Thursday, January 31, 2008

President McCain? Huh?

---Well, the political field keeps gettin more and more interesting. Good God, McCain is gonna be the nomination for my party! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill be throwing my vote away then. Might as well vote for Hillary, it would be like the same thing.

He is gettin endorsed by everyone now which sucks, he is ruining everything. And Im thinking Romney and McCain hate each other anyways. Clinton is a damn witch, which leaves us with one man sittin pretty, Mr. Obama.

McCain is looked at as being surprisingly "liberal" for an old Republican. I just heard some statistic that like 900,000 Republicans will either stay home and not vote for him assuming he gets the nod, or they have no idea what they will do. Trouble.

I also feel that Obama needs to stop with the "promises" and "The Changes" and the "Transformation of the U.S." and just cut to the fucking chase and start explaining to everyday people what that means. Stop with the fancy talk and just TELL ME WHAT YOU WILL DO, you know?

Crazy times, crazy times.

Whats all up with you guys? Hows the shop PJB? Hows home life Scott? You guys got all the plannin and digs set up yet for when The Poobah gets to town yet? Man, how I wish I could get there for that, Id really like to see Mr. Poobah, but sometimes, ya gotta stay poobah free, whether you like it or not.

My ex's Dad is not going to seek any further therapy for his cancer, he is just gonna enjoy what time he has left without having to go to the damn doctors every week, or having needles stuck in him and all that bullshit. He said he just wants to be happy with what he has left and I totally respect that decision. Hes already got the tickets for FLA. for him and his Grand daughter. Incase you forgot or didnt read it, that was one of the things he wanted to do before he died was to take his Grand daughter to Florida with him. It will be a great memory for her, something she'll never forget. My ex will be spending a whole hell of a lot of time up there now that she knows what he is going to do. He lives in a town called Ft. Dodge, a small town in Northern IA. about an hour and 45 mins. from Des Moines. Thats where her Mom is too. Regardless what happens, a year from now, he'll be gone. My ex is gonna turn into a pile of mush when he does pass away and I will havta hold her up and try and help her explain things the best way possible to our daughter. This situation will be a bit different from when my Dad went. She should see this coming on from a mile away. With Den, it was more like seeing him at the street corner, then thud, no more Den. Sad but true.

Well boys, get back to me, Ill get ya soon. Love Ya.


---Well, its fucking freezing here today, bitter cold. How are things there? I just got home from therapy not all that long ago, it was a pretty decent session.

We lost another member of our family this morning around 6 AM. My "great" Aunt but I dont play that "great" this or my "second" that. She was my damn Aunt. Her and I were kinda close when I was a child. I remember her at all the big family gatherings from my maternal side of the family. Christmas, Turkey day and so on, she was there. She died of neglect in a nursing home. She went from almost 300 pounds down to like 85 in a few months! They just weren't feeding her what she needed. A law suit will follow in time from my cousin Michael.

Needless to say my Mom and I wont be able to make it to her service on Sat. No money. And we are moving in like 2 1/2 weeks, we just cant do it. It is also in the same funeral home that Den was in and my Mom has said there is no way she could walk into that place again, not this soon, if ever again and I understand.---

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My hands are cold!

---Hello my pretties! Man o man is it ever cold here today with clouds as far as the eye can see. Right now, they say its 7 here, with a high of 12, but I dont think its 7 let alone 12.

I see that Edwards has officially "suspended" his run for office, which doesnt say shit. The only thing it means is that he doesnt have to hand over his small amount of delegates to anyone at the moment, so he can kick back and watch 'em squirm for a while. Im not even directing my anger towards Hillary at all right now, its that old man, son of a bitch McCain Id like to see crash and burn. Yeah, I dont like him because he is just that...too damn old. He would be entering the Office at the same age Reagan was leaving it. Get him past his "military" knowledge and he aint got shit. Thats all we need in the White House, another war supporter who went into things blindly supporting W. with the shit he pulled in Iraq. "Super Tuesday" will really say a lot as to how things are gonna end up, there are over 1,000 delegates at stake for both parties on Feb. 5th. Im honestly clueless as to where I still stand. I have a favorite, but I dunno if he has what it takes to make it happen. The idea of voting for Hillary makes me want to vomit violently and Im still not 100% sure about Obama. I like to stay close to my party anyways. But DAMN, that Obama can deliver a speech though, wow!!!! And unfortunately, I still think race will play a part in this election, more so than most people think.

Plus, if a democrat (or Romney) gets in, that doesnt know shit about our nation's defense, do you think we will be attacked right from the get go? Big man Bin Laden is still out there and you damn well know he is plotting and getting Al Qaeda ready to go. If they were my organization, I would surely be gettin them all fired up right about now with all the political changes headed to America. We can only stay safe for so long.

Well, my ex got her Father's test results back this AM. His tumor has grown one centimeter (whatever that means) and they are stopping chemo immediately. Radiation doesnt work well for his type of cancer and surgery is too risky over the fact that if they dont get every little bit of it out of there, that damn shit will spread like wildfire, so thats not an option either. They are talking about some type of new chemo injection, just a plain old shot in the arm every week or whatever. His oncologist has given him 9 months. Im heading over there in a little while to see how shes handling things. Hopefully, Ava will be good tonight. It is so cold here today, that I dont think she even kept her store open all day. I need to call her.

Whats going on there? Is it totally freezin, or are you getting blessed with what we had yesterday? PJ, I still think you should do at least a weekly "shop shot" of someone doing something or another inside your shop, then caption it and blog it! That might be kinda neat.

Well, my brothers, keep warm if need be, stay safe and lemme know whats up over yonder.....

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Damn sub zero temps again.

---Ok, yesterday it was like 45 here and right now its minus 22 with the wind chill. Winter is playin hardball and ya know what? Its beating my skinny ass! Today wasnt too bad of a day today, kinda got in touch with some more of my deeper feelings again and it felt good. I just wish that sometimes my ex would pull her gorgeous head out of her gorgeous ass and pay attention to me and how much I care about her. She just gets so caught up in her daily grind that I lose out. But fuck, like I can blame her when she just emails me letting me know she just made $1200.00 on Ebay in one sale tonight!

Tomorrow, her Father will get the results from his latest cancer scan at or around 10 AM, his last one was OK, but Im not too chipper when it comes to these things and I am expecting her to get bad news tomorrow in which when that does happen, she'll fall apart in my arms and Ill havta put her back together. Do I want to? If thats what needs to be done? Hell YES! Id do it for one of you guys too. It isnt about what kind of love it is that I have for her but more so the fact that I just love her like I would any of you guys. The only difference is that I dont wanna make out with any of you guys and Id bet that her rack is a lot hotter than yours too. But yeah, its love, pure, raw love. She is the Mother of my child and a damn good Mama at that! Shes my baby girl. Well, thats what I call her. Im just preparing for the worst tomorrow. The cool thing is her Father has/is planning a trip to FLA. as a little getaway vacation for himself and his 16 yr. old Grand daughter. It will be nice for her to always have that memory. My ex's Dad is old school, tough as fucking nails, do or die kinda guy, but this cancer scare has gotten him to open up quite a lot. He has 2 daughters, one is very successful and has busted her ass to get to where she is now and the other one is a manipulative junkie who has all but torn that family to pieces. You think Im the black sheep of my family because Im sleeved and Ive had my share of runs ins with drugs? Shit, Teena makes me look like a role model citizen comparatively! Yeah, shes that bad. And she has 2 kids by 2 diff. Dads, you know, the whole 9 fucking yards. The state will not give her kids back to her, ever, because shes messed up so many times. Her son Calvin lives with his Dad which is cool and Franchessca, the16 year old girl, who is drop dead gorgeous lives with foster parents and Grandma gets her on the weekends. Not that you guys actually know anyone in my life to ruin me, but this shit stays right where it is, between brothers, ya dig? Man, I ramble, I really hope you hind this stuff interesting about me. I really do.

