Saturday, March 08, 2008


---E is very happy the "stuff" behind the scenes has turned out to be so well!!! E is also rather ill and will havta wait until he's better before making any steps. Man I hate being sick. I got to see the kid today for a couple hours which was nice but then I had to head out, I was so cold my fingertips were numb. Thats no fun. They are headed up to Grammas for the rest of the weekend so the ex can get some answers about her Dads condition cuz no one is handing them out. I think its pretty bad.

Life keeps on rollin', I know. E still loves his ex a whole bunch and is sad she may get some very grave news, but seeing the kid was cool w/ her SpongeBob Magazine

This DAMN weather HAS TO break soon, its pretty chilly here today, prolly about 25 and when youre sick it feels like 25 fuckin below zero! I havent eaten today, food sounds disgusting to me so Ill prolly lose a few more pounds over the next few days. I want HOT coffee, or HOT choc. That doesnt sound too bad.

PJB, Hows Tif, she doin alright man? Scott, I dont think I verbalize it enough on here about how much I look up to you because I do, for reals. You seemingly possess the mind of a steel trap to me. I just love you guys, thats all. Here I go, gettin all misty on ya, Im gonna blame the damn cough medicine, hehe......---


Scott said...

Hey E, are you on the mend yet? Thank you for the fancy compliment. Your writing style in this post feels feverish and it gave me the chills reading it. I hope all is well with you.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, Im doing alright, Im still sick, but I had it pretty bad for a few days there, thanks for thinking of me bro.