Friday, January 05, 2007

History is made.....

Democrats take over the gavel in 110th US Congress

The Democrats are now in control of the US Congress. High on the agenda, hearings on how to stop sectarian strife in Iraq and perceived mistakes by the administration on getting into the war.

For the first time in US history, the House welcomes a female speaker.

And for the first time in more than a decade, the democrats are taking the lead.

"The campaign is over. Democrats are ready to lead." said Nancy Pelosi.

For the last six years, President Bush has enjoyed working with a Congress which has mostly done his bidding.

But as Democrats take over the gavel, their plan of 100 legislative hours immediately leaves a Democratic stamp on the new congress.

However, the war in Iraq still dominates the agenda.

Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader, said "We want to work with Republicans, I'm happy to see the President met with the Study Group early on, he said he wouldn't, I'm glad he did. But this is not a time for threatening the President with anything. We are going to see how we can work with him to change course in Iraq."


dad-e~O said...

this should be interesting, but the "fun" wil really start after the Dems win the White House

Sickboy said...

I dont think the dems will win the white least I hope not.

dad-e~O said...

oh, it depends who they run, but It wouldn't surprise me even a little if Edwards gets going, and could pull it off. the nation is very pissed at republicans,

Sickboy said...

Edwards wouldnt be a bad choice.

Sickboy said...

I think HIllary would kill the dems, Obama is too young and Edwards is still to unknown.

Scott said...

I feel like I am riding space mountain for the first time... and I know this is not a save roller coaster.

Who put me on this ride?