Gonna be another frigid day here tomorrow, wind chills in the teens, if not close to zero during the day. I drank a margarita tonight and it went right through me, whew. Strong one! Feels good though, but thats where I have to pull myself in and stop. One is enough for the night.

So is Mike M. gonna be around when Mikey S. comes to town? If so, you guys really should initiate him. Its time. I love Mike M. and I would love nothing more but to know that he is totally in the fold of the brotherhood.

McCain and Romney are going at it in FLA. tonight. And I JUST turned on Fox news and they have declared McCain the winner of FLA. I also feel that if Rudy G. is done is he doesnt finish at least 3rd tonight though. Im still backing one certain Republican. but yes, even I am fascinated with Barack. Id love to meet him actually, I think thatd be really neat. I just heard that Rudy Giuliani is gonna step down and his support goes to McCain, not good if youre a Romney person like I am!!!

This is ALL far from over. Super Tuesday will tell us a whole hell of a lot. There are still delegates to be won out there. I think itd be sweet if Mitt got in and then hired Giulini as Secretary of defense. Yeah, ok, Im really wishin now I shall sto!!!!!

So, what did you have for dinner tonight? I had Italian. Was good.

I love you sons a bitches....the brotherhood runs thick through here......

Winter is back!!!

---Yesterday it was mostly sunny and 45 degrees (I think)and now here we are with it being 15 degrees and terrible road conditions with blowing snow everywhere. Hows the weather there? Thanks for responding to my little rant PJB and Scott from last night.

I dont think we are to see any accumulation from this snowfall, but damn, it sucks out there right now.

PJ, business is closed today, you got a lot of personal runnin around to do? How the heck is C doing Scott? And your wife? How is she?

I see you guys managed to get Ian on board for Mike's homecoming, thats pretty damn cool, I havent seen him in ages.

What do you guys have in mind for that night? You guys gonna go out to eat, then wash it all down with like 445 beers?

Im doing a lot better than I was last night, I just wish this new medication wasnt so long acting and that it would just get into my system and start working. I bet ya when it does, Im gonna flip ass for a while too which is always great. Thats when my ex flips ass on me and bans me from seeing Ava. Ava knows Daddy has a boo boo in his mind, thats what we have told her and that Daddy sometimes doesnt think right or think in a normal way, so she kinda gets it, but yeah, I aint allowed around her when Im really flippin out, which I understand to a point. Her and I could go back and forth for hours with that one. Ah, the joys of being mentally fucked up.

Later taters---

Monday, January 28, 2008

In a nasty rut

---Brothers. Hello. Man, I am NOT liking life right now. I am in total love with a woman I cant have, Im in debt up to my damn elbows and my hair is thinning. I haven't seen some of you guys in well over 5 years now and all I wanna do is be bad and do things I shouldnt do. I am also severely mentally ill.

Its time to put on my Super Hero Cape and fly with the rest of the gang and be a good boy for all the right reasons.

My daughter.

Thats the only real reason I can find and if thats all I need then so be it, you know?

The ice is getting thin all around me and I dont wanna fall through. I dont wanna deal with those consequences, Im stronger than this. Im stronger than that. I am what I am because of what Ive gone through. Im old school, on top of the hill. Ive paid my damn dues and I dont wanna pay no more.

Will ONE of you guys get back to me and tell me its gonna be OK in the end?

This is a part of me I hide from the World, because the world doesnt like people like me when we are like this. If I cant confide in you guys, well then shit,theres no point in being a part of the brotherhood anymore either.

You and me, were like 2 and 3. We just fit. Im so jealous that a bunch of you are gonna be able to see Mike in a few weeks its not even funny. Im really happy for you guys, but oh so jealous! Over the past few days my email inbox has filled up with all kinds of OMI mail all pertaining to Mike's visit to Chicago and my head is so mixed up over it...not just over THAT though....Mike's Chicago visit hasnt triggered these feelings, Im just using it as an example we can all relate to. You guys are lucky and I hope you all feel that way!

My head is spinning so fast right now I forgot what my point was gonna be besides the fact that Im really happy for you guys but it sucks at the same time. Ive put a lot of blood,sweat and tears into this little blog and Im SO HAPPY you guys can come here everyday to enjoy it. It gives me something to look forward to. Weve had some great discussions and even greater arguments here on the blog, but we all always come back home to one another as brothers. Thats what makes me happy the most also.

Today, I was placed on one of the most SERIOUS Anti-Psychotic medications one can be put on. It will take weeks before it starts to work, but I must warn you, the side effects are also a bite in the ass, so please, just work with me if I seem to be having a "bad day". My treatment hit a wall today so Ive been bounced off that wall and my dr. and I are gonna go in a diff. direction, thats all.

I can say with the most certainty that if I didnt have a daughter right now who was smart, beautiful and all encompassing to me, I wouldnt be here.

I love you guys too those. Even those of you who are punk ass Liberals, hehe....


---Took me 15 mins. to replace the wiper blades on my car because I was reading the directions wrong, but they're all good now dog. Im sick and tired of hearing my Mother cry in pain so much because she feels lost. I wanna fucking hurt somebody.

Im sick of this nation getting a hard on over this fucking newly found black assed prince that has come from out of nowhere and I am sick of The Republican Party bickering and pointing fingers at one another.

Im really sick and FUCKING TIRED of hearing my Mom cry herself to sleep almost every night because my Dad left her with over 7 thousand dollars of debt to take care of. Its freaking her out and she feels trapped. There is nothing I can do there to help her, except listen and be extra supportive.

Living in fear sucks guys.

I JUST got put on a new medication today that is totally gonna fuck with me for weeks and weeks to come before I can get used to it too. This sucks.

How I am not still abusing drugs through out all of this is beyond me........

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Finally some warmth!

---Supposed to get into the upper 40s here today which will be a real nice change from what we've had over the past couple weeks. Did anyone catch any of Obama's speech last night? WOW! I do have to admit, it was amazing. And now he has Caroline Kennedy backing him. A FUCKING KENNEDY!!

Well, we had a decent run for a while, it was fun, but it looks as if its time to pass the torch onto the Dems. A fucking Kennedy isnt gonna back just anyone and I love how that was such a slap in the face to Bill and Hillary!

Im still gonna stick it out though and hope the man I like at least gets the GOP nomination. If Grandpa McCain slides in there, Im either not gonna vote or throw my vote away some other way.

People are saying that the S. Carolina speech Obama gave last night was one of the greatest speeches of all time.

Republicans had best pray Hillary gets in, she can be beat, but if Obama get in, thats it, bye bye.

