Saturday, January 27, 2007

A crime seen for what it was.

---Goodmorning boys. Here yesterday, the high was 44 degrees, today as I awoke, it was 18, with a high of 20. I guess Mother Nature is having a hard time making up her mind. I think Im getting a cold which sucks and I think I got it from my daughter.

I think this little news article from NPR I posted this AM is really interesting. You dont hear of many blacks getting convicted of hate crimes. Usually it is a white on black crime, but in this case it was the other way around. I think it is great that justice saw beyond stereotypes here to do what was right.

Im very happy to see the Mike M. and Mark M. updated to our new blog, I was worried that we wouldnt see them for a while. I wanna say thanks again to Scott for setting up the new recent replies tags on the side of our blog. I hope Scott can do new and really cool things for our blog in the near future.

Here is the NPR article....---

January 26, 2007, from NPR news.

· In Long Beach, Calif., a juvenile court judge has convicted eight black girls and one boy of beating three young white women last year. One girl was acquitted of all charges. The defendants range between 12 and 18 years old. The racially charged case included allegations of witness intimidation.

The attack happened last Halloween in an upscale mostly white neighborhood filled with trick-or-treaters. Prosecutors called it a hate crime because they said the attackers hurled racial slurs at their victims.

Nine girls and one boy were charged with the attack. But their families say that the first call for help identified the attackers as a group of black males.

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