Thursday, March 06, 2008

Uh Oh!!!!!

---Well, the kid is doing a lot better finally and I am very relieved that she is on her way back to good. My ex's Father had a bone scan done yesterday to see if anything has metastisized to the bone by chance, he'll know tomorrow.

Gonna be in the 40s here all next week. Goodbye winter, its been real and its been nice, but it hasnt been real nice.

Strangest thing today. My 1st ex wife (hah, listen to me, my 1st ex wife, Im such the rockstar) emailed me today and told me one of the cats we used to have died at the age of 14. Martin would know her. Her name was Pandora Ruth, but we always called her by her middle name. I just thought it was weird that my ex lost one of her cats to death today and here I was returning a cat to a shelter...all kinda odd.

Well, Im about 10 seconds from walking away from this blog here for good. Im actually kinda mad. I dont wanna hear the b.s. excuse that youre "too busy" to take 2 mins out of your lives to pop on here, give a quick scan to the past couple days worths of my posts and gimmie a little feedback. I feel like a 3rd wheel around here. I know we all get busy, but I also know you guys can find 5 mins. to sit down and have a looksie at the blog too. And if you feel my stuff is too boring to reply to, lemme know and Ill stir it all the fuck up in here again. I just feel that the Offmen Blog has become a place where Tippy comes each day to write about his daily happenings so he can get them off his chest, yet no one reads them or gives me advice. I love you guys, I do, but this has gone beyond frustrating. I mean what ya want from me, I have a life too, I have a daughter I see all the time which takes up my time. I go to therapy once a week, every damn week, plus I have drs. appts. coming out of my ears!

I know you dont wanna talk politics with me, no one here likes my political standings. Im not gonna go hunting for illegal talk during the Election year, that shit gets me shot on this site! I dunno whos gonna win the white house now, thats how I feel today. I have no clue. Hillary may still get the nod. And McCain, meh. I dont listen to any of the music that you guys do so we really cant talk there,well, I used to listen to a lot of the stuff you guys listen to.....

Im just really frustrated here, sorry---


Scott said...

Don’t despair E, the lack of interest on this blog has me a little down as well. But I have to believe that if we find some more of our old pals that sooner or later there will be some renewed life on our page. I have been trying to do a little brain-storming as to what we could do, or change to give our blog better appeal and more readers. Feel free to make some suggestions.

Of course I have been trying my best to comment on this post since I read it this morning…. For a guy who stays home all day, it is hard to believe I really have very little time of my own, my wife, son, and dog (in that order) are all very demanding of my time all day long.

dad-e~O said...

see my seperate post about busy life...

Sickboy said...

Im trying not to Scott, thanks for dropping in though. I wish there was something we could do to overhaul the blog also, but Im no HTML expert.

Sickboy said...

Wives, always stealing time away from some of us. Thats the thing with me, I dont mind not being married anymore, I aint gonna do it again, but what I do miss is being loved in return.