Is the Nation ready for a black president though? A lot of the people you ask say it does not matter, but I have to disagree. Theres a shit load of Southern States that Obama will more than likely not win because he is black and you damn well know that there are plenty of people that plan on voting for him based on the color of his skin alone. Its just like saying Hillary should get well over 85-90% of the liberal, bitter, man hating female vote. This election is really a huge popularity race, the biggest one Ive ever seen. Its all split...Obama has the minority vote tacked down and Hillary has the female man haters and Clinton lover vote nailed. And shit, we Republicans cant even decide on a front runner! Love or hate the idea, its the truth. My ex has had people who work for the Obama campaign stop into her shop for one reason or another over the past several weeks and every single one of them has stated over and over how genuine of a man he is and how he means what he says. He has a lot of the youth behind him too because he is so fresh and different. A lot of people are sick of The Clinton Machine, they've already seen it once with Bill. If you dont already know, Bill has been out there slamming Hillary's opposition and it got so bad that he was even getting calls from big time liberals to knock it off.

Shit, if Hillary loses the nomination over Bills bullshit, shell fucking kill him---

Roll Call

Well we still have no time, date, or place yet. We do have a Maybe from Phil (as long as he is not traveling), a maybe from John M (if only Uncle Sam reworks his schedule), a maybe from Fred (so long as it happens some time between Feb 12th and 17th in the Rodgers Park area), a likely from Pete (after 8pm), and a likely from Scott (as long as he has a date set soon enough to find baby sitting).

Yesterday I left a message on Frank’s voice mail, we will see if he checks his voice mail more frequently than his Email. Unfortunately Aside from these few email addresses I no longer have a way to contact most of you. So what I am saying is aside from checking my mail box once a day I have done what I can. I don’t get out much as of late so I don’t have any clue as to where to meet aside from my own local. Maybe Pete could do us the favor and choose a place to meet? I think his local is more central to most of us, and either he or, maybe Mike M would likely know just what is available in that area.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


---Have a good weekend kids. PJB, I hope you sell a ton of merchandise. Scott, I hope you get some great quality time with your family, just the 3 of you, without bullshit interruptions.

And to the rest of you Offmen who cant find the time to take 3 mins. to hop on this blog to at least say hello, well, hell, I hope your weekend is good too!

Im headed down to the ex's shop in a few, gonna go be an over-protective Father and annoy customers at the same time. the ex gets all kinda of people in there, some young, some in between and some old. I like annoying the older ones cuz they dont like a man with lots and lots of tattoos and greased back hair, it should be fun!

Have a good one boys---

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tis Friday.

---Goodmorning Kats. Hows it hangin? All good here. Supposed to totally warm up here this weekend which will melt an assload of this snow which Im fine with I guess. It'll be nice because I can start greasing back the hair again, it was kinda pointless to do that when I was wearing a winter cap for so long as of recent. Its cloudy here today and somewhat cold, but rain by Sunday and 45.

Hows the shop goin PJB? Hows C Scott? I hope both of you are well. Im down to a fabulous 164 pounds now, I am all but to my ideal weight, so Im happy and a lot healthier.

Any ideas as to where I should put my OMI ink guys? I dunno where to put it! Not that Im gonna be able to afford any ink anytime in the immediate future but I like to plan ahead.

What are you guys doing this weekend? Ill be with the kid runnin around my ex's shop, annoying customers but having a fucking blast doing it!

Any of you guys have accounts on Youtube?

I will also step out on a limb here and say it will be Mitt vs. Hillary for the White House, which makes me, a Republican, quite happy. We can take her with Romney, I just hope to God that that fucking dinosaur of an old man McCain doesnt sneak his way in. I think the Clinton "machine" (Hill and Bill) have Obama right where the want him and lets face it, the Clinton team is hard to beat, they know how to win and they know whats up. Bill is one crafty SOB. I dont think Obama has the longevity to fight it out until the convention and the nomination. Sure, he'll win a few more states here and there, but I think his "super hero,rock star" persona is wearing thin and quickly at that. Ive even been hearing and seeing as of late that he is beginning to lost a lot of the black vote also. People can say all they want, but hell, race/gender is playin a big roll in this one. A lot of it will also depend on who they pick as running mates too. I also think that Rudy G. had the dumbest strategy I have ever seen in a Presidential candidate. Putting everything on FLA. which in polls Romney has the lead in anyways. Shit I think McCain is above Rudy in the polls there.---

Thursday, January 24, 2008

No title

---Hello boys. Man was it ever friggin cold last night. With the wind chill, I think I heard it got to be minus 31, needless to say I was not out in that. Got news yesterday that an Aunt of mine who I was pretty close to as a kid is on her death bed, shes dying of malnutrition, thats scary! At one point this lady was over 300 lbs, shes like 95 pounds now in hospice fading in and out of reality.

So, have you guys got your Mikey plans set in stone yet? He will be there soon if you do think about it. Damn, I wish I could see him AND all you guys, but theres just no damn way. We take possession of our new pad on the 15th and we will have a lot of painting to do, plus I dunno if I wanna put my car up to the test of another 500 plus mile trip to Chicago again right now. Just please, take LOTS and LOTS of pictures to be uploaded here once the fun is over, Id love to see them. I still also think that would be a great time to initiate Martin into the fold if he is around.

How are you guys? Is it freezin there? More later.---

---OK, its later. Just found out that the "nursing home" my Aunt was in has totally been neglecting her and abusing their powers over her by treating her this way. Nursing homes scare the hell out of me. The Dr's have not been straight up with my cousin (who has power of attorney) and now it has all caught up with them and my Aunt is going to die because of it. Sucks. Totally sucks. My Aunt was always good to me when I was younger. This is my Grandfathers ( or my Pa's) sister. Im not even nearly close to her anymore due to distance and what have you, but it still upsets me.

Its still below zero here at 1115 AM, but tonight I am going to see the kid, I dont care, I need an Ava fix. The ex's shop and online industry continues to grow and grow, making her more and more money which I am happy about.

I have a full bottle of pre made margaritas in the fridge chillin out and I havent even though about tappin into it as of yet, it just sits there and now I wonder why I wasted the 13 bucks on it to buy it after all. Eh, Ill get to it sometime. I was craving the taste of tequila the other night and now Im not so it doesnt sound appealing to me anymore, but the craving will come back and damnit, and I will be ready this time!!!

This whole primary election is wild! No real front runner and we are gettin ready to go into "Super Tuesday". This is gonna be one hell of a battle for The White House from both sides of the spectrum. I am still behind one certain candidate and I am happy to see him make it this far, because now, he is starting to be taken seriously.

Gonna be 45 here by Saturday, WOOHOO! Melt away all the ugly road snow. But hell, we'll get hit again soon enough, even though the weather guy on TV last night said that Feb. and March temps. look to be above normal.

Well, my fellow brethren, I bid thee a farewell for now, be safe, be smart and quit being so conformed to society and go get some more tattoos.! I hope you liked my little picture today. PJB, you should get your shops symbol inked on you somewhere, that would be cool. I still havta find a place to put my OMI ink.---

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

goodmorning fellas.

---Well, this morning I went to my usual weekly therapy session and dug at some stuff and now Im left feeling angry. Not to the point where I wanna punch walls or run people over with my car or anything that dramatic, but just angry.

Ever have one of those days, not therapy induced?

Im glad Im on all the pills I take or I swear youd be writing to me in prison by now. Im also thankful I have a great therapist, shes a life saver also.

Fucking snowing here again right now, supposed to get an inch, then the deadly wind chills set in over night. Minus 35. Fuck that. My ass aint moving tonight. Ill go see my daughter tomorrow night instead.

Whats going on over there? Anything?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Its gettin to be a 3 dog night!

