Friday, January 12, 2007

Since this has been talked about recentley here on the blog, I figured Id give it a post. You never know, something here may help...

How to Switch Careers
Making a big career change isn't easy, especially if you've got kids to support, a mortgage to pay, and a car to worry about. But if you've got the motivation, you can do it. Here's how.

Tackle the golden question: If you had all the money in the world, what would you be doing with yourself? Don't hold back. This is brainstorming time. Make a list of all the things you'd rather be doing with your time. Your first few answers will probably be something like: Take a tropical vacation, spend more time with the kids, etc. But push your thinking beyond that.
Evaluate your skills and talents. Ask yourself: What am I good at? What do I most enjoy doing? Write down every skill you're capable of. Don't be shy.
Think of jobs that allow you to do what you really want to do, at least in some form, and apply your skills and talents every day. Be creative and open-minded.
Consider your financial situation. How much does it cost, on a monthly and annual basis, to support your current standard of living? Are you willing to lower your standard so that you can take a job that pays less?
Make a list of everything you want in your new job, and one of everything you don't.
Browse job descriptions in your desired field. Visit a site like to find out how much you can expect to earn in your new career. (However, do realize that is NOT the source businesses use to set salaries- they use services that survey other businesses. just shows a possible average of salaries and is a decent general place to start for career info.) Also refer to the Occupational Outlook Handbookto see how competitive the job market may be.
Check local schools for courses and programs that may give you an edge. Start taking night classes while you're still at your current job. Establish rapport with your teacher - he or she will prove to be a valuable reference when you're applying for a new job.
Volunteer for organizations related to your desired career. For example, if you want to work in architecture, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, which builds houses for disadvantaged families. You get experience, and they get a helping hand!
Network. Talk to people in your desired field. Explain your situation. Ask them for advice. Give them your contact information. If what they say is true - "It's not what you know, it's who you know" - then cover all your bases in this department.
Save enough money to support you for 3-6 months, or however long you think it'll take to find a job in your new career that'll support you adequately.
Write a new resume. Make sure you include your objectives (based on step 1), education (step 6) and relevant experience (step 7). See also How to Write a Resume.
Start your job search and good luck!


dad-e~O said...

thanks E, you really are the "tip"stir

Sickboy said...

Ahahahahaha, good one.

Martin said...

The first part of the article reminds me of that bit from Office Space;"You don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. My cousin's broke and he don't do shit."