Wednesday, March 05, 2008


--well yesterday we go and adopt a cat. We get her home as shes totally destructive, so no cat for me, thanks. As soon as we got her in the house and let her loose, she jumped behind my Moms 1000 dollar HDTV and blew out some of the wires which caused it to lose the signal link to the dish on the roof, so we have a tech. coming today to fix that. She whined almost constantly, she fucking tore out the mesh from underneath my bed...all kinds of shit, knocking pictures off of bookshelves. No thanks. I returned her to the shelter this morning for a full refund. At this point in my Moms life, I cannot expect her to rearrange things just because of an animal that is a little brat!

No more pets for us, which is OK for me.

My kid is really sick again or still or whatever. Ear infection from hell, night fevers, sleeping like 7 hours a day, plus 11 to 12 hours at night, all the while my ex's Dad is dying up North where he lives. My ex is in overload status. I feel bad for her.

We got a new washer/dryer which rocks, no going to the laundry mat for us! Well, they are used, but still new to us. We are supposed to get 2 inches of snow overnight but by next Monday its "supposed" to be 57 here! Maybe Spring is making its grand entrance finally.---


sp9000 said...

So did the cat pick you or did you pick the cat?

Sickboy said...

Im thinkin we picked her, she was a total sweetie at the adoption center and on the way home.

...Found out also that she has been returned twice already and one time was the same reason we gave...too damn destructive. I was able to get a peek into her chart today when I returned her.

The adoption place should have told us that shit right off the bat.

Im still really pissed off.

dad-e~O said...

not a fan of cat's,
but there are times when I want to turn our "Puppy" into a coat...
She's a bit to frisky

Sickboy said...

hahaha, puppy coat, good one!