---And no, I dont mean the group from the early 70's either. Its just damn cold here. Tomorrow night the temp is forecasted to be minus 11 WITHOUT the wind chill people and with the wind chills, little ole me will be looking at temps to be around 40 below!!! This is late tomorrow evening and overnight so thankfully I wont be out in it. Shit, I bet my car wouldnt start anyways.

We are looking at more snow later this week too.

Got some wind chills kicking ass up there?

I know this sounds stupid and I should have figured it out many many moons ago but this is the reason why 9 out of 10 bands will not tour the Mid West during these months. Shit they aint stupid.---

Winter woes yet continue some damn more.....

---Well, we only got like 2 inches out of this big, over hyped snow "storm" we got from yesterday and last night, but it was more than enough to cover the cars and streets. Its still brutally cold here, near zero with wind chills and I guess the big kicker comes to us tomorrow night when it will be minus 20 WITHOUT the wind chill and close to minus 35-40 with it. Screw that noise, I seriously doubt my car will start for that. I have plans to go eat with the kid and the ex tomorrow night, but I don't have my hopes up after hearing that weather forecast this morning.

Scott, your awesome snow blower impressed the hell outta me.

I watched some of the Democratic debate last night and again, I was only left slightly impressed with John Edwards. The Clinton(s) continue to spew forth their venom at Obama and he whines back at them like some little, helpless school boy. Edwards was the only one to raise above it. Good for him. Bill Clinton needs to go the fuck home and shut the fuck up, hes a punk ass little bitch. They are the worst political tandem I have ever seen in my life and that says a lot.

We have most of the packing wrapped up here. Just waiting to take possession of the new place which wont be for a little while yet. So we sit and wait and hope things get cleaned up here enough to get a decent amount of our deposit back.

Been listening to that 75 track "import" of Social D. stuff I got my hands on and it is short of spectacular! I had some of the stuff already from other "imports". but most of it was new to me. Its pretty damn good. Its funny hearing stuff from their demos that go back to like 80-82, Ness sounds like a 13 year old going through puberty, haha!

Alright men, enjoy your day, keep warm and lemme know whats up!!!

Monster Snow Blower Action!

Finally after umpteen snow events this season my donated snow monster from Minnesota is alive and running. Although I think this 8 horse power beast is total over kill for my drive way, it was after all free. We have been in position of this monstrosity since the first of December, how ever due to a small string of mechanical issues (all to be expected our vintage 1979 model) we have only this morning been able to break her out and let her tear things up. Yeah it was fun, especially the bottom of the drive where the plow had been, she didn’t slow at all. Now I just have to learn check the wind direction before I take her out for a spin… the wind blow a lot of the blown snow back at me and I came in looking like frosty.

Monday, January 21, 2008


---Ask almost any kid and they will tell you that this is just a day out of school and leave it at that. How do you handle explaining what today really is to your sons, PJB?

Im not sure yet how I will explain things to Ava about it, but I know the ex and I will be asked a lot of curious questions about MLK day in the years to come.

How about you Scott? How will you explain the legacy of MLK to C when the time is right?

Its snowing here AGAIN, but we are only supposed to see 1-3 out of this blast of flakes, then that damn artic cold snap comes back down over us by mid week.

Hey PJB, how is Mike M. doing? I havent seen him on here in ages, is he all good?

You guys got any snow over there?---

Monday morning blues

---Well, it seems like you guys are about to wrap up your plans with the Poobah which is cool, someone, ANYONE, PLEASE take pictures! Nothing exciting to report here, we are expected to get another 2-4 inches of the white stuff today, which doesn't make me wanna jump for joy, but it doesn't upset me either, Ill just stay in all day then. This weather does leave me a little depressed though one of the main reasons is because I cant take my Ava sledding in sub zero temperatures, too dangerous for her and hell, for me too!

I think when the Poobah is in town if you guys end up going out, or dont end up going out, you should officially induct Martin into the fold (if he is around) with some kind of initiation, he has been too lucky for too long. I don't think its very fair to have his initiation involve alcohol, simply cuz its dangerous in some ways and Id put serious money down on the fact that Mr. Martin could easily drink ALL OF YOU way under the table. You should throw some suggestions out here on the blog, I would be honored if I could at least help to figure out what can be done by or to him to complete his fold into the family. Mr. Martin, I love you =)

I want you guys to have a good week, keep warm and fill me in on your daily happenings when you can, okies?

By the way Mikey, this is Tippy. The "Sickboy" tag is just a reference to a Social D song, thats all. Ive become dangerously obsessed with the band for about 7 or 8 years now.

One last thing, PJB, your knowledge of bikes and all the trimmings (so to speak) frightens me. You know your shit and its very impressive. Your blog is lookin good too, I check on it everyday.---

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Schweis visits, but doesn't know who he'll see

So, here's my last comment I made on my original post regarding Melissa and I coming to Chicago 2/11-2/17 for Maslov's nuptuals (to a woman). Feel free to look at the original thread if you're the kind of person who likes context for reading. But let's firm this stuff up.


Pete - Tuesday could work well, and sounds like it would be fine for Scott too.
Scott - thanks for offering your house. That could work for us if it works well for the others. Besides Illinois, I'm not sure exactly where most of you are living these days.
So - let's say a strong tentative on Tuesday evening, with a potential for either Scott's place or a restaurant. We're staying mainly in Rogers Park.
Scott - you're in Elgin these days, right?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Whew, survived the cold cold cold

---What are you guys lookin at up there as a temp. for tomorrow? I think we are gonna land it pretty close to what it was today. Right now, with the wind chill its about minus 11. This shit gets old fast but it puts me in a rough place.

I effin HATE the dead heat of Summer now, you know those "dog days" when its like 92 degrees with the humidity being 98%? Yeah, hate em. But on nights like this, I hate winter and we are due for another 3 inches of the white flakes tomorrow too. Im happy during autumn. At least we are moving into a new pad here that has central air, the place we are at right now didnt, and that made for some SERIOUSLY hot and humid as hell days this past summer!

My car didnt wanna turn over this AM, but I was gentle to her and she eventually gave in. Once shes warm she runs like a top in this weather.

Finally got all my dates right, we take possession of the new pad on the 15th of Feb. and our moving day is the 25th of Feb. Gives us plenty of time to finish packing, clean this place up and out and get over to the new crib and paint everything before we get in there.

I know I said it before, but my daughter has her lil party tomorrow with all her pre school buddies at a place called Jumping Jacks. They have all this stuff set up in there that kids can jump on and get crazy and dive into those plastic balls and shit. I wanna bounce, but I bet they may not like that too much even though diving into a 5 ft. deep pool of plastic balls while holding Ava's hand sounds awesome!

Enjoy your Sunday's people. And Mr. Poobah, Sir, once again I am truly sorry that I will not be able to see when you venture into the Chicago land area.---

Too damn cold to think straight

---Goodmorning brothers. It minus 16 right now with the wind chill, stupid fucking cold. I tried to talk the ex into not opening up her shop today, she really didn't need to, but of course, no one listens to, or let alone respects me. So, Ill be down there in a couple hours helpin out with things freezin to death cuz the radiators in her shop SUCK! I just dont like having my kid out in this bone chillin cold.

How cold is it there? I think were gonna see more snow tomorrow which sucks because tomorrow my daughter has her birthday party at one of those kiddie places with all her friends from pre-school which she will enjoy. Im excited for her.

