Friday, January 19, 2007

Post Format Standard Revision

By Scott,

I have been thinking for a while now about establishing a few guidelines as to how our posts are structured. Some posts have names some don’t, its not always so easy to tell which posts are copied from a news source, and which are a genuine members words. Also there is the matter of opinions and controversial topics. I feel it is safe to say that none of us want to inflict our personal opinions in a representation of our greater group as a whole. But that being said I don’t feel any of us mind a controversial topic being posted on our blog as long as it is qualified by whom ever posted it. My goal for proposing these Standards, is to quantify our selves as a group more clearly. Outsiders should be able to look at our site and clearly identify whom is posting and where their info is coming from.

What I propose is this;

1. Every post should have a title, and author with in the first two lines (as example I have formatted this post in the suggested manor). Which ever order you put your name or post title, it shouldn’t matter. Title over name, or Name over Title, what ever.

2. If you are posting a copied article from another source, personalize it in some way. Maybe this is to much to ask but for me this blog is about the Offmen and not just another news source. Don’t get me wrong I think most of us like the content on our blog so far (this is a guess)I know I do, but I think we could easily tweak our entries and make more solidified as the words of an Offmen.

Do any of you think this is too collaged? Or simply to heavy handed in its volume of rules for our little party? Your thoughts?

Caribou, Pixies


dad-e~O said...

Scott, I like some of your thoughts, some seem a little tight (to me):
Having a title is definatly nice.
Crediting refences is pretty important.

The posts are automaticly signed, so I think needing a name at the beginning is kind of superflous.
I appreaciate you opening a dialoge though

Sickboy said...

yeah, I a gree, I think some of this is a little bit too much. I will TRY REALLY HARD to personalize my stuff a bit more though, that I can and will do. I might not make every post personal, but I will try.

I will try to leave personal comments when I post a news story, sound good?

Sickboy said...

I agree though Scott and I will definitley try to personalize my news articles more. Sometimes I just get in a hurry and post....I need to stop doing that.

THANKS for the input, I enjoyed reading this.

Sickboy said...

your ideas got me thinking scott, thanks.

I think from now on instead of starting off my posts with an over the top opinion, I may just leave them open ended with a lot of questions for everyone.....then later on I will have my say....