretty and fresh. 2 of my favorite sounds are actually winter related. 1 being the sound snow or ice makes when its being crushed under foot and 2, the sound a car makes as it whooshes by on a street that has a solid packing of snow upon it.

I think Wed. we are going to one of the local animal adoption centers to look at getting a cat. Ill admit, Im pretty excited, I love cats. It will be nice to have a furry friend around here.

Lately, I have been dealing with trying really hard to talk to my ex about the fact that her Dad very well may be nearing the end of his time here on Earth. Hes got the big C and quite a few complications from it. Hes a nice guy but a seriously stubborn jackass too, he wont bend before he'll break and "breaking" in this case could be very, very bad. My ex is a mess. Im just using what I recently learned from the passing of my Dad to try and help her out even though its 2 diff. things.

My kid is 5 now and totally amazing. She is so damn smart, it just blows me away. She doesnt get it from me. I was a bumbling dumbass up until the age of about 24, oh wait....nevermind.

So really, where the hell are you guys and whats been going on? Are you guys still out there? Is anyone taking any more time to read this, cuz I can stop at any given time ya know. What have you guys been up to, how about a quick life update from some of you guys for once?

Its 7 degrees right now with the wind chill. Will it ever end?---

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