Sunday, March 16, 2008

yeah yeah and blah de blah...

---Got to see the kid for the 1st time since they returned home since the sadness that was their last week. She hadnt changed obviously, she just talked about "Grampa" a bit, like she did right after Den died. It was rough, made me miss Den in a lot of ways, but I didnt wanna break down in front of the little one, she had seen plenty of that last week.

It all makes me wanna listen to a lot of acoustic music, just raw stuff.

Ive fallen in love with Mr. Brian Setzer again by the way. Just him. Not him and his silly little orchestra, just him, the man. Ive been scouring the web for rare recordings half the night and have landed a few. Good Lord can that SOB play the guitar, he has to fall within the top 3-5 "Rockabilly" guitarists of all time.

Our week here looks to start out with rain and I guess lots of it. Well, only rain on Monday but its supposed to rain all damn day, but hell anything beats the white stuff at this point in time. Im ready for Spring. Im actually looking forward to going out and buying some bird feeders and plants for the place! I should do that 1st thing next month before all the good shit ends up all sold out. Listen to me, all domesticated sounding, Im a dork!

This junk concerning Obama's former Pastor has been interesting, at least they've been able to dig up something negative on the son of a bitch, gosh for a while, he was seeming untouchable! I am still not certain he will get the nomination, the Clinton machine is a tough to beat setup. Right now, Im honestly comfortable w/ McCain to be honest with you. At least the man is old school and seems to have a set of rocks in his pants.

So, I know PJB has done a great job of "checking in" and updating us on his life and even more so has left feedback to other posts, but Ima missin Scott quite a bit now. Im not even gonna bring up anyone else anymore, theres no use, this blog, for as far as I can see, has become a 3 man deal. I will say one more thing though, I miss Martins words quite a bit. I do APPRECIATE THE SHIT outta you 2 though and thats the truth!!!!!!

OK, your turn, weekly update guys!!! Love you ALL---

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