Saturday, January 20, 2007

Big news in the race for 08!

Hillary Clinton steps into U.S. presidential race
By Patrick Healy Published: January 20, 2007

Six years after making history by winning a United States Senate seat as first lady, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Saturday that she was taking the first formal step to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, a journey that would break yet more political barriers in her extraordinary and controversial career.

"I'm in," she says in a statement on her new campaign Web site. "And I'm in to win."

Clinton, 59, called for "bold but practical changes" in foreign, domestic, and national security policy and said that she would focus on finding "a right end" to the Iraq war, expanding health insurance, pursuing greater energy independence and strengthening the Social Security and Medicare programs for senior citizens.

In her statement, Clinton also squarely confronted an issue that concerns many Democrats: Whether she can, in fact, win the presidency. Some voters still associate her most with the controversies of the Clinton administration, and Republicans have long attacked and caricatured her, and plan to brand her as indecisive on Iraq.

---So, what do you all think? Can she make a serious run for the White House or will she just get in the way of other front runners? Do you think this nation is ready for a female president?---


Scott said...

I have no problem with a female president, how ever. Mrs Clinton is still a bit to polarizing for me. Call me sensitive, but have we not just spent the last six years with a polarizing person in charge... Find me an American who loves both sides of the coin, I still cant figure which side I live on.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I definitley dont mind a female President, but she is just too much for me.