Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday morning Blues....

---Goodmorning boys. Im in a foul mood because Im sick. I have a nasty cold and it has put me in a really bad mood. I thought Id run another quick update abotu yesterdays huge protest march in Washington. It seems quite a few people turned out.

Its really damn cold here right now...minus 22 with the wind chill. Too cold to go outside to smoke and Im too sick anyways, so this day has started out smoke free! I hope you guys are keeping warm. Lets see some postin on here today, cool?

Jane Fonda is a whore, but I think Bush may be the bigger whore of the two.---

Fonda leads anti-Iraq War rally

January 28, 2007 Tim Harper Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON–Jane Fonda stood and acknowledged the cheers on a sun-splashed stage, raising her arms in solidarity with the tens of thousands amassed on the National Mall.
"Silence is no longer an option," said the woman who has spent a large part of her adult life reviled by a segment of the American population.
But now the woman once known as "Hanoi Jane" was back, lashing out at the "mean-spirited and vengeful" Bush administration, her first appearance on an anti-war podium in 34 years.
Fonda's appearance was not the only echo of Vietnam as protestors packed the mall area in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol yesterday. Speakers told the crowd the United States has forgotten any lessons learned in Vietnam as U.S. President George W. Bush prepares to send another 21,500 young Americans to Iraq.
Fonda led a Hollywood contingent, which included Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, joined by veterans of Vietnam and the current war, those with family members serving in Iraq, labour and civil rights leaders.

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