Im happy for you guys that will get to see Mike next month too. Damn, I wish I could make that, but theres just no way I can, I even laid in bed last night and thought about ways but couldnt come up with one that wouldnt leave my Mom out in the cold so to speak, so I cant do that to her, theres just no way.

The ONLY thing I ask is that someone take LOTS of pictures for me to see, ok? Id appreciate that!

Well, keep warm and let me know whats goin on in your lives....---

Friday, January 18, 2008

Maslov Gets Married - Poobah to Visit Chi-Town

Fuck. I just wrote a whole posting about coming to town and fucked it up trying to insert a picture.

The posting was very clever and included important dates and information about Melissa and I coming home for a visit. Thoughts on all of us getting together. Beginnings of a plan for a visit. And then I tried to insert a picture of me in a turban and screwed it all up.

Well, here's the blasted picture of me at my friend Steve Singh Gulati's Sikh wedding where I was given the honor of wearing a properly wrapped turban. It was awesome. I doubt that this attire will work at Mark's wedding.

Here's the important facts:

Melissa and I arrive in Chicago ready to visit and hang out on Monday 2/11.

Mark's rehearsal dinner is Friday 2/15, but we can skip it if that's the night to get us all together.

He get's married on 2/16 and we leave the next morning.

When and where can we get a bunch of us together? Can someone host? Should it be in a restaurant? Let's get some ideas and dates going, as our visit is coming up fast.

I'm looking foward to seeing a bunch of you again soon.

The duplex and the cold, what a combo!

---Well, we officially signed the lease for the duplex this AM and we will take possession on the 15 of next month I think. Our landlord is super nice, very laid back, all around good guy.

We went to Menards earlier and bought a crap load of painting supplies so we can be ready to paint as soon as we can get in there. We went out yesterday and picked up all the new bathroom decor too. I havent decided on what Im going to decorate my walls with yet, any ideas? My room will be painted a light gray.

It is BRUTALLY COLD here today. The kind of cold that takes your breath away stuff. Gloves, hats...all that shit is needed. The sun is out right now, but it doesnt matter, its just too cold to do anything. All the snow that didnt get plowed or what was left behind by plows has become a tightly packed sheet of ice snow which has made traveling in certain parts of town fun. They dont do the side streets too well here. And the "bad parts" of town? Shit, they dont plow them at all.

My 4 CD Social D box set came yesterday and it friggin rocks! The only beef I had about it was the fucking moron who packaged it did a terrible job considering it was coming from somewhere in Germany and by time it made it to me, the jewel case was totally destroyed due too bad packing and customs agents being assholes. So now each CD has it own case that I had found around here, thankfully, I was able to rescue the track listing! God damn good for nothing Germans. But like I said, the set in itself is awesome, a lot of stuff I didnt have.

Well, boys keep warm this weekend, its supposed to be really bad here tomorrow. What ya got going on this weekend?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter Wonderland

---Well, we got hit by our first real snow storm of the season last night, about 6 inches. Its so beautiful out. Im dreading this weekend though, the high temp. here on Saturday is 3. Yes, you read that right my friends, 3.

We have over 90% of our stuff packed up and ready to go. My Mom seems to be doing better already now that she knows we have a new place to call home very soon. Like I have said, its not about forgetting Den, its just about my Mom and I moving on to the next phase of our lives now that he is gone. This has to be done, for both myself and my Mom.

PJ, you and Tif keep coming up with great ideas for your shop, I know this may be a hard time of year to sell a whole lot of bikes, but come Spring, you guys will be slammed with work.

How is everyone else? Seems like this blog has dwindled down to the 3 of us...myself, Scott and PJB. Where is Steve? Havent seen him on here for quite some time either!

I broke down like a weak minded fool and bought a huge ass bottle of pre made margaritas. I know I shouldnt do that, but Im craving some tequila, yummy!---

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

We got it!

---Just wanted to share the good news. We have managed to land the duplex property without any troubles and I think we will be lookin at a move in date of the 25th. It will be so nice to not have noisy fucking neighbors! We just got word this afternoon and we are VERY excited!

We also have somewhat of a little major snow storm passin on through right now, it really started coming down about 45 mins. ago and it is supposed to get really heavy after midnight tonight and last through sometime tomorrow with totals in the 3-6 inch range for where we are, making this the 1st really big snowfall of the season for us. Doesnt matter much to me, I have a fresh carton of smokes, a big ole friggin bottle of Margaritas and plenty of food.

I fell asleep during the Democratic debate last night so I dont know who said what, all I know is just looking at Hillary makes me ill. Since there are NO front runners for either party, I guess we will havta wait and see what "Super Tuesday" does. I dunno, Im still behind Romney, but I dont see him sticking around much longer, at least not much longer past Super Tuesday. Maybe I just wont vote this election. Who knows.

How are you guys doing? Are you guys due for any snow?---

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This and that.

---Its friggin cold here. I think today is the warmest day of the week and thats with a high temp. of 28. Well, today there is a very good chance we should hear back about the duplex as we are busy packing our asses off. I think there is a Democratic debate on the boob tube tonight, I may havta check that out.

So, what are you guys up to? I scored some free nicotine lozenges through an Iowa quitline program and they arrived yesterday so now I actually have "armor" in the battle to quit sucking down lung rockets. We will see what happens. Im also getting ready to try to sell off two computers that are no longer going to be used here in the household, my old one and the one Den used to use. My Mom wants it out because it reminds her of him too much and I understand where she is coming from. She can use my new computer to check her email and her favorite sites, I already set her up with a user name and account on this p.c.

Im going to go have dinner tonight over at the ex's so I can see her and spend time with the small (Ava, as we like to call her at times. We have such an interesting relationship the ex and I, Im not even gonna start explaining it here, it would take forever, but were good now, have been for a while...All for the kid for the most part, but her and I are still totally in love. Its an odd situation I tells ya. Our biggest obstacle right now is politics, which I just dont bring up, me being the more conservative one and her being the bleeding heart, woe is me, we are the world, cant we just all get along liberal. I think shes behind Obama right now, so I just dont mention him. She keeps trying to convince me there is no way in hell a Republican is gonna take the White House this election, but I still hold on and beg to differ.

Social D. is about 2 and a half weeks out from completing this leg of their tour and after that, Im betting they go into the studio for a few months to begin laying tracks for the new album, so they can tour the hell out of it all summer into this coming fall. Ive managed to hear 2 new songs that should be on the new album and they were really damn good. Mike Ness just gets better with age as a musician and songwriter. Yep, Social D., gambling with souls since '79. They put the punk scene from Southern CA. on the map back in the day and they really are the only band left from that first fringe wave of punk rock bands that are still alive and kickin which says a hell of a lot.

So, whats up on your end, anything good or interesting?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Corpse Wheeled to Check-Cashing Store Leads to 2 Arrests

Published: January 9, 2008

Even for the once-notorious Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, it may have been a first: Two men were arrested on Tuesday after pushing a corpse, seated in an office chair, along the sidewalk to a check-cashing store to cash the dead man’s Social Security check, the police said.

When Virgilio Cintron, 66, died at his apartment at 436 West 52nd Street recently, his roommate and a friend saw an opportunity to cash his $355 check, the police said.

They did not go about it the easy way, the police said, choosing a ruse that resembled the plot of “Weekend at Bernie’s,” a film about two young men who prop up their dead employer to pretend that he is alive.

