Monday, January 29, 2007


From the website

«Intexicated»: Texting under the influence

According to this entertaining article in UK's Sunday Mail, the problem of texting under the influence is so common it has been given a name; ''intexicated''.
According to research by Virgin Mobile, out of the 60 million texts sent daily in December, 15 million of them are sent by people who have had one too many.
"Virgin said that two thirds of women who text while drunk send messages to former lovers and some text the wrong person.
A public relations officer in London sent a sexually explicit message to dad instead of boyfriend Dan after hitting the wrong button".
On a related note in the US, according to a previous entry, 39 percent of those questionned in a survey, admitted to having sent an SMS to the wrong name.

---Ill admit, Ive done this before while on painkillers. I sent a text to a friend that was meant for a former lover friend pally of mine.---


Anonymous said...


Martin said...

A lot of my comments on here are alcohol induced. If you see comments made by me on Thursday or Friday night, you can bet I've had a few. I don't text a lot, so I broadcast my drunken ramblings instead of sending them to a one or two people

Sickboy said...

Mike, you are like this big cuddly alcohol teddy bear.

dad-e~O said...

I've never made a secret of the fact that I generally post while a bit in the cups as the expression goes.(as my spelling my proove) and just the other day I was texting Tiff an adult contect message and it occurred to me that it would be very embarsing if I f'd up and sent it to whover is next to her in my phone book.

Martin said...

Oh, good. That message was meant for Tif. I got a little worried when I got that text from you.