Sunday, January 27, 2008

Finally some warmth!

---Supposed to get into the upper 40s here today which will be a real nice change from what we've had over the past couple weeks. Did anyone catch any of Obama's speech last night? WOW! I do have to admit, it was amazing. And now he has Caroline Kennedy backing him. A FUCKING KENNEDY!!

Well, we had a decent run for a while, it was fun, but it looks as if its time to pass the torch onto the Dems. A fucking Kennedy isnt gonna back just anyone and I love how that was such a slap in the face to Bill and Hillary!

Im still gonna stick it out though and hope the man I like at least gets the GOP nomination. If Grandpa McCain slides in there, Im either not gonna vote or throw my vote away some other way.

People are saying that the S. Carolina speech Obama gave last night was one of the greatest speeches of all time.

Republicans had best pray Hillary gets in, she can be beat, but if Obama get in, thats it, bye bye.

Is the Nation ready for a black president though? A lot of the people you ask say it does not matter, but I have to disagree. Theres a shit load of Southern States that Obama will more than likely not win because he is black and you damn well know that there are plenty of people that plan on voting for him based on the color of his skin alone. Its just like saying Hillary should get well over 85-90% of the liberal, bitter, man hating female vote. This election is really a huge popularity race, the biggest one Ive ever seen. Its all split...Obama has the minority vote tacked down and Hillary has the female man haters and Clinton lover vote nailed. And shit, we Republicans cant even decide on a front runner! Love or hate the idea, its the truth. My ex has had people who work for the Obama campaign stop into her shop for one reason or another over the past several weeks and every single one of them has stated over and over how genuine of a man he is and how he means what he says. He has a lot of the youth behind him too because he is so fresh and different. A lot of people are sick of The Clinton Machine, they've already seen it once with Bill. If you dont already know, Bill has been out there slamming Hillary's opposition and it got so bad that he was even getting calls from big time liberals to knock it off.

Shit, if Hillary loses the nomination over Bills bullshit, shell fucking kill him---

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