Saturday, January 27, 2007

HIllary visits me. Well, not realy...

In her first campaign trip to Iowa, Clinton stresses gender
By Steven Thomma
McClatchy Newspapers

DES MOINES, Iowa - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton opened her quest for the White House Saturday stressing her potentially historic role as a woman - a tough woman at that, who will "deck" opponents, win the presidency and enact universal health care that eluded her as First Lady.

"When you're attacked, you have to deck your opponents," the New York Democrat said to applause from a group of about 50 Iowa Democrats Saturday.
"I want to run a positive, issue-oriented, visionary campaign. But you can count on me to stand my ground and fight back," she said.

Clinton received enthusiastic applause from Democratic audiences throughout the day Saturday in her first visit since declaring her candidacy. That's important as she sets out to overcome the early lead built up in the state by former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina.
"I intend to do it the old-fashioned way," she told Democrats at a town hall meeting later Saturday.

While she hasn't been to the state since 2003 - Edwards has been there 17 times since the 2004 election - Clinton vowed to return to living rooms, church basements and union halls for intimate conversations. That kind of personal encounter is expected in a state whose caucuses likely will kick off the 2008 presidential contest next winter.

---The Iowa caucus is sucha huge deal here, its pretty amazing. Ive never activley taken part because Im not a Democrat, but even standing on the sidelines and watching the whole thing unfold is quite cool. When I worked at the airport as a screener, I can remember seeing John Kerry a million times. Too bad I would have gotten fired for flippin him the bird.---

1 comment:

Sickboy said...

Im kiddin around about fliipn Kerry the bird. In all seriousness, the caucus is a pretty neat thing around here....