Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the end is near?

Timely warning to save the planet
By Tom Clifford, Assistant Editor, International

Dubai: The world officially edged closer to the ultimate deadline when the Doomsday clock was moved nearer to midnight.

The symbolic timepiece was adjusted by scientists yesterday in recognition that the world is closer to nuclear annihilation than at any time since the early eighties.

The clock was devised by the Chicago-based the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947 at the beginning of the atomic age as a method of warning the world. The last time the clock was moved was in 2002, in the aftermath of 9/11.

Scientists agree that the world is a more perilous place today than during the Cold War due to a combination of factors.


Sickboy said...

Lets say you have a bar in your basement or a den set up in your house where the men hang out...

I think it would be cool to have one of these clocks in there.

Martin said...
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Martin said...

Believe it or not, I'm typically an optimist about this type of stuff. Worldwide devasation, extinction of the human race, and whatnot. Not optimistic that I think it will happen and am glad, but that I don't think it will happen. Not by human hands, anyway. I believe that the good guys eventually always win. My good guys,not the bad guys good guys. I use winning in a subjective way. I mean winning in that we don't all get slaughtered; the bad guys plans are ultimately foiled. That being said, this months Popular mechanics has an article on the North Korean biological weapons research. Scary stuff from a scary place. Guess what. I'm still optimistic that we're not all going to die a horrible death at the hands of a megalomaniacal despot or some suitcase bomb carrying zealot.