Wednesday, March 12, 2008


---I was just watching the news conference where the NY Gov. is resigning his position due to being caught up in a prostitute ring. Interesting. I guess his replacement will be NYs first ever black Gov. I dont know how deeply he was involved in this ring or anything like that, but something obviously went wrong and someone fucked up along the way or somebody dropped a dime on them. AH hell, I dont like New Yorkers anyways...

I am feeling a WHOLE HELL of a lot better. I still have a cough but it isnt too bad. If I had to go out right now and do something I could do it. I aint taking anymore of that trippy cough medicine, thats all I know. Ill be 100% by the weekend.

Nothing too political to talk about Obama and Hillary are still being big babies, fighting back and forth with each other, making their party look like shit and giving McCain plenty of ammo for when he really needs it. Those 2 are gonna end up slinging mud all the way up to the convention, making the Democratic party look like a bunch of bozos'. No unity. And maybe Obama does have what it takes to be a great leader, but I just dont think its gonna happen this time with the way those 2 are acting now. Theres always 2012. Hed run again, no problem, but so will another million people.

Well, my ex lost her Father last night. He passed on mid evening. I guess they will head back here, take care of some stuff that needs to be done as far as her business, then head back up this weekend yet again in time for any services. Im waiting for her to call me this morninig.

The weather is great right now, gonna be 58 here today, but start to slowly drop back down as of tomorrow.

What ya got going on there? Anyone?---


dad-e~O said...

Sorry about your loss.
That was pretty quick, wasn't it just a few months ago he was diagnosed. Shit, that's rough

Sickboy said...

Pancreatic cancer can get ya anywhere from 6 mos. to like 1 1/2 years.

he got 6 months.

Sickboy said...

and thanks for your kinds words, but it wasnt really my loss. He never really liked me and the feelings were mutual. I was sober and he was a raging drunk. I was a total rebel and he could see a lot of himself in that and my ex knew he hated that.

He was cool to hang with and talk to, as long as he had enough damn beer.

What I truly loved about him though was the fact that Ava adored him and he ate that shit up...that meant a lot to me.

He had been sober for about the last 3 months...couldnt handle the alcohol anymore.