Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hump Day...

---Well, it is a HELL of a lot nicer here today than it was yesterday. The suns out and its supposed to get to be like 55 degrees. Perfect Spring day if you will. I see that that bastard Mike Ness is gonna push back the release of the new album by doing a bunch of US tour dates with his solo band...all the way into July. It would just be stupid to release the new album with no touring support from Social D themselves. Im pretty pissed about that. He plays Chicago on May 20th, if Im really lucky, Ill be able to make it over there to see him. Ive seen his solo act twice already and its pretty damn cool and I wouldnt mind seeing him again.

I find it all interesting that Obama had been a member of that church with that Pastor who has been known to spew forth anti American sentiment up until a few days ago when the shit hit the fan and now hes on this big kick about race and how we all need to get along and what have you. I dont need some rich politician telling me I need to get along with my neighbor, I think I already know that. I guess this crazy Pastor retired a little while ago though, but now has ties to Farrakhan. Thats certainly a bad thing for Obama. I think that this whole ordeal is gonna haunt him all the way to the convention in one way or another. The black vote he gets will not approve of it because it makes them all look bad and the white vote he gets arent gonna even think about having someone like that in power with radical ties like that if they are true or not. I mean for example and this is far fetched and if he did something like this I would think some group would black ball him or have him shot, but Im not gonna follow any leader who begins to question 9-11 or something like that.I dont give a shit who did what on 9-11, all I know is nearly 3,000 innocent people died that day, most of who were Americans that had families to go home to at night and the foreign people were just here on business, they never asked for that, either. No one did!

Screw politics and the politicians that run the machine. I mean why the hell isnt Hillary out there right now burning the shit outta Obama for this whole thing, shes just being quiet. Odd. Odd. Odd.

Anyway folk. Kinda sucks here after not having a pet afterall. A dog is out of the question. Too much up keep for my Mom. Plus the security deposit for a fuzz mutt is like 450. Thats crazy. Our landlord is fucking awesome but he likes to really protect his investment which I understand.

PJB, hows the shop? How the fuck is Martin? Tell him I say hello please and that I miss him on here.

Scott, sounds like you are very busy, how do you get some of the work done with little C runnin around ya during the day? You should snap some pics of the progress so we could all see what youre doing, if you dont mind of course...

My Mom and I will be going over to the ex's place tonight for a spell so my Mom can see Ava. Im really pissed off at that situation. My Mom hasnt seen her since Valentines day!!! Yeah, theres an argument coming about that, but not now, she just lost her Dad, now is not the time, but my Mom in law has seen her tons of times since then and its not right nor is it fair. With me its different, I can see her whenever I so choose, but my Mom has to be "Penciled in". Bullshit.

I was watching some of my Johnny Cash clips last night and it hit me....why dont bands play prisons anymore? IMHO, its because the romance of prison is gone. There are no old timer tough guys there anymore. No Johnnys, no Mikeys, no Eddies. Prisons have been taken over by gangbangers and they sure as shit aint gonna let some of the subhuman rappers play a prison for entertainment.Going to prison used to be romantic. Now when I say that, I dont mean it to be between to people or sexually. Its just that youd get locked up and your girl on the outside waited for you. The boys got real tattoos of spider wed elbows and ink of the names of the loved ones they have on the the outside. There wasnt any gang shit and no Neo Nazi gangs either with knuckle heads runnin around with swazi tattoos all over their bodies. if you have it, listen to the song Prison Bound by social d. That sums up old schooler prison.And if ya dont have it but are dying to hear it now, I can email the song to you. Technology rules!!

OK, I hope I get some feedback from this post, Ill talk to you guys soon. Keep your nose outta trouble, cuz I dont wanna visit you in prison, OK? hehe.....---

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