“Hell’s Kitchen has a rich history,” said Paul J. Browne, a police spokesman, “but this is one for the books.”

There was no sign of foul play in Mr. Cintron’s death, he added.

The roommate, James P. O’Hare, and his friend, David J. Dalaia, both 65 and unemployed, placed Mr. Cintron’s body in the chair and wheeled it around the corner, south along Ninth Avenue on Tuesday afternoon, the police said. The men parked the chair with the corpse in front of Pay-O-Matic at 763 Ninth Avenue, a check-cashing business that Mr. Cintron had patronized.

They went inside to present the check, but a clerk said Mr. Cintron would have to cash it himself, and asked where he was, the police said.

“He is outside,” Mr. O’Hare said, indicating the body in the chair, according to Mr. Browne.

The two men started to bring the chair inside, but it was too late.

Their sidewalk procession had already attracted the stares of passers-by who were startled by the sight of the body flopping from side to side as the two men tried to prop it up, the police said. The late Mr. Cintron was dressed in a faded black T-shirt and blue-and-white sneakers. His pants were pulled up part of the way, and his midsection was covered by a jacket, the police said. While the two men were inside the check-cashing office, a small crowd had gathered around the chair. A detective, Travis Rapp, eating a late lunch at a nearby Empanada Mama saw the crowd and notified the Midtown North station house.

Police officers and an ambulance arrived as the two men were trying to maneuver the corpse and chair into the check-cashing office.

The two men were taken into custody and questioned. The police said they were considering charging them with check-cashing fraud.

Mr. Cintron’s body was taken to a hospital morgue. The medical examiner’s office said its preliminary assessment was that he had died of natural causes within the past 24 hours.

I love this country

Home sweet home

---Well, we found an adorable duplex we are more than likely gonna grab up, these jagbags with the house are going into week 2 of a supposed credit check and we cant wait anymore.

We will know by tomorrow if we land this duplex or not. We are both very anxious and scared, but it should be worth it.---

---UPDATE! Well, we just found out a little while ago that the home owners decided to rent the house to some friends last week and they just decided to let us know now. Pricks. They could have called us last Friday to tell us that, we could have been out all weekend looking for a new place to live, what would have been so hard about that? Like I said though, we will know tomorrow or Weds. what is going to happen with the duplex. Its pretty cozy, my Mom and I agreed that we both like it enough to go for it, so we did. All we wait for now is to get results of the credit check back. The owner of the duplex seems super nice and cool too, real laid back. Its a split level, bedrooms and bathroom are upstairs. Kitchen pretty basic and standard, dishwasher and what have ya. Unfinished basement (which leaves plenty of room for storage) washer/dryer. Lots of windows for plenty of natural light, all in all, pretty decent for a duplex. The neighborhood is excellent, one of the best areas of Des Moines in itself which is great. The only small set back is there is no garage to park in and come spring I will have a hell of a lot to mow, but Ill start worrying about that come April and not right now. Tenants do have to mow and shovel, but he gave us the # to a guy that'll shovel the place all out for 25 bucks and I dont mind the mowing. Maybe I will be able to score a used POS riding mower at a garage sale come spring.

Well boys, thats my living arrangements update, more to come as they develop.---

Sunday, January 13, 2008

interesting facts.

Bank of America, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business
with you any longer.

The Bank: Why?

Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's
right. I'm taking my business elsewhere.

The Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we
can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number?

Customer: (gives account number)

The Bank: For security purposes and for your protection, can you please
give me the last four digits of your social security number?

Customer: No?

The Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to
help you, I'll need verification of who you are.

Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm
closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal
immigrants who don't have social security numbers. You are targeting that
audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and
you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for
assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you?

The Bank: No sir, I wouldn't.

Customer: Why not?

The Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't
ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line.

I provided 'snopes' for doubters:

Now, I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until
they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have
included the URL's for verification of the following facts.

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as
food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school
education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of
English! < >

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born
children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare &
social services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are
caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two
and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their
children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that
crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from
Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin
and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland
Security Report: <>

12. The National Policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass
deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of
between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.'

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to
their countries of origin. <>

14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes
Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States '.
< leshtml>

The total cost is a whooping 338.3 BILLIONS each year!


---Im not gonna get all political on you guys or start in on my distaste for illegals. I just thought these staggering numbers would really make you think...the annual cost friggin floored me.

I am not gonna jump in on this one, unless someone wishes me to, thats it, no strings attached, no drama, no calling Tippy a racist and so on. These numbers and data was shocking to me! Even for me, who dis likes border jumpers so much and who has studied a little bit about it, I had no idea it was this bad.---

Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Friday.

---I am in a much better mood tosay than I have been over the last couple of days and apologize to those I jumped on for NO reason whatsoever (Scott). Its not too bad of a day here, sunny, temp. around 25, but a warm, sunny 25 and no precip. in sight for the next several days.

I think my Mom has had it with being drug along with these homeowners. First they told us it would be Mon or Tues. for an answer, than we got held up cuz one of our reference numbers were wrong, then they said it'd be Weds. or Thurs. Well, here it is Friday and we got nothin. No phone call, no fuck offs, nothing. I think tonight my Mom is just gonna call them and tell them hey, we are in limbo here and we could be using all this wasted time looking for another place to live, so whats up, really? I cant blame her, tension within the house has been high as of late. I am trying my best to hold her up and be there for her considering she is still grieving the loss of Den....I dunno, like always, Ill let you guys know what happens, who knows maybe we will get a phone call today.

What in the hell happened to everyone on this blog? It seems like the only contributers now are myself, PJB and Scott! Did we lose Martin and Maslov in the mix up somewhere?

I should have copied and pasted part of the article to the blog here because now I cant find it, but there is some bar here in the Midwest (I think) that wants to ban profanity at its establishment. C'mon, no cussing at a bar? Are you kidding me?

Speaking of bans and no nos, the entire state of Illinois just went smoke free as of Jan. 1st, didnt it? Ours did not but there have been a lot of restaurants around town that have designated hours for smokers only, especially for the weekend crowds. Pretty much every eating establishment has gone smoke free during their weekend hours of business, or you have to wait until after like 7 PM.

Im not sure when we are supposed to get hit with another round of winter weather, but I figure it cant be too far off. I still needs to take the kid sledding.

I watched the Republican Debate last night and Fred Thompson was on fire! He looked great! Not that that is gonna change anything but I just thought it was nice to see a huge under dog like himself get into it and blast away at some of his fellow Republicans who have been giving him shit from the get go. Huckabee needs to sit down and shut the hell up. I seriously wont vote if he gets our parties nod for the ballot. Hes an assbasket. Right now, Im still backing the same person I always was, even though, he prolly wont last much longer, then from there, who knows? Im not gonna give my newly felt opinion about Obama because it will sound racist and pre-judgemental and we all know how I feel about ole Hillary.

Enjoy your day and your weekend, Ill be around, here and there, the ex and the kid are headed up North where my ex's parents are to celebrate my kid's B day this weekend, so Im free as a bird.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Nice, real nice Jackass

---So I see that that loser John Kerry is backing, wasnt Edwards his runnin mate in the last election?

Wow, what an assbasket.

Way to be loyal to a friend or anything for that matter John---

Yet we STILL WAIT!!!!

---Well, today should be the day. We spoke with the home owners last night and they are waiting for 2 more of our references to call them back, then the "background check" should be complete.

