Friday, March 14, 2008

So its Friday

---And how many of you honestly give a rats ass? Remember when there was a time when Friday nights were so important to us? Man, that was ages ago. Even Saturday nights! Hell, if Im in bed by 10 or 11 on a Sat. night, Im happy now, you know? Can ya relate to that?

I just saw my first Robin of the season in the backyard, totally cheered me up and make me realize Spring is all but here! I cant wait to go out and get bird feeders and a nice bird bath. Im even gonna get a hummingbird feeder too! I dont know if they venture about this area, but people have claimed to have seen them around, so Im gonna give it a go. Ive never seen one feed before and Id really like that.

How is everyone? Scotto? PJB, hows the biz? Thanks for your kind words yesterday Scott, I appreciated it.

Where the hell is my Martin, I miss the shit outta him!!!

Well, my ex held "the viewing" for her Dad last night, guess all went well. Today they were having a private family ceremony before cremation, then they decided to hold onto the urn for a while because technically, the ground is still frozen and it costs more to open it up, so they will wait on burial of his ashes for a little bit. Practical? Yes Weird? Um, yes, that too!

They will be home sometime tomorrow and I have so missed them, I will go to see them either tomorrow or Sunday, that you can bet on. I miss my baby girl, hell both my baby girls'.

Like an asshead, I totally forgot about my meds. dr. appt. today. It was scheduled for noon and at like 1235 I looked at my Mom and was like "Did I forget something to do today" and I was all "OH SHIT!" So, it got rescheduled for the 24th. It just makes ya feel a little dumb when you cheese off something that you do once a month every month and it is something Ive been doing for almost 3 years now too. Im dumb sometimes.

Any big Springtime weekend plans? Ill either end up at the ex's shop tomorrow after if she heads down there which I think she will, or Ill just be sittin here cataloging my SD bootleg collection some more. Then if I dont see them tomorrow, Sunday, Ill be with the ex and the kid during the day for some family time.

Please get back at me if you find the time...whats your weekend consist of? And how have you all been doing?

Final note, I just found a copy of Setzer playing the song Sleepwalk all alone, its just him and his guitar and GOOD LORD, it makes me wanna weep, its that damn good!!!---

---Heres the cut and paste link for the Setzer segment if you'd like. I HIGHLY recommend it! ---


dad-e~O said...

Setzer is a bad mother fucker

Sickboy said...

Yeah, he can play a silly wicked guitar, his sound is so unique. He comes off as very humble about it too. Im not a huge fan of his orchestra, but Ill still listen to it. Id love to see him solo though.

Sickboy said...

I found him playing a version of the Stray Cats oldie "I wont stand in your way" tonight solo, its just him and his axe. All I can say is WOW and the show took place in Japan and I was pissed cuz the crowd had NO idea of what he was saying and that really made me mad

Sure they can build computers for us and what have you and beat up by leaps and bounds in so many ways, but they cant even TRY to learn the lyrics to a setzer tune. You could tell they were all like "um.....wha?"