Supposed to get an inch of snow today biggie there.

Scabs from ink work about 95% gone. Looks good.

Ill update this later on when I have more to say, I just wanted to let you guys know whats going on with the house situation.---

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

we still yet await...

---Hi guys, whats goin on? Its cloudy and chilly here but no rain..yet. The primary elections are leaving me with tons of questions concerning a little bit of everything, including my own Republican party!

We STILL havent heard about the house, I am dangerously anxious about the whole thing now. How about that, as Im sittin here typin this blog entry the Sun just came out!

The kid is fine, still off the wall crazy, but good.

What are you all up to?---

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thats President Obama to you, Mister.

---Today wasnt so much a bad day really. How was yours? Sell anymore bikes PJ?

Well, I dont know about you, but Obama is off to a very good start. He reminds me a lot of Malcolm X when he used to speak in public. VERY charismatic. I am just paying attention now that Im pretty sure McCain is the winner in New Hampshire. Good for you, ya old ass son of a bitch. I cant wait for super Tuesday, THAT will be interesting. My ex had quite a few of his (Obama's) aides pass through her shop while the Caucus was gettin hot here and they all said he is a very heartfelt man who really wants to turn this nation around for ALL people, hes sick of the dems vs. the GOP bullshit. Like I stated in a previous reply, Im not 100% sure of him yet, but I am honestly listening to what he says right now. Stupid ass Republicans have no hard core front runner either. We'll see what time does, Nov. is a way off. Im still with Romney right now.

We will know about the house tomorrow, they are runnin the background checks right now because they called a friend to get a reference. Pretty tough process to go through to just rent a home, I know, but then again, in todays time, I wouldnt want some Joe Blow from off the street living in a house that makes me income, ya gotta play it safe, so we understand.

more later boys---

Monday, January 07, 2008


---So, I just heard its gonna get up to 61 degrees there today? WTF? Its about 42, 43 here right now with clouds everywhere. We still have large patches of snow all over the place and its that kinda snow you love to hate, all dirty and nasty looking. So I figure it either needs to all melt away or we need some new, fresh snow to cover it up. I think we are forecasted for rain today.

Ive been watching the news a bit lately. Its fun to watch Hillary act and sound so desperate for support. I dunno though, I dunno.....if election day was tomorrow, I just dont know.....I prolly wouldnt even vote. Sad, but true. I watched the Republican roundtable last night which was interesting, but Im sick and tired of all these politicians just sittin there talking smack about one another, just GET TO THE ISSUES! How do you feel about gun control? Abortion? Illegals? taxes? Terrorism?

Once "Super Tuesday" gets here, which I think is on Feb. 5th, you will see a lot of candidates drop out after that. I have a feeling that Hillary is gonna stick it out til the bitter end like she says she is though. And she still has that fucking idiot Bill following her around like a lost puppy. SEND BILLY BACK HOME!

President Obama it is, I think. I still dunno if I could vote for the man though.

How do you guys feel about it?

We should hear back from the people concerning the house today or tomorrow, Ill fill you guys in as soon as we find something out, they had to run my mom's credit first to see how much shes worth to determine the rent every month...weird, I know!

I also wanted to take the time to give MAD props to PJ's Cambell Street Bike Shop's blog, it friggin rocks. I am very happy for you and Tif that things have started to go off in the right direction for you as a new budding business.

My Ava turns 5 today!!!! 5!!!!! My gosh, where did the time go? Shes so smart and so big, its hard for me to not get emotional on her birthdays. My Mom and I will be heading over there tonight for present opening and cake.

Have you ever given any serious thought to becoming a vegetarian? For reals? Go ahead jump all over me, My hero, Mike Ness has been an avid veggie for years and years now and I just wonder how in God's name he can pull that off while being on tour? That has to be super difficult. When I met him and once we got to really talking he said there are 2 things in life that'll kill you, those being heroin and fried chicken. I guess and have heard that he takes pretty decent care of himself. I mean he's not out jogging every morning, but he watches what he eats and has been drug and alcohol free since the mid 80s. I think the births of his 2 sons had a lot to do with that...starting to watch out for yourself.

My low life ex sister in law called my ex last night and was crying to come get picked up from her boyfriends house. Supposedly he burnt her with a smoke and had slammed her into the ground. Now, with my ex sis in law, theres a ENORMOUS chance she may have started shit and hit him first, she done that before. Its just a messy situation. She stayed at my ex's last night and went ino the drs. office today. I guess she doesnt wanna press charges either because this great BF of hers has a 10 year sentence hanging over his head if he fucks up again

The bottom line is shes a recovering meth addict and a hard one at that. I made damn sure she was out of that house early this morning when I talked to the ex because I didnt want her near my kid. Trust me, I know how addicts are fresh outta rehab, they are very dangerous. I hope the best for her though, but I dont have my hopes up.---

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Change is coming, I think

---Well, I think Mr. Obama will be the next bossman of The united States. I have honestly and openly have taken the time to listen to him speak and that SOB is one charismatic man.

I thought Id never hear myself say this, but maybe he IS the right one to do the job next! Now dont get me wrong, Im not gonna be a liberal Democrat, but I am opening up to change. Plus the GOP has no strong front runner as of now. Right now, my support is heading in Romney's direction, but it looks like if he doesnt take the primary in New Hampshire this coming week, he is all but done for.

I still like Rudy and his stance on the war against terror and I think he has a decent proposal for illegals entering our country. I really wish Fred Thompson had entered the race earlier so he could have gained more support and more money, I like him too.

But as long as Hillary continues to make an ass of herself on national TV during debates and rallies, Im one happy mother fucker.

Not just naked pictures

It occurred to me the other day that I would be interested in hearing what one of Americas most vocal proponents of free speech would have to say about our current batch of presidential candidates.
But not really wanting to go to the store to buy Hustler Magazine, i did a little web search and found a fairly entertaining site.
there is still a little adult content, but some interesting political ramblings as well.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Good Saturday to you all!

---How is everyone?

I am gonna be full of child today and then tomorrow I will be packing. No, we wont know about the house until this coming Monday or Tuesday, but we still gotta keep things moving in the right direction anyways. Its pretty warm here today, gonna get up to around 45, clear skies, I think we have RAIN coming in for Monday. RAIN, not snow. Interesting.

So it looks as if the Dems. have a really strong front runner and thats not even cutting Hillary out of the picture, shes still gonna win a few states here and there if not more. Thats what concerns me, the Republicans have no show of force, no front man to wage war against a strong Democratic leader if the need be during all the primaries and what have you. Sure, we still havent seen what Rudy can do, but I dont have my hopes up. Im still not backing a candidate 100% yet either.

Maybe one of us should email our "Grand Poobah" to see if he is still out there. I aint gonna do it, I do enough for this blog.

Ava's Birthday is Monday, she will be 5. Damn, 5 already! Gonna have to go out tomorrow and grab her up one more gift. Kids gettin way to big way too fast.

Well, thats all from my end. Politics suck, its gonna rain and my kids gettin too big........---

Friday, January 04, 2008


---Why does Hillary keep bragging about "35 years" of experience? In what? Politics, um, no, she was married to Bill while he was Gov. and thought she had some political pull while Billy boy was in office.

She needs to come clean and tell the voters what her "35 years" of experience is in.


Mike Huckabee?

---Well, last night was the Caucus. Obama and Mike Huckabee won. I didnt caucus for either of the two. I am very, very curious now as to see how far this will carry for Mr. Obama and I can also guarantee you there are plenty of Eastern states that will have nothing to do with Mr. Huckabee. Obama frightens me because he is almost too perfectly charismatic and acts nothing like the other Democratic candidates and well, Huckabee has no staying power.

You know whos royally pissed off this morning which I think is great? Good 'ole Hillary. Hah, screw that bitch! She can blame her husband for her demise in the state of Iowa. I think someone sees slick ass Willy and they are reminded of what already once was and want something new and different. If I were her, Id send his ass back to New York to sit down and hush up.

My new tattoo work still hasnt fully healed, I still have some scabbing and crazy, mad itching, but its getting there.

Still no word on the house yet guys, Ill let you know as soon as I hear something. We are continuing to pack though.

Scott, hows the journaling going? Hows the shop PJB? Where the hell is everyone else around here, did they just give up on us? Mr. Martin and Maslov used to come in every now and then to chat, but as of late...nothing!

I hope this finds all of you doing good. More later..........---

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Awful Joke

Just popping in to post this Joke.

Dear Abby,
My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning, and, when I confront him, he denies everything. What’s worse, everyone knows that he cheats on me. It is so humiliating.

Also, since he lost his job six years ago, he hasn’t even looked for a new one. All he does all day is smoke cigars, cruise around and bullshit with his buddies while I have to work to pay the bills. Since our daughter went away to college he doesn’t even pretend to like me and hints that I may be a lesbian. What should I do?

Signed: Clueless

Dear Clueless:
Grow up and dump him. Good grief, woman. You don’t need him anymore!
You’re a Senator from New York running for President of the United States.
Act like one.

E, hope you enjoyed it.
happy new year

Too cold for comfort!

---Well, today wasnt too bad of a day even though I didnt get out much, its just been so bitter cold here the past couple days it steals away all your motivation. The cold and the snow did remind of one thing early this morning as I stood, glaring out my balcony windows at the snow, with the frigid breeze whipping its way though the large pine trees we have here in the complex.

Scott, do you remember the time me, you and Mike S. went cross country skiing, in what I think was Busse woods? It was pretty dark at the time I remember that and it was literally right after we had gotten nailed by a heavy snowfall. Hell, I must have been 17 or so at the time. It was a lot of fun. We started out from your old house Scott. There was deep snow everywhere. Every winter, that memory always crosses my mind and I smile every time I think about it.

Well, I just dropped an assload of money on a extremely rare Social D. "import" today from Germany, 75 songs over 4 CDs. Cannot wait to get it. All unreleased material.

I will admit, I am very happy the holidays are now officially behind all of us, they were really weird and kinda hard to work through at times without Den not being here. It was really rough on my poor Mom though. Im glad its over. 2008 needs to be good to us...good to us ALL!

Still havent heard anything about the house we want...yet. They said theyd get back to us by week's end. Regardless, we have started packing stuff up already. I HATE packing.

We have the big ass Caucus here tomorrow night, so the spotlight of The Nation is upon Iowa right now. Every darn news station you can think of has a satellite truck set up downtown here. I guess this is where it all begins...the official road to the White House! It will be interesting to see how many of the candidates pack it in after Iowa. I will more than likely go down to caucus headquarters tomorrow night to put in my 2 cents and cast my vote for who I like as of right now, should be exciting!

Hows your week going?

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Old journal entries, New Journal entries

Today 01.01.08 I restarted (as planned) my journal program. Since around 1992 (and sporadically before as early as 1985) I have kept a hand written journal. Mostly shit from my gut jotted down before bed. For the entire year of 2007 I refrained, as my writings had become very negative. I hope with ambition that resuming this habit I am able to give to those I write for a better perspective of my hart, and its intentions and motivations along with that optimism that drives me most of the time. On top of that I hope to include a better perspective on where I am. Earlier I took a peek at an old journal of mine and was alarmed to see that it made little sense to my self. See for your self entry dated 10/19/93.

“ Come on give it to me so that I may destroy it with anger is back again where it came from I’m not sure it seems that I am very anxious to flatten every bodies ego’s these days. If I feel there’s wrong doing, I feel I must stomp it out especially hypocrisy, yes that one still haunts me I couldn’t say why even to C sorry I don’t know what to say maybe I need some time alone, maybe a day to get reacquainted with my self, I am not sure. I wonder about my relation ships, babble babble. I can not seem to handle much of my parents. I feel like they are total strangers, I see them and talk to them but it seems most of the time don’t know what to say to them and they don’t know what to say to me… My friends they are cool I can usually talk with them but not always, it seems their own shit is always more important unless they want something. I see many people do it to F and it’s simply not right. But what or how do you say shit like this to people who hurt you with out hurting them or turning them upon you to hurt you more… stupid games, I should quit! Some days I will find my self very jealous of other people just talking and hanging out, not always but most. I rationalize the reality of it is not justifiable or right. But still it happens man that’s getting me and it sure is confusing, maybe it is just me to many little focused pictures all at once. Today’s antidote (written above a drawing of a hand flipping the bird) 10/19/93.”

I think I was living with Frank at the time… but I know nothing else of the day. Any how it was fun to reread and speculate, hope you find it the same. I was just thinking that I should not make the same mistakes in my writings.

Jan. 1st, 2008

---Good Lord its 2008 already, can you believe it. You know the saying, the older you get, the more time flies....

My New Years Eve experience was kinda a let down, but I got over it pretty easily. I was hangin out with my daughter and the ex and around 900 she started getting real tired and she was already pissed off because for some odd reason her DVD player would not let the DVD play correctly. She got The Simpsons movie for Christmas. and we were gonna watch it while the kid did this and that and played. Ava wont sit in front of the TV but for 5 mins. if something is on that she doesnt like. Anyways, I didnt wanna be an asshat and try to force my ex to stay up and 9 nights out of 10, Ava wont go to sleep until Mommy goes anyways, so I just gave up on the idea of ringin in the new year with her and just tucked them into their beds and left. I was disappointed a little, but I got over it cuz I dont really give a damn about stupid New Years anyways. So, I came home and I was asleep by 11. I woke up and looked at my clock and it was 1155, so I got up and waited 5 mins. for the New Year, had a smoke, then fell back to sleep until this AM.

What did you guys end up doing last night?

PJ, did you get to go on your ride this morning with anyone? What did you do Scott?

All these fucking politicians are all but living in Iowa right now cuz the Caucus is in a few days. Its crazy, you wouldnt believe all the campaign ads runnin and how many phone calls Ive gotten from certain political offices looking for support. Ill Caucus, sure, I already know who Im gonna caucus for, so Im all set. My ex's shop is located across the street from where the democratic caucusing will take place.

We are still waiting to hear back from the home owners as to whether we will get that house or not, they said we'd know this week. If we dont land this house, we will just end up in another apartment again. My Mom just wants a fresh start and I totally support her decision because everything here reminds her of Den. Im getting better and better with it, but shes still shakin up quite a bit.

Oh and with the wind chill, it minus 10 here today! Thankfully, the sun is out, I dont wanna know how bad it would be if the sun wasnt out. Im not moving, my kids not moving, my moms not moving and neither is the ex. We are all staying in where its warm.

Well, setting aside all our disagreements about politics, music and other things in life, I hope your 2008 is FULL of love, happiness, prosperity and may your 2008 dreams become 2008 realities!---